Page 82 - Studio International - December 1968
P. 82
Publishers and presses
The Collectors Press of 2 Jerome Alley, San Fran framed according to the artist's specifications. Other Ltd) was published this autumn. The set consists of
cisco, California 94133, has been in operation for new issues include a series of prints by the American ten etchings in an editio·n of 50, with a mixed-media
about eighteen months. Modelled on the Tamarind West Coast artist Robert Graham (in association with version of one plate in each of the first ten sets. The
Workshop in Los Angeles, the Collectors Press speci Gallery Neuendorf), and an edition in book form of 1965 etching Pisa is being sold individually in an
alizes in lithography and offers facilities for artists to Zadkine and Apollinaire's etchings and caligrammes edition of 50. Artists who have recently produced
learn the techniques and to work in close collabor for which Alecto have the English distribution rights. screen prints for the gallery include R. B. Kitaj, Joe
ation with the printer. Director of the press is Ernest Projects in the offing or under consideration include Tilson, John Piper and Gordon House.
de Soto. formerly Professor of Graphics at the Univer the distribution as a multiple of an art film produced
sity of Illinois, who was trained at the Tamarind Press. by a collaboration between British and American The Curwen Gallery of 1 Colville Place, W.1, have
Prices for single lithographs vary from $75 to $225. West Coast artists. recently published the limited edition of Harold Pin
The first portfolio from the Collectors Press, at $1350, ter's The Homecoming, illustrated by Harold Cohen,
is of work by ten West Coast artists : Keith Boyle, The Axiom Gallery of 79 Duke Street. W.1, has which was mentioned in our June supplement. This
Bruce Conner, Roy de Forest. Sidney Gordin, Frank been publishing a series of silkscreen prints by gallery was a joint Curwen Press-Harold Karnac publication.
Lobdell, James Melchert. Manuel Neri. Felix Ruvolo, artists in unlimited editions. The prints are signed, but Recent exhibitions have included the graphic work
Peter Voulkos and Richard Diebenkorn. Masuo Ikeda, as editions are open-ended, prices are kept low. Al of Derrick Greaves. with his portfolio of silkscreen
from Japan, has recently finished a suite of eight ready issued are prints by Michael Tyzack, Bruce Tip prints Homage to Van Gogh, printed by the Canon
lithographs and Arnoldo Pomodoro is working at the pett, John Plumb, Marc Vaux and Tess Jaray, and bury Banner Company, a recently launched subsidi
Collectors Press now. All Collectors Press lithographs prints by Michael Farrell, Malcolm Hughes and Ken ary of Curwen Press; and the work of Donald Roberts
may be seen at the Quay Gallery, 2 Jerome Alley, San neth and Mary Martin are to follow soon. and Sam Maitin. two American artists who have been
Francisco. working at the Curwen Studio on special awards.
Garner and Millard of 58 Kenway Road, Earls Henry Moore. Erte. Reg Butler, Lyn Chadwick, Man
Leslie Waddington Prints, previously centred on Court. S.W.5, have been in operation for three years Ray, Paul Wunderlich and Elizabeth Frink are among
the Waddington Gallery in Cork Street. has just and during the last six months have published editions the other artists who have been working at the Cur
opened in new separate premises at 8 Vigo Street. of original prints by Charles Bartlett, Hilary Beau wen Studio in recent months. The principal forth
W.1, where one-man shows will be staged of prints champ, Anthony Benjamin, Colin Conner, Sylvia coming publication of the Curwen Press will be a
by the gallery's artists. The opening show was of Dingwall, Terry Gravett, Charles Lloyd, Michael Oel suite of six lithographs by Barbara Hepworth, due out
lithographs by Terry Frost in editions of 75. The cur man, Christopher Orr and William Tillyer. The gallery's in the spring.
rent show is of prints by Henri Hayden. policy is to issue small editions at low prices (11-14
gns.) in order to attract private collectors outside the The Petersburg Press of 36 St Petersburg Place,
HKL Ltd of 167 Newbury Street. Boston. Massa normal gallery world. and to extend the scope of sales W.2, recently published three new prints by Richard
chusetts 02116. publish original posters under their beyond the area of museums, galleries, education Hamilton: Swingeing London 1967 no 2, etching and
List Art Poster programme which was established in committees. schools, interior designers. businesses collage in an edition of 70. showing Mick Jagger and
1963 to stimulate use and appreciation of the poster etc. Gomer and Millard hold regular shows of their Robert Fraser in handcuffs on their way to court; The
as an art form. Major artists have been commissioned artists' work at the gallery in Earls Court and also critic laughs. offset lithe laminated and silkscreened
to design posters for events sponsored by cultural sponsor exhibitions in this country and abroad. A with individual collage and handpainted additions. in
institutions. Unsigned limited editions sell for $10 large mixed show has been arranged to tour the an edition of 125; and La Scala Milano, etching and
and signed and numbered editions for from $35 to Western States of Canada from November, and an silkscreen in an edition of 65. Other new editions are
$200 each. Artists so far commissioned under this other is scheduled to open early in February at Hockney's Marriage, an etching from a previously
programme include Anuszkiewicz. d'Arcangelo. In Calgary, U.S.A. unpulled plate of 1962 in an edition of 75, Jim Dine's
diana, Lichtenstein. Oldenburg. Rivers, Stella and Bleeding heart with ribbons and a movie star, a mul
Warhol. The Print Workshop has played host during the tiple collage, each with a different movie star, in an
summer to Warrington Colescott. Professor at the edition of 48 with perspex box frames. and Richard
Editions Alecto of 27 Kelso Place. W.8, will be ex University of Wisconsin, and to Frances Myers. also Smith's Edward Gordon Craig 1 and 2, coloured
hibiting three new series at their West End gallery and from Wisconsin. Sam Maitin of Philadelphia also used three-dimensional lithographs. cut and folded after
retail outlet during the new year. Robyn Denny has the facilities of the workshop while in this country on printing, in editions of 95. Forthcoming projects in
recently finished a series of acrylic laminates which a Guggenheim Fellowship. The workshop has also clude a new translation of Grimm's Fairy Tales with
form a suite of five objects, to be sold framed in undertaken the proofing of David Hackney's latest illustrations by David Hockney, to be issued as a
editions of 75. Each colour is printed on a separate series for the Petersburg Press and the printing of limited edition.
clear acrylic sheet, and when the sheets are bonded some of Derrick Greaves' etc�v-igs for his exhibition
together a three-dimensional effect is created. How at the Curwen Gallery. The Fulham Gallery of 361 New Kings Road. S.W.6,
ar� Hodgkin has completed a portfolio of Five rooms, are continuing to publish graphics and poetry posters.
lithographs in editions of 75 which reflect his interest Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd of Bond including work by Sandra Blow. Adrian Henri, C. Day
in Indian miniatures: The third new series is Richard Street. W.1. have a large stock of works by gallery Lewis. Christopher Logue. George Macbeth, Brian
Smith's Triptych: 30, 45 and 60 degrees, produced in artists in their Marlborough Graphics department. Patten. Alistair Reid and others; also concrete poems
a combination of lithography and deep embossing; Henry Moore's Meditations on the effigy (for details by Henri Chopin. Editions of John furnival are
the three images are framed and sold together as one see our June supplement) was published in July. Ben planned; also a new series of unsigned guinea
unit. Editions Alecto are moving increasingly from the Nicholson's new suite of etchings, Greek and Turkish graphics in limited editions. D
sale of prints to the sale of completed objects, ready- forms (in association with Ganymed Original Editions