Page 83 - Studio International - December 1968
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Directory  of                            mately  250  International Colour  Prints.  Picture Hire   Garner & Millard, 58 Kenway Road. S.W.5.
                                                       facilities  for  Schools.  Industry,  Films  and  Theatre.
                                                                                                Wide  selection  of  intaglio,  velvet.  lithographs  and
             galleries dealing                         1-20 gns.                                silkscreen  prints, obtained directly from living print­
                                                                                                makers.  Most  editions  between  10  and  50.  prices
                                                       Curwen,  1  Colville  Place. Whitfield Street. W.1.
                                                       Lithographs from the Curwen Studio and prints in all
                                                                                                4-14  gns. A  specialist  service  is  offered whereby a
             ·in lithographs                           media  by  over  200  artists including  Moore,  Piper,  representative  will  show  a  selection  of  prints  at
                                                                                                private homes or business premises and will advise
                                                       Chadwick. Sutton,  Frink, Davie and Hayter. Curwen
             and original                              editions may be hired.                   on framing. for an average fee of £4.
                                                       Compendium, 2a Salisbury Road,  Moseley,  Birm­
                                                                                                Grabowski, 84 Sloane Avenue. S.W.3.
                                                       ingham 13.
                                                                                                Contemporary  prints  by  British  and  Polish  artists.
             prints                                    A  venture  aimed  at  promoting  the  visual  arts  in  12-50 gns.
                                                                                                Grosvenor,  30 Davies Street. W.1.
                                                       Birmingham and  the  Midlands. Also  sole  agents  in
                                                       Birmingham for London Graphic Art Associates.   Features works from  Leningrad Experimental Graphics
                                                       Compendium 2,  137  Fulham  Road,  S.W.3.  Laboratory. Grosvenor is the first U.K. gallery to show
                                                       A  new gallery,  created with the overall intention of  works by  living  Soviet artists  (nineteen  artists from
                                                       introducing  out-of-London  contemporaries  to  the  the Laboratory). Also commissioned Anatoli Kaplan
                                                       London scene.                            to make lithographic albums on the works of Sholem
                                                        Both galleries carry an extensive range of prints by   Aleichem.  Has  graphic  work  from  many  countries,
             Alecto, 38 Albemarle  Street, W.1.        new and up-and-coming printmakers. and handle the   Art  Nouveau  lithographs  and  posters,  also  of  the
             London  retail  outlet  for  all  publications  of  Editions   work  of  such  established  artists  as  William  Gear.   twenties.  Grosvenor  Gallery  posters:  Picasso.  Lis­
             Alecto.  Holds  monthly  changing  exhibitions  of   Francis Kelly.  Gordon  Senior,  Peter  Hedegaard  and   sitzky, Hayter, Erte. Graphics by Arp, Chagall. Hama­
             graphics. Has more than 250 images in stock. Mainly   Marie-Louise Colouris.       guchi. Kandinsky, Lissitzky. Malevich. Matisse. Mir6.
             directed  at  retail clients,  but  also  handles  all  trade   Richard Demarco,?  Melville  Crescent.  Edinburgh   Music,  Villon.  Brian  Wall.  Zadkine.  etc.  New  series
             sales for Editions Alecto.                3. In a new print rack. in the permanent print room. the  in edition of 75, of ten lithographs by Erte just pub­
             Anschel, 33e King's Road, S.W.3.          gallery shows an extensive range of prints and litho­  lished. £1  5-£1,500.
             Graphics by Chagall. Giacometti. Mir6. (lave. Appel,   graphs including work by  Brian  Perrin,  Peter Hede­  Hamburger  Kunstkabinett,  (Hans  R.  Neuen­
             Schmidt.  Friedlander,  Beutlich,  Meckseper.  Nolan,   gaard. Peter Gee. Joan Duran. Kim Kempshall. Simon  dorf) 13 Werderstr  .. 32, Hamburg.
             Blackman, Lubarow, Kitaj. Tilson, Caulfield and many   Weller. Ann D'Arcy Hughes. Jennifer Gough-Cooper,  Harcus  Krakow,  167  Newbury  Street.  Boston,
             contemporary artists. Lithographs by little-known or   Ian Colverson and Eskimo prints. and from Spain la   Mass. 02116.
             new artists  £3 1  Os.; more important lithographs  up   Guerra  Poetica.  a  suite  of  ten  lithographs  specially   Original prints and multiples by Albers. Anuskiewicz.
             to £200.                                 executed for the gallery by Yago Pericot. which sells  Bauermeister.  Bill,  Davie,  Dine,  Dubuffet.  Gottlieb,
             Arca d'Alibert, vicolo Orto di Napoli. Rome.   at  100  gns.  Also  a  new  suite  of  etchings  by  the  Johns. Kelly, Krushenick, Le Corbusier. Lichtenstein,
             Arno/fini, 42 Triangle West.  Bristol 8.   Spanish artist Jorge Castillo.          Marca-Relli.  Oldenburg.  Paolozzi.  Rauschenberg,
             Over  300  original  prints.  mainly  by  living  British   David Stuart, 807 La Cienega,  Los  Angeles,  Cali­  Segal.  Stella. Vasarely,  Warhol. Youngerman.
             artists.  Agents  for  Curwen  prints  and  stockists  of   fornia.                Hilton,  Hilton Hotel.  Park Lane. W.1.
             prints  published  by  Editions  Alecto,  Marlborough   Documents, 53 Rue de Seine,  Paris 6eme.  Original  lithographs  by  Toulouse-Lautrec.  Picasso,
             Prints and London Graphic Arts. Also works by Henry   Don Quixote, 4 Seymour  Place. W.1.  Chagall.  Bonnard,  Braque.  Buffet. etc.
             Cliffe,  Richard  Chesterman.  Ian  Tyson,  Ron  Fuller,   Spanish engraving and  lithography:  Manzoro,  Ivan  Howard Roberts, 49 Westgate Street. Cardiff.
             Brian Ric!), Sally  Parkin. Michael Harrison and John   Mosca. Hans Haedel. £12-£14.  Main  suppliers  for  lithographs.  etchings,  contem­
             Weiss.  Unframed prices £4-£65.          Drian, 5-7 Porchester  Place, W.2.        porary prints etc. for this part of the British Isle$ since
             Ashgate,  Wagon  Yard.  Downing  Street.  Farnham,   Twentieth-century artists in limited editions: Braque,  1957. Hold stock from individual artists at home and
             Surrey.                                  Matisse, Arp,  Picasso, Berlewi, Alexanco. Frorn £50.  abroad and work from the main London presses.
             Large  selection  of  original  prints.  Artists  include   Editions  Graphiques,  Stand  7,  124  New  Bond  Ikon, 38a  Paradise  Street.  Birmingham 1. (Entrance
             Beutlich. Trevelyan. Thornton, Koster, Kelly,  Ladell,   Street. W.1.              in Swallow Street.)
             Coutu.  Cozens,  Hermes,  Boyle,  ·Gaunt.  Prices  un­  One of the largest stocks in England of original prints.  Deal in contemporary artists and have a  Print Room
             framed. 6-25 gns.                        both signed and unsigned. A representative selection  with a wide range of original prints.  multiple prints,
             Axiom,  79 Duke  Street. Grosvenor Square. W.1.   from this is  now on show at their permanent stand.  pamphlets etc. 1  Os.-£1  5.
             Contemporary prints. Artists on permanent exhibition   European prints by  Picasso. Mir6, Matisse. Valadon.  II Segno, via Capo le Case 4. Rome.
             include  Vasarely,  Bellmer,  Hughes.  Farrell.  Gee,   Rodin.  Poliakoff,  Hayter.  Helleu,  Steinlen.  Forain,  Kasmin, 118  New  Bond Street. W.1.
             Lohse,  Bill.  Hayter.  Kidner,  Vaux.  Jaray,  Thepot.   Rops. Legrand. Toulouse-Lautrec. Maillol. Laurencin.  Graphics by artists exhibiting with the gallery: David
             Plumb. K. Martin. d'Allegret etc. £5-£300.   Duty and Bonnard. An equally large selection of con­  Hackney,  Robyn  Denny,  Gordon  House.  Gillian
             Bear Lane, 6  Bear Lane, Oxford. OX1 4EJ.   temporary  printmakers  including  Nigel  Lambourne.   Ayres. Richard Smith. Frank Stella.  18  gns  upwards.
             Prints and graphics by, among others: Norman Ack­  H.  A.  Freeth,  Freda  Woolf.  Also  many  original  Art   La Medusa, via de  Babuino 124. Rome.
             royd, Andre  Bicat. Tadek  Beutlich,  John  Brunsdon,   Nouveau and Art Deco post!)rs and prints. Will pub-  Leicester,  4 Audley  Square.  South  Audley  Street.
             Peter Blake, Edward Bawden, Jae Charoux, Prunella  .  lish about 40 new prints during 1969. £3-£600.   W.1.
             Clough,  Robyn  Denny,  Alistair  Grant.  Malcolm   Everyman Cinema Foyer, Holly Bush Vale, N.W.3.   Holds an annual exhibition of graphics in December:
             Hughes, Francis Kelly,  Michael Kidner. Ronald King,   Graphic artists mostly from  Hampstead: David Kos­  Buhot.  Bonnard.  Craig.  Corot,  John.  Laurencin,
             Edwin  la Dell.  Eric  Malthouse,  Lil  Michaelis, Henry   ter. Ron  Fuller. Rosamund Steed. Lia Rondelli.  Phil­  Lautrec. Maillol, Manet. Matisse. Millet. Moore. Nash,
             Mundy,  John  Piper,  Michael  Rothenstein, J.  Ravi­  lippa Threlfall and others. 5-30 gns.   Nevinson. Palmer. Picasso. Rouault. Sickert, Suther­
             lious. William Scott. Jeffrey Steele, Julian Trevelyan,   Ewan Phillips, 22a Maddox Street. W.1.   land. Vlaminck. Vuillard. Whistler. £15-£750.
             Robert Tavener. Valerie Thornton. 1-40 gns.   Occasional  original  prints:  Max  Ernst.  Chagall.  etc.   Leslie Waddington Prints, 8 Vigo Street. W.1.
             Betty Parson, 24 West 57th Street. N.Y.   £80-£200.                                Prints  by  artists  ·of  the  Waadington  Gallery  with
             Camden Arts Centre, Finchley  Road,  N.W.3.   Feigen, 24 East 81  st Street. N.Y.   regular one-man shows of prints.
             Artists  have  shown  prints,  including  Paolozzi.  Pas­  Folio Fine Arts Ltd, 6 Stratford Place. W.1.   London Arts Detroit, 321 Fisher  Building, Detroit,
             more.  Hackney,  Allen  Jones,  artists  from  Editions   Prints from 1500 to present day: Durer. Rembrandt.   Michigan, 48202.
             Alecto and Camden Arts  Centre. and others. 7-500   Renoir. Duty, Lautrec, Picasso, Matisse. Mir6, Braque   Lords, 26 Wellington Road,  N.W.8.
             gns. Do not commission, but professional artists work   etc. ·Also  a  selection  of  contemporary  graphics.   Specialize  in  original  posters  of  the  period  1890-
             on the premises under a master printmaker.   £3-£400. Hold print exhibitions and issue catalogues.   1940. Lautrec. Bonnard. Mucha, Cheret. Kokoschka,
             Century, Centuries. Sonning,  Berkshire.   Fulham, 361  New Kings Road, S.W.6.     Gesmar. Matisse, Picasso. Van Dongen, World War I
             Origi�al  prints  and  lithographs.  Work  of  artists  in­  Original  prints  by  contemporary  printmakers  and   and II. Film, Theatre. etc. Also fine rare prints.
             cluding Terry Frost. Andre Bicat. Russell Flint. Henry   established artists. 1  Os. 6d. upwards.   Lumley Caza/et,  24'Davies Street. W.1.
             Trivick and Ralph Thompson.              Furneaux, 23 Church Road, Wimbledon.     Limited  editions  of  signed.  original  lithographs.
             Colour  Print, 2 Motcomb  Street. Belgrave Square.   Handles  prints  of  contemporary  artists,  including   etchings and woodcuts, by the established masters of
             S.W.1. incorporating School Prints Ltd. and Motcomb   Francis Kelly, Henry Rushbury. 5-20 gns.   the twentieth century and the promising young print­
             Frames Ltd.                              Gimpel Fils, 50 South Molton Street. W.1.   makers  of  today.  Artists  include  Picasso,  Braque.
             Original lithographs in large editions by Henry Moore.   Lithographs  by  artists  represented  by  Gimpel  Fils:   Chagall. Matisse.  Mir6, Marini. Giacometti. Vasarely.
             Braque,  Leger,  John  Nash.  Skeaping,  Rothenstein,   Alan Davie, Soulages.  de Stael. Hartung,  and prints   Ernst. Moore. Bellmer. Klee.  Meckseper. Wunderlich,
             etc.  Continually  changing  exhibitions  of  approxi-  by Eskimo artists. £25-£80.   Hecht. Hamaguchi. Minami. Louttre. Deberdt, Hase-
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