Page 27 - Studio International - July August 1968
P. 27

read ; there are others who are moons and   through all education. To learn Latin or to   once their eyes have begun to see, have been
              suns, who tend not to speak much, whose   learn Greek you've got to be, to a certain   shown how to look . . ? but I'm cutting
              hands rule their heads, and that is as it   extent, accurate; to learn mathematics   many edges.
              should be. For it is with their hands that they   you've got to be, to a certain extent, accurate   I  know, and about blackboard jungles.
              have elected to work and yet their heads and   but, ultimately, you teach yourself every-  But there was a gentle English heretic once
              eyes need feeding too. Ruskin got a  thing you know. And, when you do, you are    called Pelagius, much disapproved of by the
              lot wrong but he wasn't wrong when he  then accurate to the extent of your capacity.   followers of St Augustine of Hippo because
              proclaimed head, hand and heart are one.   This moralistics has got a thing about   he didn't believe in original sin. However
               And this-1 can see I'm going to exceed my   popularization : but all knowledge is pop-  simplistic pelagianism is, however open to
              two thousand words and I'm going to have   ularization. We don't really know anything,   Voltaire, or the next assassin, or the next
              to telescope—is why I started with my own   neither each other, nor what we're doing   bomb, in education, in art education
              sixth form. Very few people, even scholars,   here, nor what the universe is, nor why—if, of   particularly, it's the only approach that has a
              are truly scholars. Scholars, like plumbers,   course, it is. A bullying fool taught me   chance, that we can afford.
              are specialists society needs. They work on   maths when  I  was twelve, introduced me to   To bring it about is much simpler than
              their particular edge of knowledge, defining   physics ; now I go through my daughter's   people think: to beat the problem of
              it. Artists, great artists of all kinds—as   homework with the Nuffield text books; she   numbers you've got to take Socrates' grove
              scientists—work on their particular edge of   sees, she understands, she shows me again.  and apply to it some of Prospero's magic
              knowledge, extending it. Most of us are   She's twelve; art students are seventeen,  which is now available to us. Once you're
              neither scholars, nor plumbers nor great   eighteen, nineteen, twenty. They're mature,   through the bureaucracy belt, what you've
              artists, nor scientists. We're somewhere in   even the ones who are most zany, difficult or   got to do is to mechanize in order to human-
              the vast scarred gorgonzola in-between.  whatever (they perhaps most of all, in a   ize, you've got to use teaching machinery,
              What we need are connections, connections,   private anti-way) ; the only way to teach   simulators, the lot. Perhaps, before we all
              connections, maps, guides: we need these   them anything besides what they already   have grey beards, we'll have pretty pictures
              too, back to the interior, even if we are   know they want to know is to make them   in the magazines of what has been planned
              working on a particular frontier of our own.   want to know something else. I mean, who   and could have been on the ground years
              There's a confused moralistics, there's a   can not be involved in Michelangelo or   ago, an actual live 'Educational love' for an
              fear, there's a lack of love which runs   Caravaggio or even old smooth Lysippos,   art school. 	Martin Shuttleworth

              At this point in time vital and far reaching   ened state of being for both the individual   How can we legislate for the whole
              changes must be made in developing an    and the collective. They are quite right in   dimension of sensation with the dimension of
                                                                                                           individual and collective, moral
              education sufficient unto the students and   these demands and the country can afford   meaning
              ourselves. These changes relate to content;   no less.                           and aesthetic 	so that the two dimensions
              the very idea and form of what we mean by   While the elements involved in the concept  interpenetrate. Anton Ehrenzweig said, we
                                                                                                                           the difficulty
              and want in education.                   of education remain much the same as they   are all aware of these things
               The present state of being has evolved   have been, today the essential shift is where   is to externalize a situation where this can be.
              through new ideas being grafted onto the  we locate the student in relationship to the  There should be a unit or units that allow
              old order, allowing far too many of the out-  wide spectrum of possibility. He must be   these possibilities.
              worn attitudes and practices to remain. These   central to the whole, having his own   Shuttleworth's Central (educational) Core
              static and linear concepts and attitudes are in   essential rightness reaffirmed, within a   could help to do this. The central unit
              fact dead but linger on to clog the system,  situation specially contrived to afford him   should be aimed at establishing a milieu in
              largely from the fear the idea of change  the fullest use of available information.  which students 'learn how to learn for
              engenders.                              To place him in situations designed to  themselves' and at the same time allowing
               Now is the time for uprooting and planting   develop self-knowledge and a personal and   both staff and students to establish and
              anew. The idea of Polytechnic allows this,   more meaningful evaluation of phenomena   select their own tradition. We would
              perhaps the last chance for some time.   in which greater credence be given to  abolish the Fine Art Departments as they
               The writings of Koestler, McLuhan, Gabor   understanding, to the act of recognition and   exist generally, in both name and aim,
              and Ehrenzweig give us some clues, as  to the act of doing. Simply—education must   replacing them with Environmental-Light-
              indeed do specific experiments and essays   become the ritualistic of the total concept in   Sound- Movement- Workshops, the motiv-
              that have been made both here and abroad.   action, allowing for the individual finding   ation of which was the externalization,
              Most importantly, so do our findings in art.   and developing a personal iconography.   examination and control of phenomena.
               We support a 'living education' (anti-   Hitherto it has not been 'open' and has not   The essential essence will be the building
              university) because it would accord with   been 'total'. This form is not sufficiently  of bridges between differing disciplines.
              our own intent and aspirations, i.e. towards   demanding of the student. It still smacks of   This will demand an 'open' system. We
              an education and environment that is  the Grammar School feeding methods, and    cannot lay on a culture, but out of the
              sufficient unto art, both as an idea and as  the university academic—all of which rightly   qualities of the people involved together
              reality.                                 is being rejected now. Moralistic feeding or  with open attitudes and suspended judge-
               The 'new' education must aim to put a   measuring is out. We have choice in this   ments, it could be that we can establish a
              student in a superior and more critical way   matter.                             milieu that allows a 'culture' to grow and
              of 'learning how to learn' for himself; in a   Totalities are separate and yet not separate   develop.
              more open and imaginatively dynamic  worlds, where the responses of all our senses   This would allow for collective endeavour
              situation. Both staff and students are aware   are so interrelated that any one of these   (ritual) of staffs and students. Such a unit
              of this and increasingly demand this height-   becomes, or is, simultaneously the other.   would require, for example, a Physicist,
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