Page 64 - Studio International - May 1968
P. 64

11  Untitled,  painted wood, 40 in. high by Tony   13  Conversacion a nivel superior,  oil on canvas,   15  Installation shot  of the South Gallery of the
      Bottell at Lightning Mark, 4 High Street, Rye,   59 x 59 in., by Rodolfo Opazo, from Chile, at   newly modernized Whitworth Art Gallery, University
      Sussex until June 4. Born in Oxford in 1936, Tony   Midland Group, 11 East Circus Street, Nottingham   of Manchester, Whitworth Park.
      Bottell studied at St Martins School of Art and is at   from May 18 to June 15. The show, 'Six Latin   16  Red and black relief No 4 1967, 72 x 72 x 7 in.,
      present a visiting lecturer in sculpture at Shoreditch   American Countries', is of painting, sculpture, prints   acrylic on raised canvas by Michael Michaeledes
      College of Art. He has taken part in shows at Wood-  and drawings from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico,   from the opening show at the Oxford Gallery, High
      stock, Opus, St Martins, and New Metropole and   Uruguay and Venezuela. The work included, bor-  Street, Oxford, until May 8. This show, 'Colour
      has held a one-man show in Fairfield Halls, Croydon.   rowed from galleries and private collectors, has been   Rhythm Colour', is a selection of works particularly
      Also showing at Lightning Mark is the painter,   sent from America and Europe. The show will be   relevant to the development of painting today, includ-
      John Holdcroft. (Price range: £15—£150.)   toured.                               ing Albers, Davie, Delaunay, Kupka, Kidner, Martin
      12  Mr S. can't remove himself because he doesn't   14  The expulsion, lithograph by Marc Chagall in an   and Soulages. There is a second gallery, to be used
      want to,  oil on canvas, a prizewinning entry by   exhibition of original prints organized in conjunction   to show work from leading British industrial designers.
      Ronald Forbes in the Young Scottish Contemporaries,   with London Graphic Art Associates, at Reid, Milk   17  The exit alpahabet box 1967-8, 19 x 13½ x 4½
      sponsored by Richard Demarco in Edinburgh, and   House Gate, High Street, Guildford, Surrey from   in., from a show of objects, drawings, collages and
      recently shown there.                    from May 11 to 25. Marc Chagall, born in Vitebsk in   constructions at Absalom, 1 Princess Buildings,
       This is the second year that this event has taken   1887, trained in St Petersburg and went to Paris in   Bath until May 25. The exit box consists of work by
      place, organized by a central committee which is   1910 where he was much influenced by Cubism. In   thirteen artists each of whom were sent two letters
      composed of a number of students from each of the   1917 he was made Commissar of Fine Arts in the   of the alphabet, chosen at random; the box contains
      four Scottish art schools. The exhibition also included   Vitebsk area and founded an Academy. In 1941 the   the visual reactions to these letters, by such artists
      prints.                                  Museum of Modern Art in New York invited him to   as John Furnival, Patrick Hughes, Richard Hamilton,
                                               America, where he remained for five years. (Price   Robin Page and Brian Mills.
                                               range: 5 gns-350 gns.)
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