Page 60 - Studio International - May 1968
P. 60

Two sculptures by Robert Morris

     Laurent Sauerwein

     There's the obvious presence of a fixed rectangular   Morris' work is certainly less 'self important', less   governs both the room and the work: integration
     and closed space—the room which contains us,  egocentric, than past art and does not attract atten-  and lack of focus. Within the work, Robert
     with its four walls, a ceiling and a floor, in relation  tion to itself as much as it invites participation of   Morris eliminates gesture, expressivity or tension
     to which we are moving, walking in this space,  its immediate environment. The sculpture is al-  which would assert themselves over the room.
     strongly aware of our movements and scale, of cer-  most 'invisible' despite its scale and opacity (one   While it is not conceived in relation to any specific
     tain precise distances that separate us from the  of the pieces is actually translucent) ; it is com-  setting, Morris' sculpture accepts the limits of the
     walls and from another elusive but necessary  pletely integrated with its surroundings. A peculi-  indoor cubic environment and invariably relates
     presence which shares this space with us.   arity of this sculpture is that it neither asserts itself  to it. It is this relationship with the basis of our
      Of all the new American sculpture, Morris' work  nor totally disappears in its spatial context, making   cultural infrastructure which determines the effec-
     represents the most radical and complex departure  it difficult to speak of 'presence' in the conventional   tiveness of the work.
     from the European tradition. It offers an original  sense. And yet, both sculptures shown recently   Morris' work is impossible to manipulate: it is
     and far-reaching alternative to the post-cubist  at Ileana Sonnabend are unmistakably there, with   not at that level that we are invited to participate.
     trend in sculpture which prevails in Europe today  their paradoxical reflexiveness and permeability—  Instead, the essentially reflexive quality of this
     and is best represented by the new English work  a focusless and porous presence.   sculpture involves us physically. One of the obvi-
     (Caro, King... ).                         The same basic rectangular and stable structuring   ously reflexive factors is scale. Both these pieces
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