Page 53 - Studio International - November 1968
P. 53

Outside London
            5  Trevethy,1968, oil on canvas, by Alexander Mack-  8  Eagle owl (percher). 1967, lithograph. by David   of wood, cut off obliquely so that the light catches
            enzie from his one-man exhibition at Maltzahn   Koster, from an exhibition of his lithographs at the   them, and the sides of some sections are painted in
            Gallery until November 8. Mackenzie, a member of   Everyman Foyer from November 11 until December   bright colours. Some of the later sculptures are con-
            the St. Ives group, has had no exhibition since 1962,   29. David Koster was born in London and studied at   structed on mirrors. Prices range from 20 gns to 100
            and this exhibition of fourteen paintings and five   the Slade School of Art. He now teaches printmaking   gns.
            drawings is of work since that date.     at Folkestone School of Art. His work is in public and   10  Mexican woman washing,  drawing, by Leszek
            6  Silver ring with pearls, by Gerda Flöckinger, from   private collections in this country and in private   Muszynski, R.B.A., from an exhibition of his work at
            an exhibition of her jewellery at The Crafts Centre of   collections in the U.S.A., Canada, Europe and   Ash Barn, Petersfield, until 17 November. Leszek
            Great Britain until November 23.         Australia.                               Muszynski, born in 1923, studied in Poland and at
            7  Cowgirl with yellow deer and two lions,  oil on   9  Today and tomorrow,  1968, wood, steel arid   Edinburgh College of Art and travelled extensively
            board, by Martin Saldaña, from 'The Spontaneous   mirror, by Jan Arundell, A.R.C.A., on view at Water-  in Europe, Africa, North America and Mexico. He has
            Eye II', an exhibition of naif painters from Britain and   gate Gallery, Chester, until November 9. Jan Arundell   exhibited in various London galleries and in Scotland,
            abroad at Grosvenor Gallery from November 20 to   lectures in sculpture at Coventry College of Edu-  Belgium, France, Denmark, South Africa, the United
            December 31. Concurrent with this exhibition is   cation. The work to be shown was produced during   States, Canada and Mexico. His work can be seen in
            'Ballet at the Grosvenor', designs by Bakst, Nadia   the last two years. The exhibition comprises about   public and private collections all over the world.
            Benois, Erté, Goncharova, Korovine, Pogedaieff,   twenty pieces, all of which are concerned with the
            Remisoff, and Soudeikine and original costumes by   involvement of the spectator, in so far as that, as he
            Goncharova for Le Coq d'Or.              changes his position, the surface patterns, colours
                                                     and textures are transformed. The surfaces are made
                                                     up of many tiny square, rectangular or circular pieces
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