Page 56 - Studio International - November 1968
P. 56
21 Environment, by Bernhard Hake, from an exhi- 23 Gagarin, star, triangle, 1968, screen, polyurethane 25 Panel work, 1967, oil on canvas, by Günter
bition of his work at Galerie Gunar, Düsseldorf. until and oil on wood relief, by Joe Tilson, from an Neusel, from his one-man exhibition at Galerie
November 15. Bernhard Höke was born in Brunswick exhibition of his work at Galerie Dieter Brusberg, Daedalus, Berlin, from November 6 until December 7.
and studied both there and in Berlin, where he now Hanover, until November 25. Joe Tilson was born in Günter Neusel was born in 1930 in Kassel ; he studied
lives. He has published several books and articles and London in 1928. He studied at St. Martin's School of in Kassel, Düsseldorf and Berlin, and now lives and
has produced happenings. He is currently working on Art and the Royal College and has taught in art works in Stuttgart. Since 1962 he has had exhibitions
a fictitious exhibition catalogue, an art-fiction book, schools in Britain and the United States. He has had of his paintings and sculpture in Stockholm, Paris,
a television film and new happenings. many one-man exhibitions and his work is included Recklinghausen, Oldenburg, Baden-Baden and
22 Femme au châle vert, 1919, oil on canvas, by in a number of public collections. Frankfurt. Prices for prints range from DM50—
Moise Kisling, from an exhibition of selected paintings 24 Parting of water, 1961, acrylic on canvas, by DM100, and paintings are from DM500.
by old and modern masters at Gemälde-Galerie Morris Louis, from the exhibition 'Kontraste II' at
Abels, Cologne, during November and December. Galerie MüLler, Stuttgart, from November 16 until
December 30. This exhibition also includes works by
Arakawa, Fontana, Soto, Huot, Hacklin, Kaufmann,
Lenk, Hauser, Quinte and Wintersberger.