Page 61 - Studio International - November 1968
P. 61
Vol I: From Mannerism to
The first full-length study of Lissitzky, compiled by Romanticism
his widow, opens with a biographical section, largely Vol 11: Victorian and After
based on his letters. It is followed by the plates,
theoretical writings by Lissitzky himself and accounts NIKOLAUS PEVSNER
by his contemporaries and by later critics. Professor Pevsner has long been recognized as a
With 278 plates, roo in colour, 5, £8 8s scholar of the greatest possible stature, yet much of his
most stimulating, original and seminal work on
INTO THE TWENTIES: subjects ranging from Italian baroque painting t9
the plight of modern architecture, has been buried
Style and Design I 909-1929 in unobtainable periodicals. In these two voh.unes
twenty-eight essays, which he considers his most
GIULIA VERONESI important, are republished with new illustrations
This entertaining study of the arts during a period A HISTORY OF WESTERN ART and in many cases additional up·-to-date material.
when decoration was worshipped for its own sake, is Vol I: with 267 illustrations; Vol II: with 5 17
embellished with a wealth of amusing illustrations. MICHAEL LEVEY illustrations, each volume £ 4 10s
The high point was reached with the Exposition An entirely personal, sparklingly written survey of the
Intemationale des Arts Decoratifs in 1925, when the whole course of art in the Western world, from its THE EUSTON ARCH
International Style, as practised by Gropius and his beginnin gs to the present day. Mr Levey concentrates
group at the Bauhaus, laid the foundations for on those significant artists and works of art that are And the Growth. of the London,
contemporary art and architecture. especially relevant to his main tlieme: the vitality of Midland & Scottish Railway
With 256 plates, ro in colour, £4 4S art, and its constant growth. With 3r3 plates, 83 in ALISON AND PETER SMITHSON
GUSTAV KLINT: colour, World of Art Library, clothbound 42s, FOREWORD BY NIKOLAUS PEVSNER
paperback 25s
With a Catalogue Ralsonne of his A memorial to the pioneering days of the railways and
to the Euston Arch as a symbol of the lines developed
Paintings in the nineteenth century, this book is also a passionate
MONDRIAN protest at the loss of a famous London landmark
FRITZ NOVOTNY, JOHANNES DOBAI and at the events which led to its demolition in 1961.
Lately there has been a great wave of interest in the FRANK ELGAR Photographs, engravings, drawin gs and diagrains,
superb Austrian artist, colour reproductions of whose A valuable account of this dedicated artist, who began together with passages from contemporary and
sumptuously beautiful pictures have just become work in the academic style of his native Dutch modern sources, combine to evoke the fascinating
avail�ble in this country for the first time. tradition and took cubism to its logical conclusion of aura of the steam age. With 29 3 illustrations, 4 2s
With ro5 plates, 30 in eight-colour collotype, ma'!)' with pure structural harmony, and whose work has had a
gold and silver, 58 drawings in colour and black and white, prime influence on modern painting, sculpture and Write for our catalogue to 30--34
220 catalogue reproductions, /,42 (This is a limited edition architecture. With 198 plates, 48 in colour, World of
of 250 numbered copies) Art Library, clothbound 35s, paperback 21s Bloomsbury Street, London we I
_Unique in the world of art books
The great Drawing Collection in the Louvre, to be viewed important drawings in their immense and magnificent
only by special permission, is the repository of many of the collection but have also made it possible for these to be
most famous drawings in the world. Now, for the first time, exhibited in three splendid volumes that reproduce faith
the curators of the Louvre's Cabinet des Dessins have not fully the finest drawings of the French, the Italian, and the
only made a selection of what they consider th.e most German, Flemish and Dutch artists over some six centuries.
The French Drawings The Italian Drawings
Selected and Introduced by MAURICE SERULLAZ Selected and Introduced by ROSELINE BACOU
The German, Flemish and Dutch Drawings
Selected and Introduced by ROSELINE BACOU
Each volume 224pp 11r x 8f' 68 reproductions in full colour and 32 reproductions in two colours 120/