Page 47 - Studio International - October1968
P. 47

Suprematism, a canvas has been created which  cover of the album for the 'Conference on Rural  referred to, some painters who worked without
             carries an inner vitality. This canvas has grown   Poverty', which had been selected by the delegates  specific objects. They aspired to the pure subjective
             out of the artist just as organically as a flower out   themselves in the year 1918, hung in many huts  portrayal of their emotions by means of colour-
             of the soil, just as pure in colour, as exactly and  in the northern provinces, alongside their icons  combinations. By comparison with the work of the
             clearly cut in all its parts as a plant. Every flat  and their coloured prints. Suprematist painting  Suprematists their pictures reminded one of
             surface designed is a sign—not a mystical symbol,  created a style which is finding expression in  rubbish-heaps placed next to regularly-formed
             but a concrete sketch of reality. A sign is a form  embroidery, metalwork, woodwork, posters, and  crystals. At best they were tapestries, fine wall-
             through which we express phenomena. It can  even in the painting of houses. However, Supre-  papers. The typical representative of this group
             originate in two ways. Firstly: By agreement as to  matism was not content with this and did not wish  was Kandinsky. He introduced the artistic formulas
             what meaning these signs shall have. We have the   to remain merely a decorative style, so it continued  of contemporary German metaphysics, and there-
             design for a mountain city, in all its diversity,  on the road toward the annihilation of painting.  fore in Russia he remained a purely episodic
             drawn on a flat piece of paper in the form of a   It seems to have begun to appreciate the relative   phenomenon. But the necessity, so strongly felt by
             town-plan; we understand the sketch, because we  lack of colour in the town by comparison with the  young Russian painters, for an established order
             had established the signs on it in advance. We  village. This idea found expression in the final  as a basis for all art instigated other non-objective
             have expressed the whole terrestrial globe in two  creations of the Suprematists, and in 1918 Malevich   painters—Rozanova in her latest works, Rod-
             circles, and the infinity of the firmament in a  exhibited a white canvas on which a plane was  chenko, and others—to renounce subjective ex-
             scattering of dots as fine as dust on a cosmographic  indicated with another white colour. By forsaking   pression and take the third road to the same Rome,
             atlas. But with these signs we have expressed what   the colourful and going over to the colourless  the road to constructive art.
             was there already in the world, what had already  aspect, the Suprematists concentrated their at-  Let us consider the plan of this 'Rome'. Its foun-
             been built. These signs were created by us and  tention on arranging flat, geometric planes, which  dation-wall was the Russian Revolution. It began
             became clear to us once our brain had emerged  were to serve as ground plans for further spatial  as a powerful, elemental movement of the peasan-
             from its primitive state and reached its present  construction.                  try, and surged onward to organization and re-
             labyrinthine complexity.                 This is the contribution of Suprematism and of the   construction. On the other hand, the young
              Now the second possibility: A sign is designed,  Proun to the general trend of constructive design   painters, who up till 1917 had been a small sect,
             much later it is given its name, and later still its  resulting from the work of the two fundamental  were glad to have the opportunity, for the first
             meaning becomes clear. So we do not understand  groups led by Tatlin and Malevich. Belonging to  time, of tranforming their laboratory into a
             the signs, the shapes, which the artist created,  the first Suprematist group there was, besides  factory. To them their basic purpose was the
             because man's brain has not yet reached the cor-  Malevich, a very gifted female painter, Rozanova,  extension of the foundation and the introduction
             responding stage of development.        who died suddenly while we were preparing  of art into living. Life posed questions and de-
              Suprematism has a new criterion for evaluating  artistic works for the first October Revolution  manded immediate replies to them: what role
             everything created in plastic design. Instead of  jubilee. In Little Russia a whole series of villages  does art play in the new society, in which the field
             beauty it is economy. If, on the one hand, Supre-  did weaving and embroidery on a large scale,  of creative activity becomes common property?
             matism is a result of the whole culture of painting,  under the direction of Aga Rozanova, Davidova,  The first answer was the solution: in productive
            on the other hand, the intensity of its colours and  and Alexandra Exter. Then there was Ivan  art, which means transferring the task of the
             its observation of life are deeply-rooted in the  Klyun, who not only produced painting but also  painters from the studio to the factories and works.
             Russian village. At the same time it may be re-  spatial creations, and also Drevin, Lyubov  It is not the task of the painter to embellish things
            marked that the Russian village, for its part,  Popova and others.                already created, but he should take part himself
            recognized itself in Suprematism. So it was that the    There appeared, parallel with the movements   in bringing them into existence. In this way the

                                                                                    above Photomontage, 1931
                                                                                    left Detail of cover for catalogue of the Japanese Cinema
                                                                                    Exhibition, Moscow
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