Page 49 - Studio International - October1968
P. 49
two spirals rising in opposite directions. These below Footballer illustration for Ehrenburg's light as the occasion demanded. The first present-
primary forms are supported by a three-dimensional 'Six Tales with Easy Endings' ation on this stage will be the play 'The Yellow
framework. This skeleton contains three glass Jacket'.
bodies, a cube, a pyramid and a cylinder. In the bottom Photogram, 1931 — the head of Lenin The basic principles of the artists in creating the
iron spirals museums are to be installed, and the superimposed on a photograph of a crowd decor were as follows :
glass areas will provide space for committee-rooms Firstly: the scenic, acrobatic movements of the
and suchlike. Here Tatlin wanted to try and solve actors modify the apparatus of the play.
the problem of the dynamic design by making Secondly: the apparatus, which is modified as a
these bodies each revolve at a different velocity. result of its mechanical construction, conditions for
All technical advances should find their application its part the movements of the actors which are
here. Radio and projection systems should be deduced from this.
made to operate at the top of the tower, trans- Thirdly: these factors simultaneously give to the
mitting news by electronic, optical and acoustic whole structure the illusion of reality.
waves. Naturally there can be many objections to An attempt was made to transfer the theatre from
this design and there was plenty of sharp debate its enclosed space out into the street. In Petersburg
about it among us. What must be taken into and other towns the architectural features of the
consideration, however, is that this is the first town were supplemented by means of specially
work of the new generation, which is demanding erected buildings and used for the magnificent
of itself invention, elementary design, clear con- staging of open-air plays, which were attended by
struction and mastery of material. The height of thousands upon thousands of people.
the tower is supposed to reach three hundred All the experiments and achievements cited by me
metres. So far, only a model five metres high has here were continued and developed in the works of
been realized. the Higher State Technical Art Workshops,
From several competitions I will make mention Vkhutemas.
of the design for a newspaper-kiosk by Rod- At the start of the Revolution, immediately after
chenko. Although this is still very decorative, the abolition of the official academy, questions
Rodchenko has endeavoured to design space. were raised as to a new method of art-study. The
In Russia, as everywhere else, sculpture followed first stage was that of free, individual workshops.
on painting. A State commission for a whole series Here every person who intends to study art can
of monuments inspired multifarious quests after a himself choose the teacher under whose guidance
new plastic form; but the stamp which all these he works without either examinations of restraints.
experiments bore was a superficial treatment of This soon degenerates into individual caprice
Cubism, not as a method but as a mannerism. and a state of chaos. From this it clearly followed
Splitting up the form, which was practised by that for the traning of qualified masters a general,
some sculptors who had taken over the idea from strictly scientific plan would have to be devised.
contre-relief, immediately altered the character of At the same time, by 'masters' they did not mean
the sculpture. In their larger works, these sculptors unconditionally the painters who create 'pictures',
—Gabo, Lavinsky, Chaikov, and others—joined but rather every man with the creative talent to
forces with the Constructivists, in view of the fact fructify the different branches of the tree of
that they shared a common task. Gabo made use production.
of glass for his plastics; he calls for the inclusion of The workshops are divided into the following
movement in plastic art, a feature which he has faculties: painting, sculpture, architecture, wood-
tried to achieve in a few works. work, metalwork, graphics, textiles, ceramics and
A great store of creative energy had accumulated, theatre.
which could not be released in architecture, The painting faculty falls into branches, such as:
because there was no building. This energy found Colour, Plane, Space, Construction, and so on,
its release in the theatre. Originally the painters which also have to be studied by the students in
found satisfaction in the theatre because it afforded the rest of the faculties. The realization of the
opportunities for painting decorative canvases on production plans of these workshops followed in the
a large scale and having them enriched by the form of the execution of State commissions:
effects of artificial light. Examples were the stage- posters and books were printed, porcelain made,
settings of Lentulov, Fedotov, and others, but this furniture produced, and so on.
did not satisfy them for long. Soon the painters These workshops, which have been established not
themselves began, in accordance with the evolution only in Moscow and Petersburg but in several pro-
of painting, to push forward three-dimensional, vincial towns and which are sought out by thou-
spatial ideas of decoration. The painter on the sands of young people, remain the firm strongholds
stage progressed toward architecture. Many such and the future hope of the new company of artists.
stage-settings materialized at the Kamerny Theatre I am about to conclude; but I just want to refer
in Moscow. In the great successes of the Russian to a few very characteristic facts. From the earliest
theatre the highest credit belongs to the painters. days of the war we and Western Europe were prac-
Typical examples were the settings created by such tically cut off from each other; we knew nothing of
artists as Exter, Georgy Yakulov, A. Vesnin, each other's works. Only now do we realize that in
Popova, and others. In the latest work by Vesnin, Europe the same problems were arising at the
the stage-setting for Chesterton's The Man Who same time as in our country. I refer to De Stijl in
Was Thursday, it is interesting to trace how the Holland, the new Hungarian movement, Germany,
principles of the Tatlin tower have been applied and so on.
to the theatre. Meyerhold, the director, completely But those things which in the West remained as
abandoned the wings; in the setting for Maya- studio and laboratory projects were made to
kovsky's Mystery bouffe he designs the whole ex- materialize on a large scale in Russia, by the
panse of the stage architectonically and extends it design of history. After the period of great impetus
into the auditorium. Also interesting is the latest the world is now moving into a stagnant rut. Yet
work of the constructivist brothers Stenberg and we are sure that our vitality and our instinct for
Myedunyesky, which is an innovation in stage self-preservation will again set all our forces in
design. They constructed a curtain from vertical motion.
wood mouldings (like a venetian blind), which Then not only our achievements but also our un-
divided on opening, receded into a semi-circle and successful experiments will bear fruit for those
thus formed the background. The surfaces were masters in every country who are consciously
not painted but illuminated by coloured beams of creating. q