Page 69 - Studio International - October1968
P. 69
24 A Quebec farm, c. 1930, oil on canvas, 32¼ x 26 Patawatomi, 1968, acrylic, 16½ x 27¼ in. by
40 in. by Alexander Young Jackson. From the Emil Schumacher, at the Lefebre Gallery, New York,
'Massey Bequest' exhibition at the National Gallery until mid-October. The exhibition, entitled 'The
of Canada, Ottawa, until October 13. A collection of Minnesota Suite', is a one-man exhibition.
paintings by Canadian artists made by the Rt. Hon. 27 'J', 1968. glass and aluminium, 36; x 84 x 84 in.
Vincent Massey and bequeathed to the Gallery. This by Colin Greenly. At the Royal Marks Gallery, New
is the first showing of the collection since the York, until October 23. This American artist, born in
collector's death. London, studied at Harvard in 1948 and at Columbia
University School of Painting and Sculpture from
U.S.A. 1951 to 1953. Works in public collections include
25 Figure, bronze by Jacques Lipchitz. Loaned by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the
the Hunt Industries Museum of Art to the Los Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection. (Price range:
Angeles County Museum for their exhibition of $200—$4000)
fifteen classics of modern sculpture which will
remain on view for a year in the outdoor Simon
Sculpture Plaza of the Los Angeles Museum.