Page 72 - Studio International - October1968
P. 72
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announces an important special issue of the magazine devoted
to the relationship between creative activity and technology-
//CYBERNETIC SERENDIPITY ... the Computer and the Arts''
Timed to appear for the opening of the inter the range of expression hitherto available to the Herbert Brun. John Cage. Computer Technical
national exhibition at the Institute of Contem composer. poet. painter and designer. Already Group. Tokyo, Leon D. Harmon. Kenneth Knowl
porary Arts in London on August 2. 1968 before the 'art' output of computers under the general ton. Frieder Nake. Nam June Paik. Dr Gordon
travelling through the United States. this issue direction of artists and engineers has been heard Pask. Professor Lionel Penrose. Nicholas
of Studio International revives the practice. once or seen by millions of people. Schaffer. lannis Xenakis.
common to the magazine. of issuing special
numbers devoted to subjects of great interest or Studio International thinks that the subject is There are 100 pp. and over 250 illustrations.
importance in the field of art. and will act as a already large enough and the future develop The price is £1 5s ($3.75), plus 2s postage.
catalogue for the exhibition. ments in this field far-reaching enough to put Because of the importance of this issue. a
in front of its readership. This special issue is certain number. are available bound in hard
Wider and wider areas open up in which the tools as far as we know. the first really comprehen
of a technological society impinge on the arts. sive survey of the computer and its application covers. for purchase by libraries and educational
In music. poetry and the visual arts the computer institutions. price £1 15s ( $5). plus 2s 6d postage.
outgrows its originally conceived function. What to the arts-tracing its origins. the level which it
future is there in the scientist's involvement with has reached at present and what might lie ahead. We invite all who are anxious to obtain a
the arts. the artist's involvement with science? As such. it should be an invaluable work of refer copy to post their requirements to Studio
ence of crucial interest to many artists. musicians. International, 37 Museum Street, London
As new materials open up the exploration of new scientists and technologists and those whose W.C.1, marking the envelope "Cybernetic
forms for those who work with them so does the interest in the arts is more than only superficial. Serendipity" and enclosing a cheque or P.O.
computer appear to have a future in enlarging The many eminent contributors include Professor for the appropriate amount.