Page 50 - Studio International - April 1969
P. 50

Complaints                                 I haven't written anything in quite a while; I   work has connections to so-called abstract
                                                have a lot of complaints. Most of these are   work. (I don't like the word 'abstract'.) Or, I
                                                about attempts to close the fairly open situation   think American art is far better than that any-
      part I                                    of contemporary art. There are a lot of argu-  where else but I don't think that situation is
                                                ments for closure: a whole aesthetic or style, a   desirable. Actually, it's international art in
                                                half aesthetic or movement, a way of working,   America and the best thing that could happen
     Don Judd                                   history or development, seniority, juniority,   would be equal international art elsewhere.
                                                money and galleries, sociology, politics,   In 1964 I wrote an article on the difference
                                                nationalism. Most discussion of these aspects   between the years just before and after 1960.
                                                is absolute; something is the only true art and   Most of the artists, the followers by definition
                                                something else has got to go. Usually little is   of a majority, and the galleries were fixed
                                                said about particular works and artists and   upon Abstract Expressionism. It was a style
                                                nothing about the actual differences and   and the only legitimate one. Every little
                                                similarities between artists. I've read very   debaser was praised as a great artist by Irving
                                                little about the present kind of large scale and   Sandler and Max Kozloff and painted a
                                                it is common to almost everyone. It's very   painting in  Art News.  But Reinhardt and
                                                definite and will some day be an obvious aspect   Rauschenberg, for example, were irrelevant
                                                of the time. That's true of colour also, and of   flukes. It was an unpleasant situation and
                                                wholeness, which has been discussed some.   somewhat like the extremely warped one that
                                                Everything on the list should be considered   existed in the U.S. before the late forties. By
                                                but almost never should any argument result   1960 it became evident that the best work
                                                in the destructive conclusion that is the usual   wasn't among the so-called abstract expres-
                                                ending, or apparent ending, since often it's   sionists, except for some of the original ones,
                                                the premise. Obviously everyone is going to   Rothko, Newman and Still, and one later one,
                                                prefer kinds of art. I prefer art that isn't   Frankenthaler. There were Reinhardt and
                                                associated with anything and am tired of the   Rauschenberg, Louis, Noland, Johns and
      Donald Judd Untitled 1968                 various kinds of dada, and don't think, for ex-  then Chamberlain, di Suvero, Bontecou,
      galvanized iron, 63 x 73 x 120 in. (39 units)
      Leo Castelli Gallery                      ample, that the work of Johns and Rauschen-  Stella, Oldenburg, Rosenquist and Lichten-
      2                                         berg is so momentous. But it's good and I'm   stein.
      Donald Judd Untitled 1967                 not at all inclined to rank them below every   In the last three years or so I've thought that
      stainless steel, 2+ x 24 x 20+ in.
      Edition of 200 (from Castelli Ten Portfolio)   last abstract artist. And I know that their    Clement Greenberg and his followers have
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