Page 51 - Studio International - April 1969
P. 51

been trying to form a similar closed situation.   first show in New York in December 1964.   Greenberg made a garbled attempt to give
         I've expected a lot of stupid things to reoccur   Di Suvero first showed his somewhat similar   the invention of 'Minimal Art', though it was
         —movements, labels—but I didn't think there   but far better sculpture in October 1960; by   not worth inventing, to Ann Truitt.
         would be another attempt to impose a uni-  1964 di Suvero had a tiresome number of
                                                                                              'But if any one artist started or anticipated Minimal
         versal style. It's naive and it's directly opposed   followers and Caro's work looked like that of
                                                                                              Art, it was she, in the fence-like and then box-like
         to the nature of contemporary art, including   just another of them. 'Anthony Caro is a   objects of wood or aluminium she began making,
         that of the artists they support. Their opinions   major artist—the best sculptor to come up   the former in 1961 and the latter in 1962.
         are the same as those of the critics and fol-  since David Smith' — C.G. That's only mis-  'Truitt's first New York show, at the Andre Em-
         lowers of the late fifties : there is only one way   judgement though. I expect that; I don't   merich Gallery in February 1963, met incompre-
                                                                                              hension (from, among others, Donald Judd, today
         of working— one kind of form, one medium;   expect the little league fascism.
                                                                                              a Minimalist leader, who reviewed the show for
         everything else is irrelevant and trivial;   Barbara Reise's article on Greenberg)  was   Arts).
         history is on our side; preserve the true art;   good serious opposition. It's surprising that it   'Had they been monochrome, the "objects" in
         preserve the true criticism. This means that   wasn't done until now. Greenberg's and   Truitt's 1963 show would have qualified as first
         Grace Hartigan and Michael Goldberg were   Michael Fried's articles and the absence of   examples of orthodox Minimal Art.'
         better than Reinhardt and Rauschenberg    opposition make one of the numerous instances
                                                                                              The last sentence is in the category of 'if the
         and that Jack Bush and Edward Avedisian   of the incompetence of art criticism. Barbara
                                                                                              queen had balls, she would be king'. An
         are better than Oldenburg and Flavin. Both   Rose did rise up in a recent article in  Art-
                                                                                              opening sentence is :
         groups, by these attitudes, slowly destroy the   forum,2  but she concedes Greenberg a separate
         work they're protecting. The followers of the   history as against that of everyone else. I'm   `It is hardly two years since Minimal Art first
         abstract expressionists and some of the leaders   harder on Greenberg than Barbara Reise is   appeared as a coherent movement, and it is already
                                                                                              more the rage among artists than Pop or Op ever
         went backwards toward representational    and don't take him so seriously. By now he's
         painterliness. The Greenbergers, except No-  ignorant and hysterical. One instance is a
         land, steadily become either atmospheric or   laughable article in  Vogue  last May, osten-  That chronology is either intentional falsifica-
         cubistic. I think Noland is the only first-rate   sibly on Ann Truitt but mainly on the failings   tion or ignorance. The statement about my
         artist involved—Louis is dead—and I like No-  of 'Minimal Art', including me. This is the   derogatory review of Truitt's show is also
         land's circles better than I like anything of his   nadir of the failures :          shady. Regardless of work never shown,
         since. Caro is a conventional, competent second-                                     Flavin, Morris and I were in a group show at
                                                   'And with the help of monochrome the artist would
         generation artist. I don't understand the link                                       Green in January 1963 and later that year.
                                                   have been able to dissemble her feminine sensibility
         between Noland and Caro, since wholeness is                                          One of Greenberg's worst statements, attri-
                                                   behind a more aggressively far-out, non-art look, as
         basic to Noland's work and cubist fragmenta-  so many masculine Minimalists have their  rather   buting everything to money, was in  Studio
         tion is basic to Caro's. I think Caro had his   feminine sensibilities.' (Greenberg's italics.)    International in January 1968 :
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