Page 70 - Studio International - April 1969
P. 70

Belgium 19 Flag triptych, acrylic on       Sweden  21  Tile painting, mixed media on   U.S.A.  23  Interlace, 1967, nylon monofila-
     canvas, by Geri Morgan, from an exhibi-    hardboard, 19¾ x 19¾ in., by Rupert       ment, quadruple and tubular weave,
     tion of his work at Galerie Sept, Mons, from   Mosley, from his one-man exhibition at   76 x 14/ x 13½ in., by Kay Sekimachi
     April 25 until May 9. Geri Morgan was      Galerie Latina, Stockholm, until April 30.   from an exhibition of Wall Hangings at the
     born in 1926 in Battersea and studied at   Rupert Mosley was born in Stoke-on-Trent   Museum of Modern Art, New York, until
     St Martin's and Camberwell School of Art.   in 1927 and now lives in Paris and       May 4.
     He teaches part-time at Camberwell School   Scandinavia. Prices are from £54 to £300.   24  Moon shot, 1968, acrylic on canvas,
     of Art and at Byam Shaw School of Painting   Italy  22 Photograph of Claudio Bruni   101½ x 75 in., by Nicholas Krushenick,
     and Drawing. This exhibition includes      (director of La Medusa) in front of a     from an exhibition of his new paintings at
     twenty-two paintings and two editions of   painting by Giorgio de Chirico, by Stanis   Pace Gallery, New York, from April 19
     screen prints. The prints are £10 each and   Nievo, from an exhibition of portraits by   until May 14.
     the paintings are from £50 to £150.        Stanis Nievo at La Medusa, Rome, until
     Switzerland  20  Schichtung 67, 1968,      May 1.
      painted wood, 47½ x 39¼ x 11¾ in., by
     Thomas Lenk, from an exhibition of his
     sculpture and graphics at Galerie Renee
      Ziegler, Zurich, from April 11 until
      May 10.

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