Page 71 - Studio International - April 1969
P. 71

25  Cubi XXVII, 1965, polished stainless                                            26  Floating forms, 1968, by Brendan Neiland,
          steel, 111 ⅜   x 87¾ x 34 in., by David Smith,                                      from his one-man exhibition at Atherton
          from the David Smith Retrospective Exhibi-                                          Gallery, Menlo Park, California, from
          tion at The Solomon R. Guggenheim                                                   April 15 until the end of May. Brendan
          Museum, New York, until May 11. This                                                Neiland studied at Birmingham College of
          exhibition, the first major retrospective of                                        Art and is now in his third year at the
          the artist in New York City, will comprise                                          Royal College of Art. He has exhibited in
          almost 100 sculptures, chosen to present                                            London and with the Northern Young
          chronologically the artist's whole creative                                         Contemporaries and his work has been
          range during his thirty-four years of                                               included in subsequent Arts Council tours.
          activity.                                                                           He has worked extensively with air-brush
                                                                                              and air-gun during the past two years.
                                                                                              Canada  27  LS684, 1968, aluminium,
                                                                                              108 x 108 in. by Karl Beveridge, from his
                                                                                              one-man exhibition at Carmen Lamanna
                                                                                              Gallery, Toronto, until April 22.
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