Page 43 - Studio International - December 1969
P. 43

the only longitudinal corridor upstairs con-  richness, compounded simplicities, discrete
                                                    tained the sequence of six two-lined combina-  understatement, and visual and conceptual
                                                    tions, with the remaining three-lined drawing   clarity (beauty). The fact that the wall
                                                    in the visitor's last room acting as a full-stop   drawings are likely to be removed for the
                                                    thought-return to the main floor.         gallery's next exhibition in no way denigrates
                                                   Just three weeks before, LeWitt's exhibition   the timelessness of this art; they can always
                                                    of wall drawings had opened at the Dwan   be reconstructed with more precise freshness
                                                    Gallery in New York. In one of the two plain-  than a Rembrandt (thanks to LeWitt's pre-
                                                    walled rooms were the two boxes drawn in   cise plan-drawings and notes), and with
                                                    the A and B versions of the 'Fours' series; the   modern fixatives they could exist with physical
                                                    other room was articulated by wall drawings   purity about as long as anything else.
                                                    of the complete new (`Unitary' ?) series. These   But LeWitt's drawing activity does not end
                                                    drawings were really integrated with the   with this as a culminating masterpiece. Since
                                                    architecture—which was simultaneously domi-  the time of his completed decisions of how to
                                                    nated by their contrapuntal richness as visual   treat the Dwan exhibition, he has taken draw-
                                                    fields. Each of the four walls was differently   ing activity as a medium for ideas related to
                                                    treated; each wall was dealt with in terms of   time and chance in a series of written proposals
                                                    different sets from an instantaneously obvious   for other exhibitions. For his five-day part of the
                                                    serial totality; and the wall drawings were   Ace Gallery's sequential group 'Wall Show'
                                                    integrated as much by their architectural   in September, he stipulated that each of four
                                                    positions as by their positions within a serial   people should take one type of straight line
                                                    idea also manifest elsewhere.             and draw it in parallels across one of the four
                                                    On the north and south walls were single   walls for equal hours, changing walls (but
                                                    panels isolated from the surrounding bare   retaining line-type) each of four days, and
                                                    wall surface: four separate vertically oriented   wiping off one wall for an equal time-period
                                                    panels of single-lined drawings were divided   on the fifth day. For the showing of 'When
                                                    into orthogonal and diagonal pairs by a door-  Attitudes become Form' at London's Insti-
                                                    way on the north wall, and faced the south   tute of Contemporary Arts in August, he
                                                    wall's single horizontally oriented rectangle of   proposed three bands of horizontal, vertical,
                                                    four-lines. This four-lined panel opened a new   and diagonal orientation and internal linear
                                                    direction in LeWitt's drawing activity: it was   parallels to be drawn to the ends of a given
                                                    coloured in different hues (grey-graphite   wall and intersect at one point: the size,
                                                    horizontals, yellow verticals, blue left-to-right   combination of band and line direction, and
                                                    and yellow right-to-left diagonals), but in such   total configuration to be left to the draughts-
                                                    balanced primaries that their visual impres-  man. For Konrad Fischer's 'Conception'
                                                    sion fused into a field almost as neutrally   documentation exhibition in November at
          'table-of-contents' ; each drawing's directional   grey as any other in the room. The east   Leverkusen, LeWitt stipulated that four one-
          orientation is consistent with the usual reader's   and west walls were completely covered   metre squares, be outlined one metre apart on
          horizontal page-turning movement relative   from moulding to moulding in contiguous   a wall; inside were to be drawn one line in the
          to a vertical binding. And in contrast to this   areas of 2- or 3-line combinations: on the   first square, ten in the second, 100 in the third,
          unified drawing-series-book, the Xerox and   west wall the possible variations of 2-lines'   1000 in the fourth : with the draughtsman
          Ace Gallery's booklet pages seem materially   combinations were rendered in six floor-to-  choosing the position, length and direction of
          separate from their centred almost geometri-  ceiling panels—reading from left to right in   the straight line(s), so long as they did not
          cally figurative drawings representing aspects   the simplest serial order (12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 34),   exceed the edge of the square.
          of a separately complete serial idea.     an order which visually centred itself gently;   And even in October in Krefeld— waiting for
          At Krefeld, these fifteen drawings were done   the east wall was covered with a serial   things to arrive and drawings to be executed—
          as 2 m. squares on separate walls throughout   ordering of the four types of three-lined com-  LeWitt was developing a new series of paired
          the Haus Lange. Most of them were done in   binations which grouped visually and con-  rectilinear areas of 1-to-4 line combinations. 11
          silverpoint— both technically more efficient   ceptually both as four lateral squares of four   And I'm sure that's not the last of the open-
          for such long lines than graphite, and art-  squares of four squares and as repeated dia-  ended and flexible drawing activity of Sol
          historically ironical as a particularly German   gonal repetitions of individual square units.   LeWitt. 	               q
          and ancient (non-`avant-garde') medium.   (Here, in tautological opposition to the
          Working in relation to an architectural en-  `Fours' series, the ordering process worked in
          vironment already 'a work of art' by Mies van   terms of divisions within larger wholes rather
          der Rohe, these drawings acted as accentuat-  than as multiplication of individually separa-
          ing spots in spaces on planes rather than as a   ted parts.) This north-south east-west axial
          singular dominating field. But their grouping   dialogue related to the parallel facing of the
          was integrated with both the serial idea and   boxes in the other room. Thus related, the two
          the particular spatial and temporal experience   rooms acted as complete works in tautological
          of an observer in that place : each drawing   opposition : one as a 'Fours' series of ones, the
          was alone on a wall, situated for best light and   other as a 'Ones' series of fours; one as
          non-competition with the three-dimensional   interior space confined by articulated walls,
          works also exhibited; the presence of the   the other as exterior space circulating around
          four single-lined and one four-lined and a   objects whose articulated surfaces paralleled
                                                                                              11  to be published soon as the complete Bulletin No. 18
          group of three three-lined drawings gave the   their confining walls and visually dissolved   of the Dutch publication Art and Project—available from
          ground floor dominance in tonal contrasts   their material weightiness. As a complete   its publisher Adriaan van Ravesteijn at Amsterdam 9,
          and conceptual focusing; and the rooms off    work of art, this exhibition was a paragon of    Richard Wagnerstraat 8, The Netherlands.
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