Page 46 - Studio International - December 1969
P. 46

The conventional image of the solitary artist   4
                                                                                          Li Yuan-chia
                                                in his studio is becoming an anachronism,   Sculpture + Architecture = Tomorrow, 1968
                                                just as the unique painting or sculpture is   5
                                                                                          Loading for Germany a 'Compack' container,
                                                becoming outmoded. There is still some fame   designed to fit into any of the Group's 3 Renault cars
                                                and much money to be won through the
                                                `gallery system'; but the patronage that pro-  Installation shot of Group One Four Exhibition
                                                duces it remains aristocratic in tone and wilful   at the Arnolfini Gallery Bristol, 1969.
                                                in intent, with the artist standing alone as the   7  The 'Eurominiprotopack', a pre-packed graphic
                                                passive supplicant to the personal tastes of   postal exhibition showing the range of activities and
                                                gallery owners, critics and customers. In   explaining the aims of the Group (right).
                                                                                          The' Compack' box, a complete small exhibition
                                                other words, conditions that would appear   in a container (left).
                                                feudal and humiliating to any modest trades
                                                unionist are eagerly sought after by ambitious
                                                artists. Such a state of affairs is hardly in
                                                accord with the democratic aspirations of our
                                                society; surely most artists would like to go
                                                down in history as reflecting the milieu of
                                                their own time.
                                                One possible way of achieving this is through
                                                the use of new materials and techniques and
                                                this can only be done thoroughly by obtaining
                                                the resources of industry, a less capricious
                                                patron and one more likely to be objective in
      cusi's column. Both the column and the point   motive. Another way is to form a group,   material, and the efficiency of their press infor-
      are the expression of an aspiration and an   where corporate ideas, collective thinking and   mation system is of a standard that makes
      embodiment of a spiritual attitude. The point   communal working offer a solution to many   many galleries and public institutions look
      is generally a disc, sometimes completely flat   technical and financial problems and also   decidedly amateur. For some reason these
      and flexible, which can be thrown at a large   suggest more of an analogy with modern   methods are occasionally frowned upon,
      magnetized disc (another point?) hanging in   times. An extension of this is for a group to   though the group is merely systematizing a
      space and stick to its surface. Sometimes the   combine industrial techniques with the   practice that individual artists have long
      point is made of wood, magnetized and     methods of the business world; this sounds   fumbled with; and any modern business
      painted, or surmounted with a circular photo-  like plain common sense.             organization that neglected this practice
      graph. Elsewhere the point is a circle painted   One collection of artists that quite openly   would be considered a failure. Like any
      with a faint outline on a wall or a small cir-  exploits all these factors is Group One Four.   efficient business, Group One Four have
      cular protrusion within a uniformly coloured   It was first launched in 1964 by Brian Yale   regular meetings, cost all their projects, study
      surface. Sometimes the point is a circular   and Mauro Kunst, two independent artists   and rationalize problems of packaging and
      mirror, several of which hang on a wall   at that time teaching at Hornsey College of   transportation, methods and materials, profit
      making interrupted reflections of the environ-  Art. From casual conversation it became   and loss, outlay and income. As a result they
      ment. Occasionally, the point which symbo-  apparent that they had sympathies in common   have produced two kinds of packaged ex-
      lizes the beginning and end of creation is not   while more vigorous discussions revealed the   hibition that can be duplicated in quantity
      a disc but a crescent, a triangle, or an irregu-  potential for a small, organized group of   and are designed to fit into predetermined
      lar shape. Like the circular points, these too   artists with common ideas and what could be   containers which fit into standard vehicles or
      are often magnetized and can be moved     developed into a common ideology. John    conform to Post Office standards. Again, like
      around on the surface of the 36-inch diameter   Berry, another tutor at Hornsey, joined them   commercial organizations, they have develo-
      discs painted with different colours on each   and, as the ideas and the ideology coalesced   ped a specific jargon that is not intended to be
      side and suspended from the ceiling. These   the group was joined by Roy Grayson, so that   obscurantist or esoteric but is simply a verbal
      large discs are called 'Mathematics = 0'.   a distinct policy with a related aesthetic was   shorthand that simplifies a situation of
      Depending on how many of the elements are   gradually formed. This was hammered out   growing complexity. To the familiar con-
      on the surface at any one time the title of the   by means of intensive debate and unsparing,   cepts of 'software' and 'hardware' they have
      work changes; thus, if there are 4 points,   collective criticism—usually at Kunst's flat.   added the `Compack', a 75 cm cube made of
      the title would be 'Mathematics-4=0.' There   And it is typical of their objectivity that they   aluminium that will fit exactly into a Renault
      are many variations of mathematics but none   finally named the group simply from the num-  or Ford van or the freight bay of an aeroplane.
      of them are exact replicas of one another.   ber on the door —14 — One Four.        Into the sections of this box goes a complete
      Li's work extends to poetry too, which like   What eventually appeared was a body con-  exhibition of eight 'masterworks' and sixteen
      the points and the Life Station, and the   sisting of two painters (Grayson and Yale) and   `multiworks' — enough to fill an average-
      entire exhibition which goes under the title   two sculptors (Berry and Kunst) that has   sized gallery—and it can be transported
      of 'Moon Show,' is equally simple and enig-  become one of the most widely-known groups   quickly and cheaply to any destination. So,
      matic. It is the poems rather than repro-  in this country and one with a distinct   with careful forward planning, it is possible
      ductions of the works that convey the flavour   character of its own. Without deliberately   for the group to have any reasonable number
      of what he wants to say:                  planning it, but by the process of what might   of exhibitions circulating at one time. The
                   Who are you                  be called collective intuition, they have   `Compack' is supplemented by another in-
                   Who are you                  developed a strategy that uses the techniques   novation, the 'Eurominiprotopack', a small
                   Who are you                  and principles of the world of commerce, and   box (50 x 62.5 X 5cm) that can be sent by
                     ? ? ?                      this strategy they have deliberately applied to   post or rail and contains a complete graphic
        You never know the man will turn up     the world of art. 	                       display.
        You never know what he will do next  q   For example, they print their own elegant   Is the work inside equal to the flair and pro-
     JASIA REICHARDT                            letter heading and issue their own publicity   fessional expertise that envisaged and design-
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