Page 81 - Studio International - December 1969
P. 81
Directory of Artists who have shown prints include Paolozzi, Graphic artists mostly from Hampstead: David Koster,
Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, NW3.
Ron Fuller, Rosamund Steed, Lia Rondelli, Phillippa
galleries Pasmore, Hockney, Allen Jones, artists from Editions Threlfall and others. Prices 5-30 gns.
Ewan Phillips, 22a Maddox Street, Wl.
Alecto and Camden Art� Centre, and others. Prices
7-500 gns. Do not commission, but professional artists
work on the premises under a master printmaker. Occasional original prints·: Max Ernst, Chagall, etc.
Prices £80-£200.
Century, Centuries, Sonning, Berks. Folio Fine Arts Ltd, 6 Stratford Place, Wl.
Alecto, 38 Albemarle Street, Wl. Original prints and litho gr aphs. Work of artists includ Prints from 1500 to present day: Diirer, Rembrandt,
pu of Editions ing Andre Bicat, Henry Trivick and Ralph Thompson. Renoir, Dufy, Lautrec, Picasso, Matisse, Mir6,
Alecto. Holds monthly changing exhibitions of gr aphics. Colour Print, 2 Motcomb Street, Belgrave Braque, etc. Also a selection of contempora ry gr aphics.
Has more that 250 images in stock. Mainly directed at Square, SWl, incorporating School Prints Ltd Prices £3-£400. Hold print exhibitions and issue
retail clients, also handles trade sales for EditionsAlecto. and Motcomb Frames Ltd. catalogues.
Annely Juda Fine 11-12 Tottenham Mews, Fulham, 3 6 1 New Kings Road, SW6.
Wl. Original lithographs in large editions by Henry Moore, Silkscreen prints printed by the galle ry include poster/
Gillian R Campigli, Braque, Leger, Nash, Skeaping, Rothenstein, etc. poems by Edward Lucie-Smith and Sandra Blow;
Car Laird Continually changing exhibitions of approximately 'Henri Chopin, Christopher Logue, Asa Benveniste,
Davis, Hilde Goldschmitt, Alan Green, A. Hadad, Tess 250 International Colour Prints. Picture Hire facilities Mark Boyle. Plans to open a workshop for artists and
Jaray, Geoffrey Keeling, Kalkhof, Ronald King, for schools, industry, films and theatre. 1-20 gns. printmakers next year. Catalogue of all prints to date
Compass, 178 West Regent Street, Glasgow C2.
Radovan Kraguli, Ellen Kuhn, David Leverett, Henry available early 1970.
Moore, Pasmore, Michael Rothenstein, Dieter New galle ry opened in March 1969 to continue and Furneau:x, 23 Church Road, W i mbledon, SW 1 9 .
Shih, develop the poli cy of the former New Charing Cross Handles prints of contempora ry artists, including
Gallery. Extensive stock of prints by Marlborough Grap
Skiold, V Michael Stokoe, Agatha hics which includes work by Piper, Nolan, Kitaj, Tilson, Francis Kelly, Henry Rushb ury . Prices 5-20 gns.
Sorel, Gabriel Sithey, Richard Turner, Marc Vaux. ·Cohen, Kokoschka, etc. Principal stockists of leading Gemini G.E.L., 8 3 6 5 Melrose Avenue, Los
Anschel, 3 3e Kings Road, SW3. contemporary Scottish printmakers: Reeves, McCoig, Angeles, California 90069.
by Hockney, Kitaj, Caulfield, Allen Taylor, Rogers, McKenzie, Rossi, Mcinnes, McCulloch.
Jones, Peter Blake, Nolan, Chagall, Giacometti, Mir6, Compendium, 2a Salisbury Road, Moseley, Limited editions of original handprinted litho gr aphs
Friedlander, Wunderlich, Meckseper, etc. 5-200 gns. and sculpture multiples by American artists commis
Arnolfini, 42 Triangle West, Bristol 8. Birmingham 13. sioned by the studio. Past projects include works by
prints, living artists, including Specializing in screen, etching and lino prints by Josef Albers, Anni Albers, William Crutchfield, Jasper
by Richard Chesterman, Henry Cliffe, Anthony British artists, with a continually changing wide range Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Robert
Rob Bob Gill Hughes, of limited editions. Rauschenberg, Ed Ruscha, Frank Stella and Man Ray.
Michael North, Sally Parkin, Richard Smith, William Compendium 2, 137 Fulham Road, SW3. Gomer & Millard, 58/60 Kenway Road, Earl's
Tillyer, Julian Trevel ya n, and prints from all the major A new galle ry created with the overall intention of Court,SW5.
p pu £6-£600. introducing out-of-London contemporaries to the Wide selection of litho gr aphs, etchings and seri gr aphs
Also multiples published by Unlimited. London scene. Both galleries car ry an extensive range by Benjamin, Freed, Gravett, Orr, Piesowocki, Weare,
Ars Studeo, Kvstertorv4, 8000 ArhusC, Denmark. of prints by new and up-and-coming printmakers, and etc., priced between £10 and £18.
gr fr various handle the work of such established artists as William Grabowski, 84 Sloane Avenue, SW3.
countries and separate exhibitions ofinternational, Gear, Francis Kelly, Gordon Senior, Peter Hedegaard, Contemporary prints by British and Polish artists.
and Marie-Louise Colouris.
wellknown Prices 12-50 gns.
works of Crossley, 4 Crossley Street, Melbourne, Australia. Grosvenor, 30 Davies Street, Wl.
Geiger, Hockney, Johns, Jones, Jorn, Kitaj, Kelly, Established in 1966, the only gallery in Australia deal Features own graphic editions by Erte and Scarfe, and
Lenk, Mor Paoloz ing exclusively in original prints. Publishers of Edition works from Leningrad Experimental Graphics Labora
Vasarely, Warhol, etc. Crossley lithographs and original prints. The galle ry to ry . Grosvenor is the first UK galle ry to show works
Ashgate, Wagon Yard, Downing Street, Farnham, specializes in the work of contemporary Australian by living Soviet artists. Commissioned Anatoli Kaplan to
Surrey. artists and also carries a ve ry large collection of con make five lithographic albums on the works of
temporary Japanese prints. Representing S. W. Hayter,
Large selection of original prints. Artists include Beut Hagiwara, Hasegawa and Sugai: in Australia. Exhibi Scholem Aleichem. Has graphic work from many
lich Trev Thorn K Dell, tions fortnightly. countries, Art Nouveau lithographs and posters by
Coutu, Cozens, Hermes, Boyle, Gaunt. Prices 6-25 gns. Court, 0stergada 24, Copenhagen K, Denmark. Alphonse Mucha, also gr aphic work of the twenties.
Axiom, 79 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, Wl. Grosvenor Galle ry posters: Picasso, Lissitzky, Hayter,
Contempora p A Cal Retail outlet for Court Graphics. Artists include Erte, Gill, Scarfe. Graphics by Chagall, Campigli, de
Dalle gr Finlay, Vielfaure, Daskaloff. Chirico, Erte, Hamaguchi, Kandinsky, Lissitzky,
Hayter, Jaray, Kidner, Lim, Kenneth Martin, Morley, Curwen, 1 Colville Place, Whitfield Street, Wl. Matisse, Mir6, Music, Searle, Severini, Scarfe, Wall.
etc. Lithographs from the Curwen Studio and prints in all Hansen-Fuller, 228 Grant Avenue, San Fran
Prices £3-£100. media by over 200 artists including Moore, Piper, cisco, California 94108.
Bear LanEl, 6 B Lane, Oxford OXl 4EJ. Hepworth, Chadwick, Sutton, Frink, Davie, and Handles gr aphics from Gemini G.E.L., Gerald Gooch,
700 prints in stock, of up to 300 are now Hayter. Curwen editions may be hired. Harold Paris, Dennis Beall, Andy Brady, Paolozzi,
i include: David Stuart Galleries, Contemporary, Pre John Ihle, Nancy Genn, Beth Van Hoesen, Krushenick.
N R Bawden, Columbian and Primitive Arts, 807 N. La Harcus-Krakow, 167 Newbury Street, Boston,
Jae Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90069. Mass. 0 2116.
Rob Alistair Handles the contemporary works of artists: John Altoon, Original graphics and multiples by Albers, Anuszkie
Malcolm Bruce Beasley, Tony Berlant, Lorser Feitelson, Llyn wicz, Bill, Gottlieb, Johns, Kelly, Krushenick, Le
Hughes, Francis Kelly, Michael Kidner, Ronald King, Foulkes, Robert Harvey, Mel Ramos, Helen Lunde Corbusier, Oldenburg, Ortman, Paolozzi, Rauschen
R. B. Kitaj, David Koster, Edwin La Dell, Eric Malt berg, Hassel Smith, Bob Stanley, Emerson Woelffer and berg, Stella, Trova, Vasarely, Warhol, Youngerman,
h Michaelis, Nicholson, Peter Voulkos. d' Arcangelo, Indiana, Lichtenstein, Rivers.
R Valerie Desmond Page, 2 Argyll Road, W 8 . Hilton, Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, Wl.
Thornton,Julian Trevelyan. Prices 1-50 gns. A ve ry good selection of Pop artists, especially the work Original lithographs by Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso,
Europa of Richard Hamilton. Others include Hockney, Caul Chagall, Bonnard, Braque, Buffet, etc.
Center, Germany. field, Blake, etc. Prices £25-£500. Howard Roberts, 49 Westgate Street, Cardiff.
Haubensak, DeVorzon, 744½ N. La Cienega Blvd., Los Main suppliers for litho gr aphs, etchings, contemporary
Jones, Lohse, Phillips, Tilson. Graphics ofEditionHake. Angeles, California 90069. prints, etc., for this part of the British Isles since 1957.
Betty Parsons, 24 West 57 Street, New York. Original gr aphics by the Masters: Albers, Braque, Hold stock from individual artists at home and abroad
Graphics by the following E. Box, Bart, Cong Calder, Chagall, Dali, Friedlander, Leger, Mir6, and work from the main London presses.
Gray, Hacklin, Cascella, Picasso, Vasarely. Ikon Ltd, Swallow Street, Birmingham l.
Castellani, Hennessy, Kawabata, Liberman, Pousette Don Quixote, 4 Seymour Place, WI. Deal in contemporary artists and have a prints and
Dart, Steinberg, Youngerman. Spanish engraving and litho gr aphy: Manzoro, Ivan multiples room with a wide range of original prints,
Bladon, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Andover, Hants. Mosca, Hans Haedel. Prices £12-£14. multiples, multiple prints, pamphlets and books.
A small of lithographs and prints are always Dresdenere, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5, Prices 3s to £30. Literature on request.
i p Douglas Canada. Kasmin, 118 New Bond Street, WI.
Mazonowicz. Lithographs, etchings, woodcuts, lino-cuts, etc. by the Graphics by artists exhibiting with the gallery: David
Hannover, Friedrichswa im following artists: Braque, Chagall, Dali, Laurencin, Hockney, Rob yn Denny, Gordon House, Gillian
Kubus, Germany. Mir6, Picasso, Adnet, Ci ry , Clave, Guiramand, Ayres, Richard Smith, Frank Stella, Howard Hodgkin,
d' Arcangelo, Braque, Hernandez-Pijuan, Tapies, Tharrats, Vila-Casa, Weis Jules Olitski. Occasionally exhibit the works of Jasper
Chagall, Bellmer, Cimiotti, Dali, Delvaux, Dine, Ernst, buch. Johns and Claes Oldenburg. Prices from 20 gns.
Giacometti, Hockney, Hundertwasser, Hauser, Jager, Drian, 5-7 Porchester Place, W2. Leicester, 22a Cork Street, WI.
Jensen, Jones , Leissler, Twei;itieth-century artists in limited editions: Braque, Holds an annual exhibition of gr aphics in December:
Nic O Picasso, Matisse, Arp, Picasso, Berlewi, Alexanco. From £50. Bonnard, Buhot, Calvert, Craig, Fantin-Latour, John,
Phillips, Schwarz, Schultze, Szymanski, Sugai, Tilson, Everyman Cinema Foyer, Holly Bush Vale, Lautrec, Maillol, Matisse, Millet, Moore, Nash,
Vasarely, Voss, Ay-0, Yrissa ry . NW3. Nevinson, Palmer, Picasso, Pissarro, Redon, Rouault,