Page 82 - Studio International - December 1969
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Roussel,  Segonzac,  Sickert,  Sutherland,  Whistler.   Neuendorf,  2  Hamburg  13,  W e rderstrasse  32,   in London. Selected works permanently on view.
      Prices £10-£1200.                         Germany.                                  Reese Palley, 140  Maiden  Lane,  San  Francisco.
      Leslie  Waddington  Prints  Ltd,  8  Vigo  Street,   Carry graphics and multiples by the following  artists:   California.
      Wl.                                       Arman, d'Arcangelo, Denny, Dine, Graham, Hamilton,   Now  houses  within  the  Frank  Lloyd Wright  Building
      Holds prints by Hayden, Frost, Frink, Hoyland, Denny,   Hockney, Janssen, Johns, Jones, Kitaj, Laing, Lichten­  not only representative works by such artists as Avery,
      Caulfield,  Turnbull,  Trevel ya n,  Nicholson,  Celice,   stein,  Oldenburg,  Paolozzi,  Phillips,  Rauschenberg,   Paolozzi, Chagall, Picasso, Magritte, Ernst;  but also a
      HeroR, Tucker, Appel, Blake.              Riley, Rosenquist, Rot, Self, Warhol, Wesselman.   large  selection  of  contemporary  American  artists
      London Arts, 22 New Bond Street, Wl.      Nicholas Treadwell, 36 Chiltern Street, Wl.   including  works  by  Krushenick,  Nauman,  Ballaine,
      Opened in June this year by the London Arts Group,   Prints by contemporary artists including Helga Zahn,   Ramos,  Ruscha,  Dine,  Bengston,  Goode,  Lindner,
      an  American  based  company  with  galleries  in  New   Jack  Yates, John  Seaton,  Ludvik  Feller.  From £10.   Fiscus,  and  many  others.  The  gallery  is  also  the
      York  and  Detroit  and formerly  London  Graphic  Art   Obelisk, 15 Crawford Street, Wl.   exclusive  dealer  in  the  Bay  Area  for  Multiples  Inc.,
      Associates with a showroom in Grosvenor Street. The   Lithographs  by  surrealist  masters,  including  Ernst,   Editions Alecto, and Pace Editions Inc.
      gallery  will  be  exhibiting  major  works  by  leading   Chagall, Mir6, Klee. No  commissioning.   Regence, 13ruedelaRegence,Bruxelles !,Belgium.
      graphic  artists  from  the  sixteenth  to  the  twentieth   The  Old  Bakehouse,  Six  Bells  Lane  (3 7 b   High   A  large selection of  lithographs  by  Belgian  and  inter­
      centuries  and  will  continue  to  print  and  exhibit  the   Street), Sevenoaks, Kent.   national artists: Alechinsky, Anderle, Appel, Belgeonne,
      work of contemporary artists.             Opened in 1967. Small selection of prints: handmade   Braque,  Chagall,  Delaunay,  Delvaux,  Ensor,  Hajdu,
      Through travelling exhibitions London Arts reach most   limited editions and include silkscreen, lino, engraving,   Jones,  Jorn,  Lanskoy,  Lapicque,  Magritte,  Meis,
      interested  art  purchasers  in  Great  Britain  and  the   drypoint,  and  aquatints  by  Francis  Kelly,  Joyce   Poliakoff,  Singier,  Tytgat,  Ubac,  Valadon,  Villon,
      United  States.  Any  institution may request  a show of   Hargreaves, Ray Whittaker, Owen Legg,John Newson.   Wunderlich.
      graphic art from this organization and  approximately   Oxford, 23 High Street, Oxford.   Richard  Demarco,  8  Melville  Crescent,  Edin­
      500 pieces are sent with a representative to manage the                             burgh 3.
      show.  They  also  have a  vast  collection of graphic art   Shows wide range of editioned graphics. Work of con­  The  gallery  shows  an  extensive  range  of  prints  and
      ranging  from  the  sixteenth  to  the  twentieth  century,   temporary British European and US artists includes that   lithographs by  young  Scottish printmakers, and other
      and  supply  specific  shows  of  master  printmakers  for   of Ado, Ayres, Caulfield, Guest, Daniels, Denny, Frink,   artists including Trevor Bell, Ion Bitzan, Arthur Boyd,
      institutions  requesting  these,  e.g.  Goya,  Chagall,   Frost,  Hayter  and  Atelier  17,  Hepworth,  Hockney,   Gordon B ry ce, Ian Fearn, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Kim
                                                Kitaj, Lowry, Rothenstein, Stokoe, etc., and editions on
      Picasso, Hogarth and Vasarely.                                                      Kempshall, Patrice Vermeille, and Simon Weller.
      Lords, 26 Wellington Road, NW8.           Oxford buildings commissioned from Valerie Thornton.   RWS  Royal  Society  of  Painter-Etchers  and
                                                Pace  Editions  Inc.,  32  East  57 th  Street,  New
      Specialize in  original posters of  the period 1890-194-0.   York 10022.            Engravers, 26 Conduit Street, Wl.
      Lautrec,  Bonnard,  Mucha,  Cheret,  Kokoschka,  Ges­                               Living  artists,  painters,  etchers  and engravers:  Robert
      mar, Matisse, Picasso, Van Dongen, World War I and   A  division of the Pace Gallery.  Has  on  display in the   S. Austin, H.  Andrew Freeth, S. W. Hayter, Jennifer
                                                gallery  original  graphics  and  edition  sculptures  by
      II, film, theatre, etc. Also fine rare prints.   Dubuffet,  Krushenick,  Nevelson,  Paolozzi,  Trova,   Dickson.  Prices 5-30 gns.  Commission graphics.  Since
      LUDlley Cazalet Ltd, 24 Davies Street, Wl.   Samaras, and others.                   1880 eve ry  March show completely devoted to painter­
      Limited  editions  of  signed,  original  lithographs,  etch­  Park Square, 57  St Paul's Street, Leeds LSl 2TE.   etchers and engravers. Print Collector's Club affiliated
      ings  and  woodcuts,  by  the  established  masters  of  the   A large selection of lithographs and prints by individual   to Painter-Etchers.
      twentieth  century  and  the  promising  young  print­  artists.                    Savage, 65 Old Brompton Road, SW7.
      makers  of  today.  Artists  include  Picasso,  Braque,                             Foreign  and  British  artists:  Gris,  Chagall,  Picasso,
      Chagall, Matisse, Mir6, Marini, Giacometti, Vasarely,   Pascal, 104 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,   Ronald King, Walter Hoyle, Robert Tavener, Patricia
      Ernst,  Moore,  Bellmer,  Klee,  Mecksper, Wunderlich,   Canada.                    Howard. Prices  12-300 gns. The gallery specializes in
      Hecht,  Hamaguchi,  Miniami,  Louttre,  Deberdt,   The  Canadian  print  centre,  specializing  in  Canadian   graphics and plans to commission them.
      Hasegawa  and  many  others.  Prices  from  £6.   printmakers.                      Sears  Vincent  Price,  140  East  Ontario  Street,
      Maeght,  73 rue de Teheran, Paris 8e.     Peri, 16 Market Street, Brighton, Sussex.   Chicago, Illionois 6061 l .
      Maltzahn Ltd, 3 Cork Street, Wl.          Newly  opened  gallery.  Aims  to hold  a  representative   Specializes i n   master  graphics  from  the  fourteenth  to
                                                stock of  etchings  and other graphic work of the twen­
      Graphics from sixteenth to twentieth century. Modern   . tieth century. Also showing work by unknown modern   the twentieth centuries. Exclusive American  represen­
      artists include complete work of Robert Bevan, Anthony   artists.  Stock  work  of  the  following  artists:  Segonzac,   tative for  Harold  Town,  Michael  Ayrton, etc.  A  fine
      Gross,  and  Arthur  Boyd.  Other  artists:  Nevinson,   Whistler,  Russell  Flint,  Renoir,  Cezanne,  Edward   representation  of  contemporary  American  graphics
      Nicholson, Ronald King, Janssen  and School of Paris.   Bawden, Anthony Gross,  Richard Beer, Marie-Louise   from the West Coast School through to Rauschenberg.
      Mansard, Heal's, 196 Tottenham Court Rd, Wl.   Colouris, Ann d'Arcy Hughes, Heather Peri, etc. Four   Mailing list privileges and catalogues available.
      Original lithographs  by  Beer,  Bicat,  Koster, La  Dell,   exhibitions a year and a changing selection of graphics.   Sept, rue du Onze Novembre, Mons, Belgium.
      Trevelyan,  Francis  Kelly,  Moya  Cozens,  Jennifer                                Opened in 1967, specializing in prints. Prices from £10.
      Dickson, etc. Living artists. Prices 9'-20 gns.   PeterDeitsch,24East8 l s tStreet,NewYork l0028.   Sheviock, nr. Torpoint, East Cornwall.
                                                Major  nineteenth- and  twentieth-century  original
      Marlborough  Fine  Art  (London)  Ltd, 39 Old   prints and selected drawings from Goya to the present.   A  selection  of  prints  including  works  by  Hepworth,
     Bond Street, Wl.                           World agent for the estate of George Grosz.   Piper, Kokoschka, Lanyon, Richards and Nicholson.
      Prints  by  Armitage,  Auerbach,  Bayer,  Burri,  Capo­  Peterloo  Ltd,  33a  Brown  Street,  Manchester   Van Straaten, 157  East  Ontario Street,  Chicago,
      grossi,  Chadwick,  Clapham,  B.  Cohen,  H.  Cohen,,   M2 2JN.                     Illinois.
     Dorazio,  Evans,  Erni,  Gottlieb,  Guston,  Herman,                                 A new gall ery  with a wide selection of posters as well as
     House,  Kitaj,  Kokoschka,  Lanceley,  Lin,  Lipchitz,   Curwen  Prints  and  prints  by  Peter  Hedegaard,  Ken   other  graphics  and  multiples.  Geared  for  the  young
     Lucebert,  Marca-Relli,  Meier-Denninghoff,  Moore,   Sprague,  Gertrude  Hermes, Norman Jaques,  Morgan   collector, the goal is quality art at reasonable prices.
     Motherwell,  Nicholson,  Nolan,  Pasmore,  Pepper,   Hewinson, David Kosier and others. Price 5-30 gns.   Waterford, 3 High Street, Bromley, Kent.
     Picasso,  Piper,  Pomodoro,  Rebeyrolle,  Richards,   Piccadilly, 16a Cork Street, Wl.   Large selection of graphics by contemporary artists.
     Rivers,  J .  Smith,  Soto,  Stein,  Stroud,  Sutherland,   Prints by young English and Continental artists. Prices   Westcott  Art  Centre,  5  Main  Road,  Westcott,
     Tilson, \Vhiteley, Wotruba, Piche, Lausen,  Aitchison.   from8gns.                   nr. Dorking, Surrey.
     Retail outlets in New York and Rome.       Pollock, 5 9 9 Markham Street, Ontario, Canada.   Planned  with  the  idea  of  concentrating  on  prints.
     Martha Jackson Graphics, 32 East 69th Street,   Largest  collection  of  fine  international  graphics  in   Permanent stock consists of work by over eighty artisQi
     New York.                                  Canada,  including  Dine,  Vasarely,  Nicholson, Jones,   from all parts of the world, with a bias towards abstract
     Specializing in contemporary  works  by  such artists as   Soto,  Le  Pare,  Hockney,  Claisse,  Arp,  Delaunay,   imagery. The galle ry  is the only one in Britain offering
     Sam  Francis, Paul Jenkins, Karel  Appel, de Chirico,   Paolozzi, Hamilton, and many others.   photographs for sale as works of art as a regular item.
     Sorel Etrog, Clayton Pond, Gio Pomodoro, etc.   Poster  Originals Ltd, 16 East  7 8 th Street, New   Walter  Engel,  2100  Bathurst  Street,  Suite  113,
     Mikro, 1 Berlin 12, Carmerstrasse 1, Germany.   York 10021.                          Toronto 10, Ontario, Canada.
     Graphics by the following artists: Hockney,Jones, Dine,   The  first  galle ry  devoted exclusively  to fine American   Specializes in European and Latin American graphics:
     Kitaj,  Paolozzi,  Caulfield,  Stella,  Oldenburg,  Denny,   and European Art posters.   Appel,  Braque,  Campigli,  Chagall,  Dali,  Ernst,
     Winner,  Alt,  Janssen,  Akrithakis.  Original  posters,   The  Printmakers  Workshop,  46  Victoria   Kollwitz,  Masereel,  Mir6,  Moore,  Picasso,  Renoir,
     graphics catalogues, book publication.    Street, Edinburgh l.                       Severini,  Zadkine,  etc.,  and  Cuevas,  Lam,  Matta,
     Moos  Ltd,  138  Yorkville  Avenue,  Toronto  5 ,   The  gallery  is  the  only  Scottish  centre  that  deals   Silva, Siquieros, Tamayo, etc.
     Ontario, Canada.                          exclusively  in  original  graphics.  Over  200  original   William Weston, 10 Albemarle Street, Wl.
     Original  lithographs  and  serigraphs  by  Picasso,   lithographs,  etchings,  from  established  and  younger   Nineteenth- and  twentieth-century  original  prints:
     Chagall, Marini, Mir6,  Etrog, Deutsch, Thepot,  Baj.   Scottish artists mainly. Prices £6-£20 to mainly retail   Appel,  Bevan,  Bonnard,  Braque,  Chagall,  Corot,
     Motif Editions, 35 Conn a ught Street, W 2 .   market.  Carries  work  oy  the  following  artists: John   Giacometti,  Matisse,  Mir6,  Moore,  Picasso,  Renoir,
     Recently opened 'shop' serves as retail outlet for Motif   Brunsdon, Mike Cook, Roger Coleman, Betty Connal,   Rouault, Whistler, etc.  Also a  wide selection of young
     Editions  of  Frith  Street.  Artists  include:  Patrick   Kim Kempshall, Rudolph Kammer, Axel Dick, Sally   contemporaries.  Special fully illustrated monthly cata­
     Caulfield, David Hockney, Allen Jones, Peter Phillips,   McLaren,  Peter  Pretsell,  Philip  Reeves,  Julian   logues  of  new  acquisitions  available  on  subscription.
     Jann Haworth, Richard Lindner, Picasso, Peter Blake.   Trevelyan,  Margaret  Wright,  Roy  Wood,  Ron   Prices  £8-£500  and  upwards.  Important  exhibition
     New Art Centre, 41 Sloane Street, SWl.    Haselden,  Roy  Marsden, Gordon B ry ce.   of prints by nineteenth- and twentieth-century masters
     A  large  selection  of  cheaper  priced  lithographs  and   Quay, 2 J erome Alley, San Francisco, California.   including--w0l'ks  by  Bonnard,  Chagall,  Gauguin,
     prints by a wide variety of artists. Prices from 5-25 gns.   Stock all lithographs produced at the Collectors Press   Matisse, Mir6, Munch, Picasso, Vuillard, etc.
     Recent  publication:  a  set  of  lithographs  by  Sandra   studios.                 Zaydler, 39c Harrington Road, SW7.
     Blow at 15 gns each unframed; and in Janua ry  1970 an   Redfern, 20 Cork Street, Wl.   Prints  by  Kelly,  Alistair  Grant,  Bartlett,  Turner,
     exhibition of prints by Ann Madden will be held.   Largest  collection of  original twentieth-century prints   Tobbin and others. Prices 5-15 gns.   D
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