Page 27 - Studio International - February 1969
P. 27
of buildings. by artists from Chelsea, Hornsey and the Page 65, an aerial view of St Katharine's Dock
(T warehouse in white rectangle)
The main project now pre-occupying Space Slade Schools who have agreed to participate.
is at St Katharine's Dock, near Tower Bridge The Arts Council has made grants available T warehouse, St Katharine's Dock
in London, and recently taken over from the for both these projects as well as for the 2
Port of London Authority by the Greater independently-initiated Stockwell Depot pro- One of the T warehouse floors, indicative of the
huge space available
London Council, where the GLC has agreed ject. The Depot is a disused factory near
to lease to the company at a very low rental Stockwell underground station in south
the warehouse complex illustrated on this London, and is used by a group of young
spread and known as 'I' Warehouse. The sculptors at St Martin's School of Art. It is
dock area comprises three water basins of 10 not easy for individuals or small groups to
acres, surrounded by warehouse buildings obtain grants-in-aid because they have no
and installations built by Thomas Telford corporate organization to represent them. For
during the Napoleonic Wars. 'I' Warehouse, this reason Space is acting as a channel for
of somewhat later construction than Telford's funds allocated for such purposes, and aid to
buildings, is several storeys high and has a Stockwell is being so channelled.
floor space of some 100,000 sq ft. It is In effect, Stockwell Depot has proved the
estimated that 40 or more studio units could eminent feasibility of such schemes. The
be provided here, together with administra- bigger projects present greater complexities
tive offices and possibly, at a later date, in organization and finance. Yet if these can
general workshop facilities. be successful and ultimately establish them-
The second project is at the Marshalsea selves on a self-supporting basis they can offer
Prison site, where what remains of the prison a pattern which can be duplicated for a
described by Dickens in Little Dorrit has relatively low outlay in other urban centres
been incorporated into warehouse premises. where artists are severely handicapped by
A favourable rental has been offered by the shortage of working areas. Space Ltd is
owner (including one year rent-free), and the anxious to share its experiences in order to
four-storey building, which has a heating promote such projects.
system and a one-ton lift, will, it is estimated, [Further information on these and other pro-
provide accommodation for more than 20 jects can be obtained from Art Information
painters and sculptors. Total floor space is Registry, 'I' Site, St Katharine's Dock, St
about 32,000 sq ft. The site has been visited Katharine's Way, London, E.1.]