Page 51 - Studio International - February 1969
P. 51

well fully enjoy the job of charging them up   ally argumentative any more. The ideology   Some years ago when Scarfe used the pages of
         with charmingly various souls. Don't worry,   is adequately worked out and he can concen-  Private Eye  to gain notoriety, he began to
         all good souls will get along of their own   trate on the mechanics of a given issue.   annoy the professional cartoonists on Fleet
         accord. Does this reduce painting to orna-  How American these paintings seem from   Street by inspiring real-life art critics to men-
         ment ? If ornament is the opposite of narra-  over here. I notice that some of the forms   tion him in what they fondly refer to as 'their
         tion, more power to it. Classicists seem to   don't exactly meet as they ideally intend to,   notices'. Scarfe, thought the professionals,
         understand, almost from birth, something   and that the pencilled compass lines are not   wasn't really a cartoonist and he wasn't a
         which causes romantics a great deal of    only left in the interstices  (none  of the forms   proper artist either. Apart from that he was
         anxiety and which defeats them in the end,   touch) but their slight imprecision means   becoming too famous too soon, and if only
         that a work of art is a product, not a process.   that some of the painting or masking had to   their editors would allow them to get away
         Relax, paintings are only objects.        be done by eye. I can't, for instance, conceive   with that sort of lavatory smut, they too
         How does the ambiguity, the apparent      of the compulsive, amphetamine classicism   would be talked about in the same reverential
         illusionism of the overlapping bands in three   of a German leaving the paintings this way.*   terms. Conversations in El Vino's grew even
         of these four paintings (as against the more   Then there are the shapes and sub-shapes   more heated when Scarfe joined the  Daily
         straightforwardly Pythagorean geometry of   themselves, and the way they are the natural   Mail  as, of course, a cartoonist, and the
         the earlier squares and notched triangles)   accidents of intersections. Aren't they like   money he was rumoured to be getting put him
         affect the flat 'objecthood' of the canvas   floorplans by Frank Lloyd Wright? Think of   most definitely in the professional league.
         surface? First, as long as there is any colour   the pool in the floor of the Guggenheim   Scarfe won't last, said the boys, and of course
         at all in a painting you have to get some   Museum—just such an elliptical losenge as   they were right. Not because he was bad but
         illusion of space. The question is whether the   we find here, and determined in a similar way   because he was, in a sense, far too good. En-
         artist wants to push, reinforce, or capitalise   by the intersection of two great compass arcs,   raged colonels in Worthing and members of
         on it, or to minimise, contradict, or ignore it.   with the centre of one outside the enclosed   the Primrose League cancelled their Mails for
         Secondly, the kind of pattern ambiguity   space. In fact, Stella's work as a whole, its   ever and Scarfe left for the sake of the paper.
         which is here present is like that in diagrams   parallel bands and draughting-table angles,   By that time he had emerged as a major
         of Gestalt ambiguity in psychology books, the   is Wrightean. Like Wright he has a witty and   satirist and one of the most superb natural
         whole fascination and irony of which rests on   unpompous love of pure geometry which is   draughtsmen England has seen for years.
         our correct knowledge that the thing is   quite distinct from the mathematical Fascism   The biography is by now well known. Little
         nothing more than an absolutely flat dia-  of Plato and Euclid, and which, from here,   schooling because of nervous asthma, the
         gram. Thirdly, it is a simple art-historical   looks appealingly American. You start by   weeks in bed with a cough, not only gave him
         fact that Stella's own painting experience in   confining yourself to a piece of graph paper,   time to draw but also, according to him, his
         recent years has prepared him to paint with   a straight edge, a 30°-60°-90° triangle, and   profoundly pessimistic view of life.
         increased confidence in the flatness of the   a compass, but then—and this is where Wright   He's almost forgotten himself now that even
         plane. Having, so to speak, done setting-up   left the Ecole des Beaux Arts and the whole   before Private Eye  he produced regular draw-
         exercises in shaping a canvas and in allowing   European mind behind in the dust—you just   ings for  Punch,  partly conventional gags, but
         that shape to choose its own pictorial content,   tinker.  If, like Wright or Stella, you tinker   also horrific visions which are as tough and
         and then in choosing jutting forms and allow-  intelligently, you get beauty.       explicit as anything he was to do later for the
         ing them to determine the shape of the                           JOSEPH MASHECK     Dark Lady of Greek Street. It's astounding to
         stretched canvas as a material thing, he can,                                       see what Bernard Hollwood, not noted for his
         with great assurance, do anything he likes. If   * Stella's unique painting The Marriage of Intellect   boldness, let Scarfe get away with, parti-
         these paintings seem at all weaker than earlier   and Squalor  in the Museum of Modern Art, New   cularly in a series called 'Private Affluence,
                                                   York is almost a caricature of this annoying recal-
         ones I suggest that it's because, like a mature                                     Public Squalor', which gave Scarfe the chance
                                                   citrance on the part of the materials; it won't even
         politician, Stella doesn't have to be theoretic-   stay flat.                       to indulge his visions of animalized humans,
                                                                                             rotting and disembowelling themselves on the
                                                                                             mighty machine.
                                                                                             Private Eye gave him more freedom to expand,
                                                                                             of course, and its editor, Richard Ingrams,
                                                                                             always on Scarfe's wavelength, encouraged
                                                                                             him to let himself go. Suddenly political
                                                                                             figures were being caricatured with a bitter-
                                                                                             ness that England's Press had not seen since
                                                                                             Gilray and Hogarth. The government was
                                                                                             shown as pigs wallowing in their own excre-
                                                                                             ment; loathsome bodies were given warts,
                                                                                             pubic hairs and all, and likenesses were pushed
                                                                                             to the point where, although still recognizable,
                                                                                             they had also become other parts of the ana-
                                                                                             tomy. Scarfe groped below the belt and raised
                                                                                             what he got hold of above the shoulder line.
                                                                                             The Mail changed his style. He couldn't work
                                                                                             for newsprint reproduction, and constantly
                                                                                             against the clock, without simplifying his
                                                                                             ornate and highly worked line and the intro-
                                                                                             duction of large areas of solid black. The force
                                                                                             was still there, the imagery as uncompromis-
                                                                                             ing. Each new lie, each false compromise was
                                                                                             reflected in still more degeneration in the
                                                                                             politician's face. The bankruptcy of moral
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