Page 41 - Studio International - January 1969
P. 41

shown together as an entity— a kind of plug-in   sculptures maintain a running dialogue with   enough to be easily stepped over. The nature
          sculpture with an infinite number of extens-  his environment.                      of the difference between the area outside the
          ions : you might walk out of one to be faced by   In questioning both the object quality of her-  structure, which is negative as far as the sculp-
          an entrance to another. To dismiss sculpture of   metic sculpture and the exclusiveness of its   ture is concerned, and the area which it en-
          this nature as architectural is to misunderstand   audience in the gallery context which it   closes, which is positively affected, is made very
          both the specific functions of architecture and   demands, the younger sculptors are in a sense   clear in visual and physical terms. Once we
          the general possibilities of sculpture to invest   questioning the whole aesthetic basis of sculp-  commit ourselves by stepping over the thresh-
          the atmosphere of an environment with the   ture in the sixties. 'Sculpture ... must have the   old we have left the negative, unparticularized
          identity of an individual. The consistency of   generality of the world : the identity of the   world and entered sculpture—a special state.
          scale in Brener's work is partly a matter of de-  object: the character of a human individual;'   Once inside, we face a luminous green strip,
          liberate policy—an attempt to make sculpture   it is the second of Tucker's imperatives that   with a luminous pink at the right and a matt
          as an activity a meaningful exposition of the   the younger sculptors have called in question.   black at the left (the threshold pole, having
          artist's development in a more than stylistic   To replace his dictum, 'The object is a proposi-  performed its function, remains unparticular-
          sense—but also I think the result of Brener's   tion—"suppose such a thing should exist" ',   ized by colour). We know that the three sides
          deep involvement with Stockwell Depot. It is   they appear to be suggesting another: 'The   are of the same substance and of equal length—
          not so much that the size of his sculpture is   sculpture is a proposition—"suppose such a   no attempt is made to conceal the fact—but the
          limited by his working space—it is merely that   state should exist" '.             colours painted on them give them quite dif-
          while he is making sculpture he has at present   Roelof Louw is another member of the group   ferent weights and effects. The rough and un-
          no other space in mind.                   working at Stockwell who belongs in age to   inviting surface of the sand-blasted steel ab-
          One of Brener's works which is still in pro-  the New Generation but who left St Martin's   sorbs and diffuses light rather than reflecting
          gress as I write started as a comparatively   at the same time as Brener and whose work   it; the colours do not quite reach the ends of the
          small piece in which open elements arranged   relates more to that of the younger group. His   horizontals, and thus appear to hover between
          in tiers, intersect in a dense, off-centre axis. It   most recent sculptures stress both the nature of   the corners; the horizontal poles themselves
          was made in one of the smallest rooms at   the spectator's involvement and the precarious   are fixed in such a way that they do not quite
          Stockwell. But perhaps because it seemed too   stature of the object as a constant. In one, four   meet the verticals—their separate identities are
          dense, Brener has decided to extend it so that   sand-blasted and zinc-sprayed steel poles of   respected. Although there is no deliberate
          the original sculpture will become just one unit   equal height stand at the four corners of a   equivocation and no concealment (the cover-
          in a modular structure. Its final extent and dis-  square with four longer poles between them   ing of paint is not even deep enough to change
          position will be decided by the dimensions of   making the four sides. Three sides are high   the surface texture of the zinc-sprayed steel),
          the largest space available at Stockwell. His    enough to act as barriers; the fourth is low    these various factors serve to play down the
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