Page 56 - Studio International - March 1969
P. 56
On Exhibition London 1 The blue bird, 1921, watercolour, 4 Counterpoint, screen print, by Anthony
5½ x 8 in., by Andre Derain, from an Batchelor, from 'Space Exploration' at
exhibition of his drawings and watercolours Greenwich Theatre Gallery from March 11
at Piccadilly Gallery until March 16. until March 28. The exhibition is of
Pt ices range from £250 to £700. paintings and constructions by Peter
2 Portrait of a young girl, red chalk, Cresswell and prints by Anthony
13¼ x 9¾ in., by Augustus John from Batchelor. Peter Cresswell teaches at
`English and French Master Drawings from Goldsmith's College and has had previous
1700' at Folio Fine Art from March 10 exhibitions at Grabowski Gallery, McRoberts
until March 21. The exhibition consists of & Tunnard and Redfern Gallery. Anthony
a representative selection of works showing Batchelor teaches at Brighton College of
aspects and influences in drawing from the Art, has had a one-man show in Brighton
eighteenth century to the early years of the and has also taken part in many group
twentieth century. shows, including the Bradford Print
3 Brills Mill, 90 x 108 in., by Trevor Biennale.
Grenville Jones, from 'Trio' at the 5 Five red discs, standing mobile, by
Institute of Contemporary Arts until Alexander Calder, from an exhibition of
March 23. his sculpture at Gimpel Fils until March 15.