Page 61 - Studio International - March 1969
P. 61
Italy 26 La medusa ferita, 1968, 20 x 25½ in., Canada 27 Mutation bleue pale, acrylic on
by Eugene Berman, from a one-man canvas, 50 x 68 in., by Guido Molinari,
exhibition at La Medusa, Rome, until from his one-man exhibition at Carmen
March 20. All the works in the exhibition Lamanna Gallery, Toronto, from March 14
depict a facet of the Medusa. Prices are until April 1.
from $1,000 to $10,000. U.S.A. 29 Box 3 by John Healey, from an
Switzerland 27 Projects for a large exhibition of his work entitled 'Light and
painting, 1968, gouache, by Samuel Buri, Form' at Waddell Gallery, New York,
from 'Dimensions 1969' at Galerie d'Art until the end of April. This is the first
Moderne, Basle, until April 5. The exhibition in the United States of the
exhibition includes work by Barth, Bucher, British artist. There was an article by John
Haubensak, Iseli, Lüthi, Müller-Brittnaum Healey on his work in the June 1968 issue
Camesi, Distel, Duarte, Luginbühl, Rätz, of Studio International.
Tinguely and Wiggli. Prices are from SFr.