Page 62 - Studio International - April 1970
P. 62

which admits of cybernetic analysis.6  We have   compete with technology at its own level.   level of consciousness which in turn generate
      also seen the underlying cybernetic structure   After all, the creativity in technology is to be   anticipated future structures and relation-
      of art misunderstood, or simply made fashion-  found in its own advance. Art is concerned to   ships. I would like the boards to be read like
      able with large-scale exhibitions of what is   give expression to process and system under-  the palm of the hand—`pictomancy', a kind of
      effectively cybernetic camp— creaking hard-  lying technological culture, and will be con-  non-figurative, all-at-once tarot. The crystal
      ware and antique concepts—simply out to   cerned increasingly to ally this with the   ball rolled out and transferred on to the flat
      capture public attention at a trivial level. But   expression of behaviour at the psychic level.   surface of the board like some kind of carto-
      however it is grasped, with or without    It's worth noting that as with TV so with   graphical projection of the world—not the
      imagination or insight, with or without finan-  ESP, the medium is the message.     world geographically described, but an alter-
      cial support, there is no doubt that the cyber-  So I want an art which reads like the palm of   native future structured in terms of pure
      netic era, perhaps we should call it the   your hand. I would like the critics to have a   visual energy.
      psibernetic era, is upon us and that art, how-  chance of being useful again. Instead of judg-  Other levels of work, apart from the intimate
      ever obscurely, has anticipated the fact.   ing and interpreting with their eyes in the   and the social (the studio and the Cybernetic
      I want to suggest that art has anticipated   back of their heads, they could begin to look   Art Matrix), are called for, and experiments
      something more, the real value for human   outfront, exercising the pineal gland for a   have begun. Psychic systems for generating
      beings of a cybernated culture : the leisure and   change; interpreting alternative futures from   instructions for creative behaviour have been
      abundance to choose and anticipate. Art has   the configurations thrown up by the artist.   set up recently with a group of associates,
      anticipated anticipation: the ability to predict,   The critic as seer would be involved in seeing   using for example, simultaneously four or five
      to sketch for oneself all kinds of alternative   again, in an entirely fresh light, a visionary   ouija boards. We are planning to feed
      futures. Unlike the past, when poverty and   rather than a merely visual art. An art which   instructions from a planchette on a wired
      shortage caused science to be used merely to   sets you off dreaming; ambiguous, uncertain,   table (on/off switches replace the circle of
      mitigate a certain future of hardship and   non-specific; certainly not literary or merely   letters and numbers normally used) within a
      anxiety, the future economy of abundance   arcane; prefigurative painting perhaps, or   domed structure linked to an electronic
      will mean life of personal choice and inven-  prospective modelling! I am pointing to an art   system of light and sound located on the
      tion. Given raw materials and automatic   which is formed reaching, anticipatory, which   exterior of the structure—a kind of system with
      processing we are free to elaborate and   triggers you outside of time.             a psychic brain. The implications for art of
      realize our dreams. This is the promise of   Ambiguous, uncertain, indeterminate—these   ESP and clairvoyant channels as  media  are
      advanced technology with which the United   are qualities to be found in the artforms of   very great. There is room for fascinating
      States, a post-industrial society, and the   today. The germs of the new culture have   speculation on the possibilities of linking a
      USSR have already come to terms. In art,   formed but the issues need to be clarified—they   sensitive clairvoyant to a computer so that it
      the action is where the power is. In Western   are not, at present, simply vague and cloudy,   can acquire a psychic repertoire and in turn
      art this has usually been so whether the power   but confused. The vision of our time must be   amplify the subject's messages and images.
      was temporal or spiritual. In the future the   seen as a prevision; a function and purpose   It can be argued that the rainbow arch
      power will be with the post-industrial societies   can be restored to art, where there now   between psi and cybernetics has hardly
      and we can expect to see the psibernetic   appears to be only aimlessness and lassitude.   formed. Maybe it is a futurible, but I think
      culture engendered within their constraints.   The future of art is with the futuribles.   not, there is too much evidence to suggest
      Electric technology is the artificial supporting   In my painting, with which these ideas are   that the structure is forming. Maybe it is
      redundancy for psychic systems. ESP is more   consistent, I find it necessary to operate at   finally a dream, but as Montaigne said,
      instant than instant electronic communica-  what amounts to the level of trance. I mean   defending in anticipation, no doubt, the
      tions because it involves no media. Finally it   that kind of open, unconstrained but intense   futurible syndrome : 'It is pricing life exactly
      can mean a kind of instant global sympathy, a   process of working which can be induced by   as it is to abandon it for a dream'.  	q
      galactic sympathy perhaps. Out-of-time be-  random behaviour, open systems of play with   ROY ASCOTT
      haviour, clairvoyance and psychokinesis are,   marks, colours and gestures interacting with a
      for example, the only real hope of travel   deliberate grid. This intimate level of opera-
      around the galaxy and beyond.             tion is for me an analogue of possible processes
      It is a prediction, then, that art will become,   at the social level, mirrored in fact in the blue-
      and is perhaps already beginning to be, the   print for a Cybernetic Art Matrix,7  where
      expression of a psibernetic culture in the fullest   free and infinitely variable human behaviour
      and most hopeful sense : the art of visual and   interacts with a matrix of hardware and
      structural alternatives.                  environmental amenities adaptive to the
      We are familiar with an abstract art which is   needs of inducing and reinforcing creative
      the restructuring of past experiences at a   behaviour in a community. In this micro-
      general level; of an impressionistic art which   cosm/macrocosm relationship there is much to   1  'Mankind 2000', R. Jungk and J. Galtung, Allen &
                                                                                          Unwin, 1969.
      distills experience at a more specific level; and   be learned from Tantra art.
                                                                                          2  'Cybernetics', Norbert Wiener, The Technology Press
      of an Art of the Real, of now, of the moment.   At this personal level there is a stage of work-  of M.I.T. and John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1948.
      The art I am pointing to is an art of predictive   ing where actions become automatic (in the   3  Soviet Cybernetics and International Development,  John
      or anticipatory structure, which creates alter-  sense of automatic writing). The board I   J. Ford; Cybernetics and Marxist-Leninism,  Maxim W.
      native futures, a distillation in pure visual   work on can become the arena for any kind of   Mikulak; both papers in 'The Social Impact of Cyber-
      energy of what could be the case. The art of   force, just as the ouija board seems to elicit   netics', Charles R. Dechert (ed.), Simon and Schuster,
                                                                                          New York 1966.
      futuribles.                               information from a deep psychic level of the   4  New Scientist, October 16, 1969. 'Quantum Processes
      Because it will develop, in my view, upon an   participants. In the CAM also, sub-systems   Predicted', Dr H. Schmidt, and Editorial.
      arch of cybernetic technology and psychic   tend to become automatic as the level of   `The Year 2000', Herman Kahn and Anthony J.
      behaviour, this does not mean necessarily that   complexity overall rises, and a psychic con-  Wiener, The Macmillan Company, New York 1967.
                                                                                          6  'Behaviourist Art and the Cybernetic Vision', Roy
      it needs to employ the media of either. Neither   sciousness of the human group within it   Ascott, Cybernetica,  Vol. IX, 1966 and Vol. X, 1967.
      advanced hardware nor elaborate ectoplasm   evolves. So the board, the analogue structure   Association Internationale de Cybernetique, Namur,
      need be involved! Indeed we see much evi-  as futurible, offers feedback facilities for drag-  Belgium.
      dence in art now of the futility of trying to    ging up visual configurations from a deep    7  Roy Ascott, ibid.
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