Page 59 - Studio International - April 1970
P. 59

18 Paris iv. 70                           modifications, or an entirely new one etc....)   What is sheltered in such a saying, as the
                                                                                                difference of the being and being (l'être et...
                                                     February 1, final submissions were registered.   l'étant), is the shade of the Difference as the
           Michel Claura                                                                       opening and rudiment of language.
           René Denizot                              In April the exhibition takes place with a   In essence saying is difference. In as much as it
                                                     catalogue including all first and second pro-  is the means of appearing for being. The essen-
                                                     jects.                                     tial saying is to describe this difference as a
                                                                                                plan of the clearing where is said how and as
                                                     The exhibitors are: Ian Wilson, Lawrence   what being comes into the open.
                                                     Weiner, Niele Toroni, Robert Ryman,        So on the track of what is essentially to be said
                                                     Edward Ruscha, Richard Long, Sol LeWitt,   we arrive at the question: when is there a
                                                     David Lamelas, On Kawara, Douglas Hue-    saying that essentially says? In so far as it is
                                                     bler, Francois Guinochet, George and Gilbert,   the essence of language that we come to find
                                                     Jean-Pierre Djian, Jan Dibbets, Daniel Buren,   worth questioning.
                                                     Stanley Brouwn, Marcel Broodthaers, Robert   Worth questioning: with regard to being, the
                                                     Barry.                                     expression from now on must be taken in its
                                                     Clearly there is no question of a conceptual   original sense. It does not refer to an axiology
                                                     exhibition.                               which would set forth as an absolute of the
                                                                                                question, but to a meditation upon the essence
                                                     The exhibition has been organised in associ-  of language in view of what leads language to
                                                     ation with Seth Siegelaub, and in adding this   its proper being and in its worthiness of saying
                                                     we have outlined the mechanics of the show.   constitutes it as essential saying.
                                                     The text below is neither a preface nor a con-  Difference then, comes to language. It arrives
                                                     clusion to the exhibition. Established critics   like the opening of room for talk. Difference, is
                                                     will be able to deal with the work and the   Dimension, which, in so far as it it has to do
                                                     exhibition.                               with measure, measures the being of language,
                                                     In so far as it is relevant we prefer at present to   and constitutes language as a measure of
                                                     publish this text at the time of the exhibition.   being.
                                                     (It was first read in Paris in April 1969.) 	q   Saying is what it is according to its essential
                                                     MICHEL CLAURA                             origin. It is the saying of the Difference, be-
                                                                                                cause brought about by Difference it belongs
                                                     What is essentially to be said ?           to Difference, and because according to its
                                                     Answer : what above all is worth saying and   belonging it is holding on to Difference.
                                                     nothing else.                             The saying of Difference is question as far as
                                                     This seems to say nothing except the necessity   the real question questions a real difference,
                                                     of essential choice. Now the idea of choice is   in as much as it is the difference itself which
                                                     not foreign to the business of saying. In fact   opens the room for question.
                                                     from the beginning of thought, such a choice
                                                     constitutes the very roots of Greek speech :   Difference, differing endlessly, is real differ-
                                                     logos must be closely related to the German   ence—always in question—and lies beyond the
                                                     `Legen' and to the Latin `legere', which   consideration of any expression. But as from
                                                     originally mean 'to collect'.             Difference comes the proper distance of all
                                                     Logos is collection into the unity of saying,   saying—its property—the difference is also the
                                                     but this collection, which strictly speaking   proximate (propre, proprius). It is the closest
                                                     begins with the intention of sheltering, is   proximity. This proximity acts as the venue
                                                     firstly and in itself a selection of what needs   for language and the reserve of Difference as
                                                     to be sheltered.                          such.
                                                     Saying as saying does not at all consist in   Difference is the coming, always coming,
                                                     lumping together but in storing only what has   whose advent comes like the fulguration from
                                                     been selected. So Parmenides said:  xpĩvat   which every happening springs.
                                                     Se  logw; do the essential sorting according   Since what is said before by Difference, this
           November 20 1969, 22 artists were invited to   to the logos, that is to say as far as logos is   is the initial of all controlling motives of
           take part in an exhibition to be held in Paris   choice (its essence discriminating and collect-  thought, it is a bond that speaks—a bond
           in April 1970. They were asked to send a   ing).                                    which binds all thought, provided it submits
           project by December 15 (project being under-  The idea of choice referring to the very being of   to the call of what is to be thought.
           stood at least as a description of possible work   language, what is to be said above all being   That is why all thinkers say the same, but not
           for the exhibition). They were informed of the   essential choice, in the first instance is not   identical—because in view of the same, in
           stages they were to follow.               present itself, only later to be expressed   their own saying, they remain in Difference.
                                                     through language.                          That the Same comes to language considers
           December 15, 19 projects had arrived plus   This is already impossible, if only because it is   in its own right those who in the face of
           two refusals to participate.              the opening of being and that alone makes   Difference and away from it devote themselves
                                                     possible a somewhere and a place filled with   to the service of language and debase them-
           January 2, projects were sent back to the in-  being.                               selves for it.
           vited artists. The latter were requested to re-  As language gives a name to being for the   But this Same still remains to be said. That is
           turn what would constitute their final sub-  first time, such a naming allows being alone   why, subjecting thought to the endurance of
           mission for the exhibition by February 1 (in   access to speech and appearing. The naming   question, we ask: What is saying?  	q
           other words the first project again, or with    is the nomination of being to being from being.   RENÉ DENIZOT
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