Page 28 - Studio International - June 1970
P. 28

Buckminster                               merely to shower him with verbal napalm.   to be done that nobody else is attending to, and that
                                               When I came out of the Caxton Hall, I felt   I have experience that tells me I know how to solve
     Fuller: a                                 that as usual he had been radiating something   it and I must commit myself then to doing the things
                                                                                         that are going to help man to be a success. Most
                                               like pure love to his eager young audience —
                                               `self-love' snapped an elderly matron, brist-  people were attending to very narrow things; it really
     personal                                  ling with indignation. There is clearly a need   forced me into employing the biggest pattern-
                                               for some kind of critical assessment.     comprehending capability with which we are all
     assessment                                At this point I had better declare myself as a   born'.
                                                                                         That same year he decided that conflicts in his
                                               Bucky addict fed up with these extreme res-
                                               ponses, making a humble attempt to begin to   own life arose through the misuse of words—so
                                               fill that critical vacuum, beginning with   for two years he stopped using them. He didn't
    John Donat                                 Bucky's favourite description of himself:   speak again until he was sure that what he
                                               `I am very fortunate in being an average healthy   said was what he wanted to say and came
                                               human being'.                             from his own experience and was not the par-
                                               Healthy he certainly is, spry and agile men-  roted and unconfirmed experience of others.
                                               tally and physically for all his seventy-five   `All this was pretty difficult for my wife because we
                                               years, very much slimmer than he used to be,   were in Chicago and didn't have any money. We had
                                               maintaining an astonishingly high perform-  an apartment in the least expensive fireproof tenement
                                               ance on a diet of steak, salad, fruit and plain   I could find, because we did have our baby. I really
                                               tea. But average? How many average human   did stop all sounds...'
                                               beings have kept on file every in-coming and   Average?
                                               out-going written communication for a life-  It is hard to imagine the intellectual integrity
                                               time ? Fuller started what he calls his `chrono-  of a man who saw that something needed to be
                                               file' in 1917. He presented it to the Morris   done and could put his family in Coventry for
                                               Library at Southern Illinois University in   two years in order to do it.
                                               1960-250 volumes containing some 80,000   Fuller had a non-conformist New England
                                               items bound in chronological order:       background. His aunt, Margaret Fuller, was
                                               `The first important regenerative effect upon me of   a close friend of Thoreau and Emerson but
                                               keeping this active chronological record was that I   differed from them in one profound respect:
                                               learned to "see myself" as others might see me.   `She alone seems not only to have been aware of the
                                               Secondly, it persuaded me ten years after its inception   looming significance of industrialisation, but also to
                                               to start my life as nearly "anew" as it is humanly   have hailed and welcomed it as it came from England
                                               possible to do. Thirdly, it persuaded me to dedicate   to impinge upon America'.
                                               my life to others instead of to myself, not on an   She also foresaw the cross-breeding effect that
     It seems there's no sitting on the fence so far as   altruistic basis but because the chronofiled first thirty-  the new mobility would bring, and anticipated
     Richard Buckminster Fuller is concerned; you   two years of my life clearly demonstrated that I was   Fuller's own prediction of the future cross-
     either love him or loathe him, revere him or   positively effective in producing wealth only when I   bred world-man. Race, he says, is a product
     denounce him. You are either addicted to his   was dedicated to others. Further chronofile observa-  of Geography. With world mobility it will
     ideas or allergic to them. 'Genius to anyone   tion then showed that the larger the number for whom   cease to exist. So, for him, racial discrimina-
     under thirty, indecipherable madman to a lot   I worked the more positively effective I became. Thus   tion is simply a matter of ignorance; as a
     of people over forty' was  Design Magazine's   it became obvious through the chronofile that if I   problem it simply doesn't exist.
     brisk summary of this odd state of affairs   worked for all humanity I would be optimally effec-  This over-view of mankind that ignores local
     where there is virtually no corpus of serious   tive' .                             immediate issues and comprehends only the
     critical response either to the man or to his   Average?                            global-scale invisible patterns of evolution, is
     ideas.                                    Starting life 'anew' was not a simple matter of   what makes so much of what he says remote
     The anonymous author of an unofficial pro-  turning over a new leaf. He resolved to stop   from everyday experience: the ultimate truth
     gramme for Fuller's talk at the Caxton Hall   earning a living:                     of his forward vision that mobility will eva-
     last March, welcomed the audience to the   `I said in 1927 I'm going to give up forever this   porate racial differences is small consolation to
     Buckminster Führer show and seemed to     concept of proving my right to life. I'm going to find   a riot-torn community in Detriot or to a Bantu
     imagine that it was constructive criticism    out what it is that I've experienced, that I see needs    in South Africa, let alone to Enoch Powell's

     Contributors                              JOSEPH  KOSUTH lives and works in New York. He is the   is as follows:  Objects as Icons—System of Iconography II:
                                               American editor of Art-Language. His three-part article   Three-way Plug, Geometric Mouse, Good Humour Bar, Light
     to this issue                             `Art after philosophy' was published in the October,   Switches and Lipstick on Caterpillar Tracks.  1970. 22 x
                                               November and December 1969 issues of Studio Interna-  15 in. Pencil and coloured pencil. Coll: The artist.
                                               tional.                                   His retrospective at the Tate Gallery has previously
                                                                                         been shown at the Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf and the
                                               JONATHAN BENTHALL is acting as advisor to the Institute   Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and is a selection from
                                               of Contemporary Arts for an exhibition of Dr Hans   the show which was originally at the Museum of Modern
                                               Jenny's work on vibrations and periodicity, scheduled   Art, New York.
                                               for six weeks from June 10. (See  Studio International,
                                               November 1969)                            BARBARA ROSE, the American critic, has contributed to
                                                                                         many journals, including Art Forum. Among her publi-
                                               CLAES OLDENBURG  writes of his cover design: 'The   cations is American Art since 1900.
     JOHN DONAT, architect-turned-photographer and author,   drawing is self-explanatory: these objects have attained
     edited the World Architecture series for Studio Vista and   a status of demi-gods in my work, producing off-spring   ANNE SEYMOUR  organized the exhibition 'Drawing
     produced Man-Made World film-strips for the RIBA.   in the disguise of other objects. The family relation of   towards painting 2' for the Arts Council and is at
     He has made many radio and television programmes on   my subjects becomes evident. Drawings in this manner   present working on a book about Bernard Cohen for
     environmental subjects, including two about Buck-  attempt to establish a lineage, binding my choices   Penguin Books.
     minster Fuller.                           together into a "house".' The full title of this drawing
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