Page 33 - Studio International - June 1970
P. 33

Technology and                            triviality or vagueness. His paper 'On     for language—a uniquely and essentially
                                                    Generative Aesthetics—Two Picture-Generat-  human capacity, according to Wiener, Chom-
          art 15: Computer                          ing Programs' seemed to me to possess an   sky and others. When computer scientists have
                                                                                               had a little more success in modelling human
                                                    intellectual rigour and integrity which is
                                                    tragic in its misdirectedness. In saying this I   language (`natural language', as they call it),
          graphics at                               am criticizing not Mr Nake personally but the   it will be worth considering the possible
                                                    whole school of aestheticians, many of them   application of the information sciences to the
          Brunel                                    German, who have attempted to apply mathe-  study of human creativity. At present all the
                                                    matical principles to art and poetry. This
                                                                                              computer scientist and the information-
                                                    school seems to have originated with the work   theorist can do is provide very crude arithmeti-
                                                    of an American mathematician G. D. Birkoff   zations of natural language. Since we all
                                                    in the 1930s, and its most distinguished   possess in our brains a built-in automatic
                                                    exponent is Max Bense. It is little followed in   capability for operating probabilistically on
                                                    this country, and is unlikely to be taken up by   inputs from the environment, most of us will
                                                    people who believe that the task of criticism   be happy to carry on that way rather than
                                                    is essentially a registering of particular experi-  arduously learn a plainly inadequate mathe-
                                                    ences as faithfully as possible.          matical notation and method. Mr Nake
                                                    In the course of his paper Nake defines some   eludes this criticism by abstracting all
                                                    of his assumptions :                      semantic content from aesthetics. It applies,
                                                      `Each given object of the real world, it may   however, to another paper presented at the
                                                      be produced by nature or man, has its   symposium, 'Art as Function of Subject,
                                                      aesthetic aspects besides its physical aspects.   Cognition and Time' by Vladimir Bonacić   of
          At the large and elaborate Computer         Its aesthetic aspects are examined by   the Zagreb group. How admirable is the
          Graphics symposium held at Brunel Uni-      aesthetics. A particular object may be of   intention of the New Tendencies group, with
          versity, near London, in April, there were   no aesthetic "value" or "relevance" or   which both Nake and Bonacić  have been
          two sessions devoted to papers on computer   "significance" or "merits" whatsoever.   associated, to desist from 'art' for several
          art, and an exhibition of graphic prints to add,   But nevertheless, it becomes an object of   years and concentrate on visual research !
          as the Computer Weekly put it, 'a touch of light   aesthetic investigation, i.e. it belongs to the   And yet how amateurish it is to bring to bear
          relief'. Among hundreds of sober-suited dele-  universe of all objects to be investigated or   on artistic experience a pseudo-rigorous string
          gates the sprinkling of art-oriented figures   "evaluated" by aesthetics.'          of formulae! (I refer to Dr Bonacić's theories,
          seemed like a troupe of licensed entertainers,   I find this puzzling. One might as well say   not to the mathematical transformations with
          surviving on the fat of a huge and flourishing   'Every given object... has its  divine  aspects   which he programmes his light-sculptures;
          industrial market. This is not the first time   besides its physical aspects. Its divine aspects   these from what I know of them—one was
          that art has put on the cap and bells; and we   are examined by divinity. This is necessary   illustrated here last July—are interesting.)
          should not complain because, so far, few   because there are a large number of chairs   Those who expect artists to be visionaries
          artists using computer graphics have come up   and lectureships in divinity endowed in uni-  would have been disappointed by the sym-
          with anything that really deserves more re-  versities throughout the world.' Aesthetics is   posium—except for the two characteristically
          verent attention.                         a rather newer discipline than divinity—the   original papers by Gustav Metzger. One of
          The potential that was so evident at the 1968   word 'aesthetics' came into use in the nine-  them outlined the role of computer graphics
          ICA exhibition is still there, but the actuality   teenth century to describe the judgement of art   in the planning and co-ordination of his
          has hardly advanced at all, and this is   —but there are presumably a number of     gigantic auto-destructive sculptural project
          depressing. There was always a danger that   university faculties to keep going. I would ask   Five Screens with Computer.  The total project
          the phenomenon called computer art would   Mr Nake if it is meaningful or helpful to   would cost two million pounds at least to
          come to be looked back on as a fad of the   speak of objects having 'aesthetic aspects', if   realize and is open to the criticism that it is
          1960s. The vitality of such a project as   they may at the same time be completely lack-  rather grandiose. It is best seen as a framework
          Edward Ihnatowicz's cybernetic sculpture—  ing in aesthetic value, relevance, significance   for ten or twenty years of research into com-
          which I hope to discuss in a later issue—is   or merits. My own feeling is that there are no   puter techniques. Metzger's second paper,
          evidence that it is possible for artists to use   aesthetic properties independently of a specific   `New Ideas in Plotter Design, Construction
          computer technology successfully. But as far   sociocultural context, and aesthetics as Mr   and Output', suggested how existing tech-
          as computer graphics are concerned it looks   Nake conceives it is a false science.   niques for drawing with computers could be
          as if something near a dead end has been   As for the attempt to model aesthetic prefer-  replaced by more sophisticated systems, for
          reached. The correct moral to draw is simply   ence using statistical information theory, I am   instance using fibre optics and light-sensitive
          that there is great scope here for new talent   sure it is true that the human brain possesses   paper :
          and for thinking a little harder.         a statistical or quasi-statistical filter which, by   `The hand is a delicate thing; paper is
          A feature of computer technology as a whole   distinguishing coincidences from meaningful   delicate; ink, pencil, chalk, are delicate—
          is that everyone talks about what they are   connections, permits learning to take place. It   why imprison all this in a steamroller? The
          going to do so long in advance that the real   is therefore likely that aesthetic appreciation   stylus must have the capacity to act very
          thing when exhibited always seems some years   depends on some system for detecting im-  much like the hand. It must be able to press
          out of date. This is particularly true of   probabilities in the environment. The aesthe-  hard, or gently touch a surface. It must
          computer-based art, and if one rejects (as I do   tic or critical criterion would then be a   bend at any required angle. Drawing is
          totally) the theory that mere description of a   search for maximum meaning—or, to put it   texture, tone and a range of difficult-to-
          project is as interesting as its eventual realiza-  another way, minimum cliche—within given   describe actions and qualities; it is not
          tion, one is forced to the conclusion that there   constraints. The ability of the human brain   merely that bland line of uniform density
          is too much talk about computer art and not   to make very powerful probabilistic assess-  and texture that emerges from today's
          enough action.                            ments must be a prime reason for the evolu-  plotter.'
          Not that one could accuse an artist like   tionary success of the species; but this ability   He also suggests that laser-beam manipulators,
          Frieder Nake, from Stuttgart University, of   cannot be separated from the human capacity    such as those developed for bone surgery,
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