Page 86 - Studio International - June 1970
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wide range of etching techniques. Bendini etching Room, colour etching in a signed and numbered by the artist, entitled Red Bathrobe, Night Portrait
press. edition of 65, and Soft Orange, a super-8mm colour and Self Portrait (the landscape) by Jim Dine.
film lasting five minutes; Richard Hamilton's Fashion Plate by Richard Hamilton, offset litho,
Grosvenor, 30 Davies Street, W1, graphic edi- Bathers 'B', dye transfer in five colours in a signed screen, collage and cosmetic addition, 100 x
tions by Erté and Scarfe. Erté's immensely success- and numbered edition of 75 and Vignette, dye trans- 69 cm., signed and numbered by the artist.
ful series of ten graphics (edition of 75) of numbers fer in three colours, in a signed and numbered 6 Piccadillies by Diter Rot, 6 screenprints 50 x
0-9 have been followed by six lithographs on pre- edition of 50-both works have been published this 70 cm. signed and numbered by the artists.
cious stones: And at the end of last year a further year in collaboration with the Petersburg Press. 2 screenprints by Eduardo Paolozzi.
edition of graphics were published entitled The
Seasons. Nigel Greenwood Inc Ltd, 60 Glebe Place, SW3, Print Workshop, 28 Charlotte Street, W1. The
the most recent publication will be a series of 8 facilities of the Print Workshop have continued to
HKL Ltd, 167 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. Emblematic Images by Malcolm Carder in a joint be used by a number of artists in recent months.
02116, publish original posters under their List Art publication with Germany. All publications by Michael Tyzack has been completing a series of
Poster programme which was established in 1963 Edizioni 0 are in stock, also a wide selection of inkless prints and Adrian Heath has started a suite
to stimulate use and appreciation of the poster as graphics including recent publications by David of lithographs entitled Drawings. Marie Walker
an art form. Tremlett and Gerard Harmsworth. Nigel Green- has been proofing etchings by Tess Jaray to be
HKL Ltd has also published a portfolio for the wood has a general bias towards documentation included in a portfolio of 6 prints and also litho-
National Collection of Fine Arts which contains (written, photographic, etc.). graphs by Daniel Lang. William Tillyer has been
seven original signed and numbered prints by six proofing and editioning etchings for an exhibition
artists: Boutecou, Chryssa, d'Arcangelo, two Petersburg Press, 36 St Petersburg Place, W2. at the Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, and also for the
Oldenburg, Francis, and Rivers. Also they have Forthcoming portfolio publications for 1970 in- Northern Printmakers exhibition in which he was
published a signed and numbered portfolio of clude : Sieves with Dust Raising by Marcel Duchamp, a prizewinner.
seven serigraphs to commemorate the 25th Anni- Photograph Album by Richard Hamilton, ZEAP and
versary of City Centre, N.Y. HKL has also pub- Katzville M.I.J. by Eduardo Paolozzi, Six Stories Richard Feigen Graphics, 25 East 77th Street,
lished a portfolio of six original colour serigraphs from the Brothers Grimm by David Hockney, Seed New York 10021, recently published a new port-
by Walter Darby Bannard. Catalogue by Jim Dine, Poems of Laforgue by Patrick folio of prints by Richard Smith: Horizons, a suite
Caulfield, Songs of Gerry Lieber by Richard Smith. of 6 colour lithographs cut and folded, 131 x
Klaus Lupke, 6 Frankfurt am Main, Grosse Recent publications include: 3 bathrobe litho- 27+ in., in an edition of 75, hand-printed by
Eschenheimer Strasse 16-18, West Germany, pub- graphs, each 135 x 96 cm., signed and numbered Duerrici.
lishes monthly editions of graphics and objects. All
graphics are produced in limited editions and are
signed and numbered by the artists. A short known artists. On permanent exhibition are works of
biography and photograph of the artist comes with Directory of the following artists: Albers, Antes, Cohen, Geiger,
each sheet. Prices from DM30. Artists include: Hockney, Johns, Jones, Kitaj, Kelly, Lenk, Mor-
Bayrle, Calderara, Castro, Keith, Kriwet, Nofer, tensen, Paolozzi, Rauschenberg, Rochholz, Vasarely,
Piene, Richter, Rot, Vostell. galleries Warhol, etc. The new Copenhagen address: Pilestraede
43, 3, 1112 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Ashgate, Wagon Yard, Downing Street, Farnham,
Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd, 39 Old
Bond Street, Wl, have a large stock of original Alecto, 38 Albemarle Street, W1. Surrey.
Large selection of original prints. Artists include:
prints in their Graphics Department. Marl- London retail outlet for all publications of Editions Ayrton, Bicat, Coutu, Hermes, Kelly, Koster, LaDell,
borough's graphics activities are concerned mostly Alecto. Holds monthly changing exhibitions of graphics. Rutherford, Trevelyan.
Has more than 250 images in stock. Mainly directed at
with publishing and selling prints of their own Axiom, 79 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, W1.
artists and every year they produce an average of retail clients, also handles trade sales for Editions Alecto. Contemporary prints by Antonakos, Baertling, Cal-
fifty new works, both as portfolios or sets and single Annely Juda Fine Art, 11-12 Tottenham Mews, derara, Dallegret, Farrell, Gee, Hayter, Jaray, Kidner,
editions. Current and forthcoming publications W 1 . Lim, Morley, Peire, Plumb, Stroud, Thepot, Tyzack,
Prints by Gillian Ayres, Reginald Butler, Campigli,
include lithographs by Moore, Kokoschka and Clarence Carter, Carzou, Patrick Caulfield, Laird Vaux, etc. Prices £5-£65.
Nolan; etchings by Nicholson; three new port- Davis, J. Friedlender, Hilde Goldschmitt, J. Gramse, Bear Lane, 6 Bear Lane, Oxford OXI 4EJ.
folios of screenprints by Kitaj, a portfolio of 12 Alan Green, A. Hadad, Richard Hamilton, Marcia Over 700 prints in stock, of which up to 300 are now
screen prints by Barbara Hepworth and a port- Herscovitz, David Hockney, Tess Jaray, Geoffrey displayed in a wall-hanging unit. Artists include:
folio of 9 screenprints on Beethoven by Ceri Keeling, Peter Kalkhof, Ronald King, Radovan Norman Ackroyd, Robert Adams, Edward Bawden,
Tadek Beutlich, André Bicat, John Brunsdon, Jac
Richards; screenprints by Pasmore, Ceri Richards, Kraguli, Fernand Léger, David Leverett, René Charoux, Prunella Clough, Robyn Denny, Alistair
Tilson, Piche, Bayer, Lausen, Edward Piper and Magritte, Michael Michaeledes, Henry Moore, Victor Grant, Peter Hedegaard, Josef Herman, Malcolm
Aitchison, and several new editions of perspex con- Pasmore, Pablo Picasso, Odilon Redon, Michael Hughes, Francis Kelly, Michael Kidner, Ronald King,
structions by Clapham. Rothenstein, Rouault, Dieter Schwertberger, Peter R. B. Kitaj, David Koster, Edwin LaDell, Eric Malt-
Sedgley, Shalom, Thien Shih, Gabriel Sithey, Birgit
Skiold, Agatha Sorel, V. Sperantses, Michael Stokoe, house, Lil Michaelis, Henry Mundy, Ben Nicholson,
Motif Editions, 58 Frith Street, W1, have pro- Richard Turner, Marc Vaux. John Piper, Ceri Richards, Philip Sutton, Robert
duced lithographs in conjunction with various ICA Anschel, 33e Kings Road, SW3. Tavener, Valerie Thornton, Joe Tilson, Julian
exhibitions: Cybernetic Serendipity- The Computer and Graphics by Hockney, Tilson, Kitaj, Caulfield, Allen Tevelyan. Prices 1-50 gns.
the Arts, seven computer graphics, the British Jones, Peter Blake, Nolan, Chagall, Giacometti, Mb* S. Ben Wargin, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Europa-
Painters exhibition, lithographs by Patrick Caul- Friedlander, Wunderlich, Meckseper, etc. 5-200 gns. Centre, Germany.
Multiples by Alviani, Bill, Bonalumi, Haubensak,
field, David Hockney, Allen Jones and Peter Anthony Dawson, 12 Marlborough Court, W8. Jones, Lohse, Phillips, Tilson, Graphics of Edition Hake.
Phillips, and the Obsessive Image lithographs by Original prints, drawings and paintings by contem- Betty Parsons, 24 West 57 Street, New York.
Jann Haworth, Allen Jones and Richard Lindner. porary British and foreign artists: Norman Akroyd, Prints by the following artists: Thomas George,
Motif Editions are now producing a new series of Bob Bonies, Shiou-Ping Liao, Munch, Birgit Skiold, Alexander Liberman, Stephen Porter, Jesse Reichek,
Food Smaesthetics by Michael English: a limited Michael Stokoe, and many others. View by appoint- Toko Shinoda, Hedda Sterne, Saul Steinberg, John
ment at the above address (or elsewhere by arrange-
series of lithographs concerned with the tactile and ment). Tel. 01-937 6213. Walker, Jack Youngerman.
erotic qualities of food. Michael English is also Arnolfini, 34 Queen Square, Bristol BS1 4QP. Bladon, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Andover, Hants.
working on a giant comic book called Amen which Regular one-man exhibitions of British printmakers A small selection of lithographs and prints are always
will soon be published. Coming out this year will (catalogue sheets on request). 400 original prints by on sale, including silkscreen prints by Douglas
be a series of lithographs by Picasso, and multiples living British artists including work by Richard Smith, Mazonowicz.
commissioned from Peter Blake, Alan Aldridge and Robyn Denny, Philip Sutton, Anthony Currell, Sally Brusberg, 3000 Hannover, Friedrichswall 13 im
Philip Sutton. Parkin, William Tillyer, Malcolm Hughes, Allen Kubus, Germany.
Jones, Henry Cliffe, Howard Hodgkin, Eduardo Graphics by Altenbourg, d'Arcangelo, Arp, Braque,
Chagall, Bellmer, Cimiotti, Dali, Delvaux, Dine, Ernst,
Neuendorf Verlag, 2 Hamburg 13, Werder- Paolozzi, John Hoyland, Terry Frost, plus prints from Giacometti, Hockney, Hundertwasser, Hauser, Jager,
strasse 32 have published editions by Jim Dine, all major British print publishers. Unframed prices Jensen, Jones, Kitaj, Krushenick, Laurens, Leissler,
£64200. Also multiples by Unlimited and Museum of
Robert Graham, Richard Hamilton, Claes Olden- Modern Art, New York. Mir& Nicholson, Oppermann, del Pezzo, Picasso,
burg, Bridget Riley, Colin Self. Recent publica- Ars Studeo, Klostertory 4, 8000 Arhus C, Phillips, Schwarz, Schultze, Szymanski, Sugai, Tilson,
tions include: Colour Rooms by Robert Graham in a Denmark. Vasareley, Voss, Ay-O, Yrissary.
portfolio with 6 colour etchings, edition of 65 Alternating exhibitions of graphics from various Century, Centuries, Sonning, Berks.
signed and numbered; by the same artist, Long countries and separate exhibitions of international, well- Original prints and lithographs. Work of artists includ-