Page 87 - Studio International - June 1970
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ing André Bicat, Henry Trivick and Ralph Thompson. Dresdnere, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5, multiples room with a wide range of original prints,
Colophon, Piazza Cavour 1, Milan 20121. Canada. multiples, multiple prints, pamphlets and books.
Prints by Enrico Baj, Arman, Lucio del Pezzo, Dennis Lithographs, etchings, woodcuts, lino-cuts, etc., by the Prices 3s to £30. Literature on request.
Oppenheim, Joseph Beuys, Michelangelo Pistoletto, following artists: Braque, Chagall, Dali, Laurencin, International Editions Inc., 115 East 23rd
plus multiples and a wide selection of prints published Miró, Picasso, Ciry, Clavé, Guiramand, Hernandez- Street, New York, 10010.
by other presses. Pijuan, Tapies, Tharrats, Vila-Casas, Weisbuch. Unlimited editions of graphics, multiple objects,
Colour Print, 2 Motcomb Street, Belgrave Drian, 5-7 Porchester Place, W2. posters, tapestries, art books and catalogues are exhi-
Square, SWI, incorporating School Prints Ltd Twentieth-century artists in limited editions: Braque, bited in the gallery and dealer showrooms. Unlimited
and Motcomb Frames Ltd. Matisse, Arp, Picasso, Berlewi, Alexanco. From £50. graphics and posters by leading contemporary American
Original lithographs in large editions by Henry Moore, Everyman Cinema Foyer, Holly Bush Vale, and European artists-exclusive distributors for the
Braque, Leger, Nash, Skeaping, Rothenstein, etc. NW3. List Art Poster Program, and posters from Galerie
Continually changing exhibitions of approximately Graphic artists mostly from Hampstead: David Koster, Beyeler, Basle; Galerie der Spiegel, Cologne; Editions
250 International Colour Prints. Picture Hire facilities Ron Fuller, Rosamund Steed, Lia Rondelli, Phillippa Alecto, London; Pace Gallery, New York, etc. Tapes-
for schools, industry, films and theatre. 1-20 gns. Threfall and others. Prices 5-30 gns. tries by Calder, Klee, Léger, Miró and Picasso.
Compass, 178 West Regent Street, Glasgow C2. Folio Fine Arts Ltd, 6 Stratford Place, W1. Kasmin, 118 New Bond Street, W1 .
Permanent Print Section includes works by printmakers Prints from 1500 to present day: Dürer, Rembrandt, Graphics by artists exhibiting with the gallery: David
throughout UK. Principal stockists of leading Scottish Renoir, Dufy, Lautrec, Picasso, Matisse, Miro, Hockney, Robyn Denny, Gordon House, Gillian
contemporary printmakers: Philip Reeves, Michael Braque, etc. Also a selection of contemporary graphics. Ayres, Richard Smith, Frank Stella, Howard Hodgkin,
Roschlau, Andrew Taylor, Malcolm McCoig, Ian Prices £3-£400. Hold print exhibitions and issue Jules Olitski, Noland, Bannard. Occasionally exhibit
Fearn, Willie Rodger, John McInnes, Rayne Walker, catalogues. the works of Jasper Johns and Claes Oldenburg. Prices
Peter McCulloch, Roy Wood, Kim Kempshall. New Fulham, 361 New Kings Road, SW6. from 20 gns.
prints and etchings by William Gear, William Crozier. Silkscreen prints printed by the gallery include prints Kovler, 952 North Michigan Ave., Chicago,
Works by Printmakers Council members, whose fourth by Edward Lucie-Smith, and Sandra Blow, Christopher Illinois 60611.
exhibition `PMC4' took place at the Compass in May. Logue, Asa Benveniste, Mark Boyle, Adrian Henri, Prints. Catalogue 'The Graphic Art of Vallotton and
Stockists of Marlborough Graphics: Tilson, Kitaj, George Macbeth, Dick Bixby, C. Day Lewis, Joseph the Nabis' is available on request (Price $3). Price list
Piper, Nolan, Cohen, Sutherland, Richards, Lancely, Herman and John Piper. From June the first in a series also available on request.
Kokoschka, etc. of poetry, prints for the Aldeburgh Festival committee Kümmel, 5 koln-braunsfield, Maarweg 15,
Compendium, 2a Salisbury Road, Moseley, to help raise funds for the new Snape Maltings Arts Germany.
Birmingham 13. Centre will be available. The first of these will be by Stocks prints and lithographs by Reinhold Koehler,
Specializing in screen, etching and lino prints by Mary Potter and William Plomer. The gallery is Axel Knipschild, Thomas Lenk, Joachim Palm,
British artists, with a continually changing wide range closed for reorganization till later this year. All Lothar Quinte, Czischke, Wesselman. Rosenquist,
of limited editions. enquiries for prints to 01-736 4578. Dine. Prices from DM 12.
Compendium 2, 137 Fulham Road, London, Furneaux, 23 Church Road, Wimbledon, SW19. Leicester, 22a Cork Street, Wi.
SW1. Handles prints of contemporary artists, including Holds an annual exhibition of graphics in December:
Primarily concerned with the work of contemporary Francis Kelly, Henry Rushbury, David Koster. Prices Bonnard, Buhot, Calvert, Craig, Fantin-Latour, John,
artists, working in all fields of fine art. In graphics the 5-20 gns. Lautrec, Maillol, Matisse, Millet, Moore, Nash,
gallery folio contains the work of artists both estab- Gemini G.E.L., 8365 Melrose Avenue, Los Nevinson, Palmer, Picasso, Pissarro, Redon, Rouault,
lished and those new to the London scene. The first Angeles, California 90069. Roussel, Segonzac, Sickert, Sutherland, Whistler.
major graphic show combining the work of local Prints and publishes original graphics and sculpture Prices £10-£1200.
contemporaries with modern masters was in April 1969. multiples by noted contemporary artists. Recent print Leslie Waddington Prints Ltd, 8 Vigo Street,
Recent shows have featured the work of: W. W. Keefer releases by Ken Price, Roy Lichtenstein and Frank WI.
(USA), Barbara Hanrahan (Australia), Jurgan Strunk Stella. Recent sculpture by Claes Oldenburg and Roy Holds prints by Hayden, Frost, Frink, Hoyland, Denny,
(USA), K. K. Nivas (Jugoslavia) and Chris Orr. This Lichtenstein. Caulfield, Turnbull, Trevelyan, Nicholson, Celice,
pattern of young graphic artists will be maintained Gorner and Millard, 58/60 Kenway Road, SW5. Heron, Tucker, Appel, Blake, Munro, Annesley, Bush
during the year culminating in a major graphic show Wide selection of lithographs, etchings and screen- and Lim.
in December 1970. prints by Bartlett, Benjamin, Freed, Gravett, Oelman, London Arts, 22 New Bond Street, W1.
Crossley, 4 Crossley Street, Melbourne, Australia. Orr, Piesowocki, Weare and Wilkinson. Prices £10- The London Arts Gallery, which is part of London
Established in 1966, the only gallery in Australia deal- £20. Arts Inc., exhibits major works by leading graphic
ing exclusively in original prints. Publishers of Edition Grabowski, 84 Sloane Avenye, SW3. artists from the sixteenth century to the twentieth
Crossley lithographs and original prints. The gallery Contemporary prints by British and Polish artists. centuries and prints and exhibits the work of con-
specializes in the work of contemporary Australian Prices 12-50 gns. temporary artists.
artists and also carries a very large collection of con- Grosvenor, 30 Davies Street, W1 . It also runs an advisory service to Industry, planning
temporary Japanese prints. Representing S. W. Hayter, Features own graphic editions by Erté and Scarfe, and and building corporate collections of a high quality
Hagiwara, Haselawa and Sugai in Australia. Exhibi- works from Leningrad Experimental Graphics Labora- over a period of time. This service includes collecting
tions fortnightly. tory. Grosvenor is the first UK gallery to show works existing works of art together with commissioning work
Court, Ostergada 24, Copenhagen K, Denmark. by living Soviet artists. Commissioned Anatoli Kaplan by established contemporary artists.
Retail outlet for Court Graphics. Artists include to make five lithographic albums on the works of Lords, 26 Wellington Road, NW8
Vielfaure, Daskaloff, Rooskens, Balle, Brands, etc. Scholem Aleichem. Has graphic work from many Specialize in original posters of the period 1890-1940.
Curwen, 1 Colville Place, Whitfield St., London countries, Art Nouveau lithographs and posters by Lautrec, Bonnard, Mucha, Cheret, Ensor, Gesmar,
WI. Alphonse Mucha, also graphic work of the twenties. Van Dongen, World War 1 and 2, film, theatre, Art
Lithographs from the Curwen Studio and prints in all Grosvenor Gallery posters: Picasso, Lissitzky, Hayter, Nouveau, Art Deco etc. Also Meckseper prints.
media by over 200 artists, including Moore, Hepworth, Erté, Gill, Scarfe. Graphics by Chagall, Campigli, de Lumley Cazalet Ltd, 24 Davies Street, W1.
Chadwick, Frink, Davie, Hayter and Spender. Chirico, Erté, Hamaguchi, Kandinsky, Lissitzky, Limited editions of signed, original lithographs, etch-
Curwen editions may be hired. Matisse, Miro, Music, Searle, Severini, Scarfe, Wall. ings and woodcuts, by the established masters of the
David Stuart, Contemporary, Pre-Columbian Hansen-Fuller, 228 Grant Avenue, San Fran- twentieth century and the promising young print-
and Primitive Arts, 807 N. La Cienega Blvd., Los cisco, California 94108. makers of today. Artists include Picasso, Braque,
Angeles, California 90069. Handles graphics from Gemini G.E.L. including Olden- Chagall, Matisse, Miro, Marini, Giacometti, Vasarely,
Handles the contemporary works of artists: John burg, Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Stella, Gerald Ernst, Moore, Bellmer, Klee, Mecksper, Wunderlich,
Altoon, Oliver Andrews, John Balsley, Bruce Beasley, Gooch, Harold Paris, Dennis Beall, Andy Brady, Hecht, Hamaguchi, Miniami, Louttre, Deberdt,
William Copley, Lorser Feitelson, Llyn Foulkes, Paolozzi, John Ihle, Beth Van Hoesen, Krushenick. Hasegawa and many others. Prices from £6.
Robert Harvey, Gabriel Kohn, Helen Lundeberg, Harcus-Krakow, 167 Newbury Street, Boston, Maeght, 73 rue de Teheran, Paris 8e.
Charles Mattox, Mel Ramos, Hassel Smith, James Mass. 02116. Maltzahn Ltd, 3 Cork Street, WI.
Strombotne, Peter Voulkos, Emerson Woelffer. Original graphics and multiples by Albers, Anusz- Graphics from sixteenth to twentieth century. Modern
Desmond Page, 2 Argyll Road, W8. kiewicz, Jack Bush, Johns, Kelly, Krushenick, Mother- artists include complete work of Robert Bevan, Anthony
A very good selection of Pop artists, especially the work well, Oldenburg, Olitski, Noland, Paolozzi, Rauschen- Gross, and Arthur Boyd. Other artists: Nevinson,
of Richard Hamilton, and David Hockney. Others berg, Stella, Trova, Vasarely, Warhol. Youngerman, Nicholson, Ronald King, Maltzahn and a range of
include Blake, Caulfield, Dine, Allen Jones, etc. First d'Arcangelo, Indiana, Lichtenstein, Rivers. contemporary prints.
prints by Brendan Neiland just published. Prices Hilton, Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, WI. Mansard, Heal's, 196 Tottenham Court Rd, W1.
£25-£500. Original lithographs by Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Original lithographs by Beer, Bicat, Koster, LaDell,
DeVorzon, 744½ N. La Cienega Blvd., Los Chagall, Bonnard, Braque, Buffet, etc. Trevelyan, Francis Kelly, Moya Cozens, Jennifer
Angeles, California 90069. Howard Roberts, 49 Westgate Street, Cardiff. Dickson, etc. Living artists. Prices 9-20 gns.
Original graphics by the Masters: Albers, Braque, Main suppliers for lithographs, etchings, contemporary Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd, 39 Old
Calder, Chagall, Dali, Friedlander, Leger, Miro, prints, etc., for this part of the British Isles since 1957. Bond Street, W1.
Picasso, Vasarely. Hold stock from individual artists at home and abroad Prints by Aitchison, Armitage, Auerbach, Bayer, Burri,
Don Quixote, 4 Seymour Place, WI. and work from the main London presses. Capogrossi, Chadwick, Clapham, B. Cohen, H. Cohen,
Spanish engraving and lithography: Manzoro, Ivan Ikon Ltd, Swallow Street, Birmingham 1. Dorazio, Evans, Erni, Gottlieb, Guston, Hepworth,
Mosca, Hans Haedel. Prices £12-£14. Deal in contemporary artists and have a print and Herman, House, Kitaj, Kokoschka, Lanceley, Lausen,