Page 32 - Studio International - May 1970
P. 32

BENTHALL  You've said in one of your books that   sidered the clothes of distinction, the superficial   through the kind of experience we're having; and
     man is only 'superficially challenged by the seem-  thing. This is very important. In other words I find   you sitting making a recording of our thoughts to
    ing discontinuity of death'. What sort of connection   truth is sticking out all over, and it's very surprising   process and proliferate them—this process is very
     do you make between your ideas and traditional   to an older world to see non-conformity...   rapid. You spoke about my being optimistic. I'm
     religions ?                               BENTHALL  Your attitude to the child would have   not really optimistic. I really have enough data to
     FULLER I don't find any. Religions to me are—they   been very much understood by the romantic poets,   tell me that it's possible for man to get somewhere.
     are dogmatic. They are interpretations by disciples   and in the early nineteenth century. But modern   I don't do it on just blind hope at all.
     of some who are thinking, of individuals who think   psychology seems to have tried to undermine the   BENTHALL  Could you say something about
     and have demonstrated as best they could what it is   idea of the child as an embodiment of purity. Do   cybernetics and the computer? You've spoken of
     they are thinking; and they tend to be allegorical,   you have any comment on this?   the computer as being something that will help to
     as they employ similes, and time and again the   FULLER  I would say that the modern psychiatrist   resolve tensions.
     dogma mistakes the simile for the only rule, and I   has sort of taken over from the priest today. He has   FULLER  Yes. Just purely incidentally, Norbert
     find that the term religion comes from rules. Now   almost no experimental data to work on ...All we   Wiener, who employed the word cybernetics in
     rules of conduct...if you have a rule of conduct   really know is that people are sub-consciously   that special context, was a friend of mine. He was
     you don't have to think. In other words you have a   operative, and Freud did some pretty good guess-  an extremely interesting man. And he uses the oar
     sort of social construction of behaviour that makes   ing about these built-in urges, the sex  urges and   concept, the steering, and he and his associates like
     you come out all right. And so I don't find any   things like that, but from then on as far as I can   Claude Shannon were responsible for a great deal
     difference fundamentally between ideologies and   see psychiatry is just a guessing game...   of the language we have today, like the word 'feed-
     religions—these are patterns of social conduct   BENTHALL Aren't you perturbed by the recurrence   back', trying to find out just what exactly does go
     which seem to me to represent a successful way of   of atavistic forces in this century?... Does this   on in the processing of information by the brain.
     coping with the experience of life, and anything I   square with your vision of the basic propensities of   And the computer developed that way...I find
     talk about is really the antithesis of that, because   humanity?                     humanity beginning to realize the computer as an
     I am trying to find out what the principles are that   FULLER  I observe that man's faculties of observa-  externalization of its own brain functioning, that
     are operative in the universe, which are very   tion have been quite inadequate, as for instance   it can be made so it will function where it's too
     different from rules. And I find that what are   his assumption that everything he sees, smells,   cold for our brain: our brain would freeze, but my
     really governing us are these principles of the   touches and hears is all there is of reality. Whereas   computer brain doesn't freeze; and it can operate
     universe and not the temporary rules that man   we've learnt from the electromagnetic spectrum   at heat where my brain would burn up and it
     has for getting on under certain conditions.   today that we can only tune in on one millionth of   doesn't burn up, 'cos we can make it of the right
     BENTHALL But you are proposing new possibilities   the now known operating reality...I see man has   metals to do that. It can operate very much faster.
     of meaning in human life, and this perhaps is   thought for instance that there is such a thing as a   It doesn't get tired. And I know that I get tired.
     what all the young people whom you are address-  straight line, but then he discovers he can't make   So we can have very much more confidence in our
     ing are looking for?                      a straight line. And mathematics talks about the   externalized brain functioning in the computer
     FULLER  There's no question about it. Man is   straight line. Physics has found no straight lines,   than we do in our own. It has these increased
     looking for meaning. And I think our young world   only waves ...Nature has no straight lines, and I   limits of functioning capability. In the early days
     is discontented with what they were told by reli-  find man thinking straight lines, and your question   of the aluminum airplane in the 1930s, we were
     gions, by the dogmatic interpretations...and   to me is really as if society ought to be making   flying in fog, and we didn't have electronic
     they're getting out from under, very much as a   those straight lines and the deviations seem wrong.   information controls at all, we didn't have con-
     child. A little child and a great scientist both want   It's not so. Everything is deviation, and everything   trolled landings, radar had not begun ...As we
     experimental information, they don't want axioms,   is oscillating systems, so I expect this...I don't say   flew into a cloud bank everybody on board was
     they don't want dogma, they want to find out on   gravity is good and radiation is bad, these are   scared to death, because the pilot didn't know
     their own.  (Tearing a piece of tissue paper:)  'Does   complementaries, and they bring about oscillating   whether we were going to come to a mountain
     this hold together? Can I hold on to that when   systems. So society is fulfilling that design of the   next or what, or when he'd get out of the cloud.
     I'm falling? No, I can't. I've got to find out.'   wave where we get from here to there, but you   Today I find they're loaded with humanity, just
     A child is apt to find that out very directly and   beat to windward and you cannot go straight   piling on board as they do on any train, coming
     personally. He's not going to believe anything any-  lines. So I find society's assumption of straight   in towards an airport at 500 m.p.h. in fog at night
     body says. 'You just hold on to that and it won't   lines, and expecting straight lines—`You've got to   seeing nothing; and nobody even worried at all.
     tear.' The child says: 'I'm going to find out   go straight'—`A crook, a crook is all wrong'—the   Why? If they thought it was up to the pilot to get
     whether it tears or not', by ripping it. So the child   fact is: a crook was doing this pretty much what   them through, they'd be absolutely lost. He
     is a scientist... People have found that thinking got   really had to go on due to the fact that people were   couldn't get through at all; we're coming through
     them into trouble. They had this wonderful   trying to make it straight when it couldn't be   on the computerization. So I see society tending
     capability and capacity a little child uses and as   straight. The crook is a correction for man's error,   to trust the computer in a very big way...In the
     soon as possible the grown-ups say 'Darling, it just   the assumption that he could be straight.   US the labour unions had some very good
     doesn't pay to use that little bean of yours. You   BENTHALL What do you think of Arthur Koestler's   mechanics who were putting together the first
     catch on to this in the way the rules are, 'cos I'd   suggestion that there's a basic flaw in the pro-  computers after the war. A very interesting thing
     like you to survive. I don't want you to get into a   gramming of the human organism?   happened. The labour unions studied their
     lot of trouble. Every one of my friends, when I was   FULLER  I don't think Koestler knows enough...   economics very assiduously: the auto-workers' and
     young, that carried on the way you are, got into   COLIN MOORCRAFT  (architectural correspondent,   aeronautical workers' union said 'While you boys
     trouble; so you stop that.' At any rate, the young   Friends):  Are you familiar with the teachings of   are tuning up these things why don't you try and
     world is getting out from under, and it is looking   Gurdjieff and Ouspensky ?       run some big problems in them ?' With the informa-
     for its own meanings. It is really a child that has   FULLER  I knew Gurdjieff... I was anything but a   tion they got, Walter Reuther challenged General
     not been discouraged too much and is out seeking   Gurdjieffian disciple. But I knew a great deal of my   Motors, which was the most extraordinarily big
     very very vigorously. The fact that you don't have   friends who before they went to Alcoholics   corporation in history, and confronted them with
     to teach being truthful. The child by itself says   Anonymous went to Gurdjieff and he made it   the fact that the computer showed that the
     `That's what I see, that's what I smell', 'cos that's   fairly comfortable for them; he would open up his   customers of General Motors were also their
     the equipment he has and that's the reaction he's   daily session with them by a series of thirty three   labour. 'So the more you take care of our future
     getting...I find the lying and prevarication to get   toasts, to all the types of idiots, and by this time   life the more customers there are for General
     on with the system proliferates very rapidly, but   everybody was pretty well plastered and then   Motors.' So that if Walter Reuther asked for
     has to be taught. It's taught when the children are   they'd go to work writing his life history. He had   extraordinary raises and life benefits from General
     quite young; and then once people begin to get on,   beautiful expressions, shovelling out all the manure   Motors, General Motors would make higher
     everyone's playing poker, and playing politics,   and so forth. And very sort of easily appealing,   profits. The board of directors of General Motors
     bureaucratic politics in corporations, governments,   talking about the different centres of man and so   just didn't believe it was so, so they put in a com-
     how to get on, look after your family, the game   forth. I think too well of the voodoo people to   puter and sure enough it came out that way, and
     from then on is not the truth ...What excites me is   really call a Gurdjieffian voodoo...   they yielded as no board of directors had ever done.
     that I've discovered the truth is innate, and the   (The conversation passed to questions relating to modern   They'd always assumed that the interests of labour
     lying is superficial, superimposed; and the young   technology).                     and those of the owners were inimical. So they
     world I find is making out, is holding with its   FULLER ... All we have to do is get an overall 12%   yielded and then within three years after they
     innate truthfulness, and it no longer wants to go   efficiency in the economy instead of an overall 4%   yielded to Walter Reuther's demands, General
     along with the symbols of power structures... And I   and you're taking care of 100% of humanity. I   Motors were the first corporation to make a billion
     find the young world enjoying costume and what   know it's technically highly feasible and society   dollars after paying taxes...
     feels good, in contradistinction to what are con-   really gets enough awareness of what's going on    (The train arrived at Oxford station.)
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