Page 67 - Studio International - May 1970
P. 67

                                                     Josef Albers
                                                     Fithograph 1942
                                                     60x 49 cm.
                                                     Richard P. Lohse
                                                     Systematically Arranged Rows of Colour in Th
                                                     Repeated Tones 1950/53                    (again) has been making aleatory divisions of
                                                     150x 150 cm.                              surfaces since 1961 (notably his  40,000
                                                     10                                        Squares).
                                                    Julio Le Parc
                                                     Sequences Progressives 1959 (detail)      Vasarely seems to believe that ideas receive
                                                                                               the seal of true modernity only when he
                                                     Morellet                                  formulates them. This man, who has a genius
                                                     Tirets 1960
                                                    80x 80 cm.                                 for confusion (he gives his works dates like
                                                                                               `1934-52', '1939-52', or '1947-62'), wantonly
                                                     Zdenck Sykara                             blemishes a career of honourable artistic
                                                     Programmed Architectural Surface 1969 Prague
                                                                                               endeavour through a combination of com-
                                                                                               placency and cult of the ego. The important
          Rochereau, a train journey: these are his   But what about Gabo, who mentions Kinetic-  role he has played in French art, spreading a
          sources of inspiration. But attentive as he is to   ism expressly in his 1920 manifesto? Or   number of Bauhaus and other Central
          natural phenomena, he is afflicted with    Depero with his motor-driven Plastic Complexes   European ideas; his courageous share in the
          blindness when it comes to painting. Take   of 1915 ? Or Balla with his  Light-Ballet  of   battle against the flood-tide of Tachism; his
          axonometric perspective (which produces    1917 ? Or Moholy-Nagy with his dozens of   incontestable successes in optical art, in
          images that can be read as concave or as con-  Space Modulators and his book Vision in Motion?   which he has evolved innumerable superb
          vex) : he readily sees it in a farmhouse window,   Or the Bauhaus and its kinetic specialists ? Or   optical deceits and assaults on the retina (as in
          but not in the work of Albers who has been   Albers with his Constellations? Or Leger with   the Black and White series of the late 1950s) :
          using it for thirty-five years, or in that of Klee.   his Ballet Mécanique? Or Duchamp with his   all this is obscured by his posturing and moral-
          This enables him to leap fifty years in one   optical machines ? Or Calder with his   izing. His recent exhibition in Paris in which
          bound and appear as the direct heir of the   mobiles ? Or Bury, Agam and Soto in 1953 ?   he developed, with great brio and in full
          great Russians. 'I no longer found myself up   And what of the twenty South Americans of   colour, Albers's  Vice Versa series and  Kinetics
          against a block, as Malevich did. Instead of   the Medi group whose works appeared in the   of 1942-45, would have been a success on its
          coming to a void, I brought into painting   same Realites Nouvelles show in 1952-53 in   own merits had there not been this effort to
          certain new concepts : motion and space-time.   which Vasarely exhibited compositions which   pass it off as a super-novelty and a 'mutation'
          ... The significance of my painting is perhaps   were entirely static and formal? Vanished.   in art history. Especially when all this is
          that in it Malevich passes on his leading   Obliterated. Relegated to the dustbin of history.   accompanied by admonitions to the younger
          position to another.'                      In passing, he invents the multiple- a concept   generation. Helped for over twenty years by a
          The sublime naivety, the sheer presumption of   explicitly formulated by Moholy-Nagy thirty   dynamic gallery of which he claims to be a
          it! Forty years cast overboard, two genera-  years ago  (Abstract of an Artist,  Wittenborn,   co-founder, Vasarely now comes down from
          tions sunk without trace! One rubs one's eyes   New York). He discovers the unlimited motion   his mountain like Zarathustra to castigate
          and reads on. 'My profound kinetic works   which Takis has already been producing in   the world and its vanities: 'I must nevertheless
          introduce two additional dimensions into the   London for two years. He sketches out, in a   point out the existence of an aggressive
          plastic phenomenon: movement and time....   few bold strokes, his 'polychrome city' which   opportunism in our circles... Kineticism is all
          These are two considerable advances : one   bears an uncanny resemblance to the 'poly-  the rage, at the moment, in the avant garde;
          may legitimately speak of the introduction   chrome town' of Leger (Fonctions de la Peinture,   each of the many artists who practise it
          into painting of a fourth dimension.' And   Gonthier, Paris, p. 124). He presents his own   affirms that he is its inventor.'
          later, in a text which dates from 1967: 'It is   idea of puzzle art, combining an idea of   But there is no need to get worried; there will
          thirteen years now since I defined one of the   Agam's (spectator handling, 1953) with one   always be a few folding seats on the Guide's
          most important mutations in visual art in our   of Morellet's (Construction Game, 1957). It even   near side. 'The generation which follows me
          time, under the name of Kineticism. This muta-  occurs to him to reveal to us computer paint-  now has a relatively assured place (in the
          tion was received with indifference. I am all the   ing-which Sykara, in Prague, is already   Foundation I am setting up at Gordes). It is
          more gratified to note today how eager the next   applying architecturally over areas of   for them to occupy it, after having shown
          generation is to lay claim to the invention.'   thousands of square feet, while Morellet    themselves worthy of it.'
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