Page 28 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 28

Correspondence                            do not lose sight of its ultimate significance which  News and notes
                                                limiting our attention to this aspect of creation we
                                                is its deep-rootedness in being.
                                                Though Gabriel Marcel understands what he   Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe: Drawings In The
                                                means by 'presence' when he thinks of the Eucha-  Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, has
                                                rist, he admits to have had such ideas long before   recently been published by the Museum in a Wire-o
                                                considering becoming a catholic.          bound edition for $25 (10 guineas). There are 31
                                                Despite Surrealism's opposition to orthodox reli-  plates, 10 in colour, as well as 20 text illustrations,
      `Continuum'                               gions, Gabriel Marcel's attitude is reminiscent of   printed in a size sufficient to capture the spirit and
                                                that stream in Surrealism which by means of paint-  proportion of architectural plans. The introduction
      Jonathan Benthall castigates me in his column   ings, sometimes objects or happenings, inspires the   and notes are written by Ludwig Glaeser, Curator
      (September) for being 'bedazzled' by technology.   spectator with the mysteriousness of the presence of   of Architecture at MOMA.
      He should have read my article a little more closely.   objects—dream-like, ready-made, or found from
      Although I praised Continuum for their determina-  Böcklin to Chirico by Magritte, Dali and most of   David Hockney has an exhibition at the Gallery
      tion to admit technological forms into their work, I   all by Tanguy and Breton himself. Duchamp's   of Modern Art, Belgrade till October 11. The ex-
      did not thereby infer that I delighted in technology   Great Glass followed more closely to the Bergsonian   hibition has been mounted by the British Council.
      per se. The full sentence from which he quoted an   works of those earlier dates.
      extract ran: 'If there is something anaesthetic   Secondly, Sartre's view of the world differs from   Rex Valentine has a show at the Liverpool Uni-
      about their coolness, a dandified form of taste that   Gabriel Marcel's in the way that Duchamp's ready-  versity Union from October 5-9 entitled 'Static and
      positively prevents an emotional reaction, this   mades and their followers differ from the dream-  Dynamic Constructions'. The work on view re-
      nevertheless ties up with the kind of world their   image Surrealists already mentioned. In a climate   presents his recent research concerning 'quasi-
      work reflects.'                           heavy with  objets  it would be difficult for a   functional' form rather than amorphous art. In
      The implications of that sentence are far indeed   philosopher not to see the whole agglomeration of   extensive anatomical dissections and embriological
      from the wide-eyed admiration Mr Benthall seems   functional and random objects of our general every-  studies Valentine has been fascinated by the
      to discover.                              day activities as one might view ready-mades.   structural continuity of imperceptibly developing
      All the same, it is surely possible to respect fresh   Sartre's view of nature imitates art even to the   form, and the inner complexities underlying the
      technological developments even while worrying   anguishing choices found in chess.   streamlined exterior shell. His abstractions attempt
      about the undoubted 'ecological crisis'. And to do   Seifadinov                     to explore the relationship between the aesthetic
      so would accord with Mr Benthall's admirable   c/o Copeland Avenue                  appearance of things and their ability to function.
      plea for a 'mature grasp on' the reality of tech-  Wembley, Middlesex               The British International Prints Biennale
      nology.                                                                             opened in Bradford on September 24. The exhibi-
      Richard Cork                                                                        tion, which has been organized and financed by
      London SW5                                                                          the Bradford City Art Gallery and Museums with
                                                Francis Cox;
                                                                                          a grant from the Arts Council of Great Britain,
      Ugrians all                               information wanted                        consists of some 400 prints selected from an inter-
      I was very interested by a letter published in the   I am compiling a catalogue of the works of the   national entry of 2400. Top prizes went to Roy
      June 1970 issue of Studio International by my good   painter Francis Cox (Francisco) who has worked in   Lichtenstein and Robert Rauschenberg with Ian
      friend (and fellow Ugrian) Dr Grobes. His name   England, France and South Africa and who now   Colverson, Head of Printmaking at the Bradford
      was misspelt `Grobs'. The relationship between   lives in France.                   Regional College of Art and Design, winning the
      Duchamp's Great Glass and Hamilton's representa-  His early paintings especially those of Cornwall   major British award. Dora Maurer won the York-
      tion described by Grobes showed Duchamp to   were often left unsigned. Others were signed Cox,   shire Arts Association prize. A small selection from
      have grasped the zeitgeist by the tail and Hamilton   Francis Cox, Francis C and Francisc, the latter   the exhibition will visit a number of centres in the
      to have merely taught it manners.         being his current signature.              country including Coventry, Bristol and Oxford.
      The statement by Terry Atkinson, David Bain-  I should be glad if anyone who owns any of his   The Summerson-Coldstream report  has
      bridge, Michael Baldwin and Harold Hurrell in   works—oils, tempera, gouache, water colours,
                                                                                          recommended that the Diploma in Art and Design
      Studio International for July/August 1970 has some-  drawings, lino cuts or silkscreen prints, etc.—or   should be split in two. Their report suggests a four-
      thing of the obscurity of Duchamp's tradition but   who knows where these works may be located
                                                                                          year sandwich Dip AD (group B) as well as the
      without the purposeful humour which was so   would communicate with me.
                                                                                          existing three-year Dip AD, which follows a founda-
      important. I am not exactly complaining because   Paintings of his are known to be in Scandinavia,   tion year in an art college. The report insists that
      the statement was unnecessarily incomprehensible.   Italy and America in addition to those countries
                                                                                          the normal minimum academic requirements for
      I wish, rather, to point out that the only interest   in which he lived and worked.
                                                                                          any sort of Dip AD course should be five GCE
      the July 1970 article has is that of a sociological   Miss G. Douglas               passes at 0-level.
      document or a specimen of contemporary archa-  P.O. Box 31699, Braamfontein
      eology. Serious discussion obviously went into it   Johannesburg, South Africa      Strategy: Get Arts,  the catalogue of the very
      within a group, which, like every village, has                                      successful show of Düsseldorf-based artists which
      developed its own esoteric idiom.                                                   was on view at Edinburgh College of Art through-
      Not only when artists speak, but also when philo-                                   out the Festival, is still available from the Richard
      sophers write in a more logical skin, art appears,   Radical artists' conference    Demarco Gallery, 8 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh.
      in many cases, to have influenced philosophy. For   A conference of artists is planned for June 1972.   Price 11s. (inclusive of postage).
      instance, two aspects of Existentialism developed in   The conference will be held in London and Stock-
      Paris when the most avant-garde art forms in that   holm over a period of two weeks, and will coincide   Mark Tobey celebrates his eightieth birthday on
      city were two tendencies of Surrealism. The pairs   with the United Nations Conference on the   3 December. The Seattle Art Museum is present-
     seem to have factors in common.            Environment due to take place in Stockholm, June   ing an exhibition of its own collection of Tobey's
      First, Gabriel Marcel on the ontological mystery   1972.                            work to honour the occasion. Tobey taught at the
      complains that man is described in terms of an   The conference is called in relation to the world   Elmhurst School, Dartington Hall, Derbyshire
      agglomeration of functions, not only in his body   crisis; its purpose is to link up and consolidate a   from 1931-38. Some rare work from this period is
      but in terms of his usefulness to society and in his   world-wide movement of radical artists striving   included in the show. Catalogues are available on
      general everyday activities. Though riddled with   towards its resolution.          request.
      problems this particular world is determined not to   Anyone wishing to participate in this artists' con-
     allow in mystery—even in birth, love and death.   ference is asked to write to the address below. The   The Chairman of the Committee for the
                                                                                          Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the
      `Being is or should be necessary. It is impossible   organization of such a conference demands money,
     that everything should be reduced to a play of   and contributions will be welcome. A further   Independence of Peru  has announced the
                                                                                          establishment of an international competition for
     successive appearances... "a tale told by an idiot".'   announcement will be made when the international   the design of a monument to be erected in Lima to
     He then tries to answer the question 'Is there such   organizing committee has been formed.   commemorate the Anniversary next year. Details
     a thing as being?' The cogito does not help him do   Stuart Brisley                  are obtainable from the Peruvian Embassy.
     this. To question oneself as questioner is meta-  Marc Chaimowitz
     problematical. 'The terms used by Bergson sug-  Gustav Metzger                       Other Voices, a  new Australian magazine
     gested that for him the essential character of   28 Oakhill Road, London SW15        devoted primarily to the discussion of Australian
     creativity lay in its inventiveness and spontaneous   England                        art by Australian critics had its first issue in June/
     innovation.' But Gabriel Marcel wonders if by    For further information : telephone 01-874 6900   July. Oriented towards painting and sculpture, the
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