Page 29 - Studio International - October 1970
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represented by the gallery; however, there are
          editors feel that these cannot be adequately   others, including Buckminster Fuller, Oldenburg,  Technology
          appreciated in isolation from the concerns and
          directions of the other arts, and therefore, wher-  Christo etc. Among works shown will be a model
          ever possible and appropriate there will be articles   by drawings, and a model of his bronze Grotto made  and art
                                                    of Frederick Kiesler's  Endless House  accompanied
          on music, theatre, literature, architecture, film,
          etc. The magazine will also undertake to print   in 1963. Also included are Len Lye's drawings of
          articles from overseas journals and from its own   his fantastic  Temple of Lightning  and his  Flying
          overseas correspondents where such material   Discs.
          might not otherwise be freely available to readers
          in Australia. All correspondence should be   Three major works by David Bomberg can
          addressed to The Editor, Other Voices, Box C198   now be seen together in Gallery 25 at the Tate
          Clarence Street, P.O., NSW 2000. Subscription   Gallery. With the acquisition (with aid from the
          £8.00 (10 issues). Postage free in Australia.   Contemporary Art Society) of his Vision of Ezekiel
                                                    1912, the Tate now owns all three of Bomberg's
          The Cologne Kunstmarkt opens on 13 October   surviving most radical paintings of the period
          in the Kunsthalle and the Kunstverein and closes   1912-14.
          on the 18th. Among galleries which will be
          represented are René Block, Brusberg, Fischer,   Hitler's Delusions of Grandeur: Architecture
          Friedrich, Muller, Neuendorf, Ricke, Schmela,   inside the Third Reich and  The Passionate
          Der Spiegel, Zwirner and Thelen. Apart from the   Years: German Expressionism 1905-193o are
          general Kunstmarkt catalogue, a catalogue de   two shows concurrently on view at the New York
          luxe is being produced price DM 500, which con-  Cultural Centre till 8 November. The Third Reich
          tains signed and numbered graphics by 21 artists   show includes forty original drawings by Hitler
          including LeWitt, Mack, Bonato, Peine, Twombly   himself; all being exhibited for the first time.
          and Kriwet— (obtainable through Kolner Kunst-
          markt, 5 Koln-1, Tunisstrasse 19, Germany).   Software, an exhibition organized by Jack Burn-
                                                    ham, author of Beyond Modern Sculpture, will be on
          The Unesco conference,  held recently near   exhibition at the Jewish Museum, New York, till
          Venice, united 450 delegates from about 80   8 November. It will then be transferred to the
          countries, including 46 ministers as well as   Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., where
          observers from the most important cultural   it can be seen from 16 December till 14 February
          foundations and non-governmental organizations.   1971.
          M. René Maheu, director-general of Unesco,   Among the exhibitors announced are Hans
         obtained acceptance in the final report for his   Haacke, Joseph Kosuth, Les Levine, and Nicholas
          view that national authorities have a duty to pro-  Negroponte and the Architecture Machine Group
         vide their people with the means to share in the   (M.I.T.). The hardware includes time-sharing
         cultural activities of the community as an essential   computers, teletype equipment, solar-powered
         part of the dignity of man. The final report is   radios, high-speed copying machines and closed-
         expected to contain a reasonably clear statement   circuit TV.
         on the rights.of artists to freedom of expression and
                                                                                              THE VACUUM IN ART EDUCATION
         to a say in the making of cultural policy. The   Computer 70,  a major trade exhibition at
         Unesco conference is the first world conference on   Olympia, London (5-9 October), will include an   Art education is worth bothering about
         culture.                                   interactive simulation game, implemented by the   because nobody knows what it is, and there is
                                                    Computer Arts Society, as its central feature.   a mighty vacuum waiting to be filled. This I
         The WORK exhibition  opens at the National   George Mallen, a behavioural scientist, writes in   learnt, among other things, from spending a
         Museum of Wales on i5 October. The exhibition,   the tenth number of Page (bulletin of the CAS) :   day at the INSEA 70 World Congress of Art
         the second of its kind organized by the Welsh Arts   `The game structure is based on a very simple
         Council, will contain posters, fashion, film, tv, sea-  mathematical interpretation of the dynamics of   Education at Coventry. The day was devoted
         side postcards, flags, sculpture, pottery, books,   ecological systems... As in real life, success in the   to art and technology and organized by Tom
         paintings, toys and other diverse materials with   game is difficult to define. A player may adopt a   Hudson, director of studies at the Cardiff
         the common subject of work. Simultaneously Lund   socially (i.e. good for the overall resource level in   College of Art. Mr Hudson is an eloquent and
         Humphries will publish the first 2 titles in a series   the system) beneficial policy at personal cost or he
         of books based on the exhibitions. These will   may adopt a selfish resource grabbing policy for   creative teacher, and the congress as a whole
         explore the relationship between art and society.   himself at great social cost.'   inspired respect. If one sensed a lack of in-
         Further information about the content of the   The interaction will be controlled by two computer   tellectual coherence throughout, this is not
         exhibition is available from: Peter Jones, Welsh   systems with visual display units, and the whole   the fault of educationalists but of us all—for
         Arts Council, Museum Place, Cardiff CF 1 3NX.   game will be housed in a 35-foot diameter geodesic   accepting so meekly the many versions of
         N.E. Thing Co. is asking museums, universities,                                      irresponsibility that hang about the subject
         art schools and interested persons to participate in   Charles Csuri  the computer graphics artist   of art.
         an art information NETWORK throughout this   (see Cybernetic Serendipity  catalogue pp. 81 ff.) has   It is sometimes tempting to try and drop the
         month. The transmitted art information works   produced an exhibition catalogue 'Interactive   •  word 'art' altogether from our vocabulary,
         going over TELEX or TELECOPIER are         Sound and Visual Systems' (Division of Art,   especially when its prestige is claimed by
         directly applying communication to instant in-  College of the Arts, Ohio State University).   dubious art-world promotions. But the conse-
         volvement on a vast geographic scale. It is hoped
         this will involve schools and organizations in one   A new gallery has opened in London. Zeez/Arts   quences of doing so would be damaging. A
         of the most important contemporary art projects   is a concept coined by Michael Grey in discussion   recent article by Walter James in  The Times
         developed with information. In particular it offers   with some young artists met after a Slade diploma   (22 August), 'Opposing views on design edu-
         a unique learning situation to groups of students   show. It is a very open concept, and can be found   cation', contrived to discuss the future of art
         in Fine Arts, Communications, Creative Writing   in the basement of Grey's furniture store at 47   schools exclusively in terms of design. The
         and Art Education. Address: N.E. Thing Co. Ltd.,   Chiltern Street, London W1. The intention to
         1419 Riverside Drive, North Vancouver, B.C.   date is to provide a space for artists' events,   article begins:
         Canada. Tel. (604) 929-3662, Telex 04-507802.   environmental situations and human involvement   `Events at Hornsey College of Art in 1968 were far
                                                    —rather than to provide profits from Ye Olde Fine   more than student revolt. They showed the design
         Propositions for Unrealized Projects  con-  Art Object. The first exhibition is of Peter Ken-  world divided from top to bottom on how its students
         tinues at the Howard Wise gallery till 10 Octo-  nard's 'Generation Newspeak', which is Phase 3   should be educated for the future. Fundamentally it is
         ber. The show will include works of about 20   of an on-going work. Phase 2 is also currently to
         artists and architects who have completed draw-  be seen at the Central Collegiate Building, Gordon   a clash between generalists and specialists and this
         ings and models for fantastic and/or unrealized   Street, London Wl, and Phase 4 will soon be   is what the Summerson-Coldstream committees,
         projects. Most of the artists in the exhibition are    visible somewhere in the streets of London.   when they jointly report next month, are rather
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