Page 39 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 39

A Soviet

          kinetic display

          The illustrations on this page are of a kinetic   achievements. Each programme lasted 7½
          display, mounted by a group of artists which   minutes, but the display was continuous. 4: A
          included Lev Nusberg, Francisco Infante,   kinetic object symbolizing 'The Flame of
          Galina Bitt and Victor Stepanov, commis-   Struggle', seven metres high. It incorporated
          sioned by the Leningrad municipal govern-  650 coloured lights of varying intensity, and
          ment, and staged in November 1967. 1, 2    was electronically programmed. 5: A general
          and 3: 'Cosmos', a symbolic kinetic object   view of part of the display.
          which worked on the principle of a revolving
          wheel of light. It was activated by pro-
          grammed rhythms, and its activation was
          intended to be accompanied by electronic or
          concrete music and short texts about Soviet
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