Page 48 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 48
Statements by These centres, situated at a distance from the streets, etc. The exterior offers sources of
work towns, and relatively near the residential natural and artificial energy:
kineticists towns, will be slightly isolated by nature, in the Animation of a stretch of the Seine, using the
current of the water as energy.
midst of parks criss-crossed by little paths,
giving a sense of intimacy. Curving lines will Creation of transformable games for children
working in Paris dominate the architectural concept of the (taking into account their capacity for
centre, the form will be reminiscent of a imagination and vitality) ; to replace tradi-
swollen breast placed on an attenuated socket. tional games to achieve the active participa-
SCHOFFER The surface will be smooth and unbroken, the tion of children— unconditioned subjects.
NOTE: With one exception all the Kineticists colour delicate pink. Animation of the streets: (accelerated speeds of
still active in Paris, whether formerly con- displacement) ; to create different visual
nected with G.R.A.V. and Nouvelle Tendance THE AESTHETIC BATH phenomena.
or not, expressed concern about the contra- The role of art is to transcend the three Animation of transport: stations, underground
diction of their situation as artists caught up in dimensions and to create new ones. tunnels, etc.
the gallery system (Galerie Denise Rene, the We can already envisage, in place of a small Public performances: e.g. football matches: to
epitome of galleries at that) yet with ideals and screen, a space that will completely encompass use the natural energy of the movements of a
objectives radically opposed to this system. the spectator. Surrounded by audiovisual crowd to create spontaneous movements.
Only Schafer expressed no qualms about the programmes (olfactory, tactile) that will Animation of strategic parts of the city, where the
validity of what he is doing. He has absolutely bathe him in a superaesthetic atmosphere, the circulation of the public is clearly manifest;
no doubts about the habitability, utility, or consumer will be able to recompose and re- to provoke public reaction, surprise and
humanity of his projected Cybernetic City. A programme the various elements of this participation.
prototype of this city controlled by a central aesthetic bath according to his own needs. In Transformable elements: to offer the public the
cybernetic brain, as described in his book La this way he will be able to expand and to con- possibility of transforming the elements, of
Ville Cybernetique, has been ordered by the centrate, to become more sensitive, and to recomposing and animating them; to put at
German government for construction over the express himself in an increasingly total way. the public's disposal a variety of materials to
next eight years. The town will take place as a The role of art is to liberate our faculties, to develop their ideas.
satellite of an existing city, and will be divided improve our perception and expression. Creation of a centre for permanent manifestations,
into three categorized sections : work, resi- A daily aesthetic bath will initiate a new where the public and the artist come into
dence, and leisure. The most startling aspect mental hygiene in mankind. direct contact and active debate. Develop-
of this project, apart from its science-fiction ment and materialization of new ideas— a
undertones, is that every detail of the citizen's DEMARCO register ofinitiative, projects and investigations.
life will be completely controllable by this To establish new contacts with the public,
central cybernetic brain.] transforming the limitations of exhibited MARTHA BOTO
By way of a statement, Schöffer referred to La objects into active elements integrated into I seek an art capable of arousing different
Ville Cybernetique, of which the following everyday life. emotions, psychological reactions of joy or
excerpts are typical : Up till now possibilities have been limited by tension, an art that can become a medicine
rigid pre-established structures; interests im- for the spirit. My particular means of move-
THE NEW TOPOLOGIES posed by sales and directed towards the ment, colour and light can give the illusion of
An end must be made of traditional habita- privileged minority; the same values sustained contraction, diminishment or multiplication,
tional shelters, and of groups of such shelters. eternally, establishing an untouchable mysti- so that by optical means the spectator under-
They must be replaced by open cells, by fication that prevents the development of goes a series of reactions : tension, relaxation,
structures that are rhythmic in time and space. other creative forces. etc.
For the realization of this rupture, new To oppose this, a break with the traditional I am optimistic about the future of kinetics as
materials are necessary: time, light, sound, set-up, a new way of thinking is necessary. an art that will really be able to reach a large
space. These are the foundation of the five Values must be constantly analysed, eternal number of people. Firstly through multiples,
topologies : geniuses demystified, and vested interests to which it is extremely adaptable, its ele-
(1) Time : Topology of rhythms. exposed. ments being simple. Secondly through inte-
(2) Light: Topology of light. The artist himself must control the evolution gration into architecture as luminous walls
(3) Sound: Topology of the audible. of art to eliminate the conditioning effect of and transparent moving towers. At the
(4) Climate : Topology of climatic, artificial the gallery system. He must take upon him- moment I am necessarily restricted to a
and natural currents. self the function of a dynamiting catalyst. A relatively small scale, but my project for the
(5) Space: Topology of Space. work can no longer exist as an isolated object. Hotel de Ville of Numea in New Caledonia
It must be actualized, socialized, and be made will involve the optical multiplication of water
SEXUAL LEISURE CENTRE transcendental. reflected to infinity. Water and infinity as the
On leaving his place of employment the Society's capacity for comprehension, re- two themes that haunt me.
worker, whatever his grade or speciality, will action, and assimilation is considerable, as is
be able to pass through centres of integrated its interest, will, and sensibility. How then EXCERPTS FROM RECENT RESEARCHES:
relaxation offering real audiovisual, luminous, can we continue to limit our efforts to a small Modification of rhythmic directions through intensifi-
perfumed atmospheres, as well as specialized elite, to the dictators of art? cation of surrounding-space-colours.
installations for quick but graduated relaxation. The synchronized relationship between lumi-
Sexual leisure centres will be consecrated to PROPOSITIONS nous surrounding colours that change, and
sexual preparation, and will be true temples of To introduce elements of enlivenment and moving elements of the same colour. The
love, stripped ofall pornographic tendencies, in participation. To widen the field of activity resulting alternation of disappearance and
which everything will contribute to the pre- beyond pre-established circuits: galleries, intensification of the elements. Example: a
paration of couples for love, love that will at museums, official exhibitions, etc. Exterior moving structure composed of discs, or of
last be demystified, within reach of all, with- integration: crowded public places, squares, lines in tubes, fluorescent red, green, yellow
out artifice and degradation. the underground, stadia, theatres, cinemas, and blue. When the overall colour of the box