Page 49 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 49

becomes red, the red moving discs become   The colours, light bulbs, and particularly the   different structures of the circle displaced
          immaterial and disappear, whilst the discs of   taut wires give the impression of infinite   symmetrically and asymmetrically to in-
          other colours are intensified in tone. The   space, and of tangibility, and therefore of   finity, and investigating the synchrony of
          programme continues as other colours appear   some sort of control, however minimal, of   colours and sounds  (Sonorous light).  In 1964
          and suppress or intensify the corresponding   this space. The use of every sort of material,   I concentrated more on works exploiting
          colours. Cf.  Luminous-rhythmic Synchronization   the application of as many aspects of scientific   variations of forms and colours  (Kinetic
          1968,  Relations of Chromatic Alternations  1968,   knowledge as possible, whether physical or   Sequences),  or a single colour in its variations
          Surprise Movements 1969.                  psychical, and the perception of continual   (Chromatic galaxy),  light and refraction  (Re-
          Moving elements (balls, rods) appear on the   cosmic movement are radical for a trans-  fracted rays in opposition; Electronic glowworms),
          surface and move impulsively towards the   formation of human needs.                 forms multiplied whilst at the same time being
          exterior rim, and then disappear into the box,   The transformation of humanity, or rather its   enlarged on several screens  (Alternating rays,
          making way for other balls that appear and   evolution, the rediscovery of the joy of   Colours alternated in space);  images that are
          disappear in different places (vertically or   existence, this is what I would like to achieve   reduced, enlarged and multiplied by dis-
          horizontally). These continual surprise   with my kinetic works.                     placement (Structures with loops). I then moved
          rhythms are realized with elements that can   The representation of the drama of existence   on to the towers, prototypes for human
          be white, or chrome, or fluorescently coloured,   can no longer give a positive impetus to the   habitation: electronic flashes, white light,
          with contrasting rhythms and varying speeds.   evolution of humanity, or bring about a   sonorous colours, luminous circular fugues,
          Instantaneous alternants 1969             transformation. What man needs are pleas-  and the labyrinths  (Circular chromatic space;
          A mirrored cube of five sides, with five turn-  ant surroundings, the happiness of living in a   Square spiralling space, etc.), realized to give an
          ing discs, all in mirrored inox. At the edge of   beautiful city that succeeds both visually and   infinite perception of space. My most recent
          each disc is placed a colourless ball, or tubes   as habitation, only this can bring about a re-  work, the Luminous orthogonal column (1970), is
          of the same material. As these move they   evaluation of human values.               a development of the towers on a more com-
          catch the luminous colours projected by a   Natural movement and programmed move-    plex scale, again envisaged as a habitable unit.
          hidden mechanical system, alternatively   ment: natural movement is of indisputable
          lighting up or fading out. They are multiplied   interest for the randomness and mystery we   GARCIA ROSSI
          to infinity by the mirrors.               derive from it, but programmed movement is   Movement occupies a place of primordial
          Orbital displacements 1970                perhaps more important because the move-   importance in my present researches. In my
          Entirely transparent structure in Plexiglass,   ments of the objects or structure are con-  work I attempt a close collaboration between
          with several turning axes, composed of large   ditioned by a rational elaboration. They also   the volume or form and the movement best
          discs displaced horizontally from the centre,   allow the active intervention of the spectator   suited to them.
          each with a chrome ball on its edge. This ball   who thus becomes the active author of the   For example the movement corresponding to
          rotates in different directions and at different   composition. This was the idea behind my   a sphere would be rotation in all directions,
          speeds, producing an orbital cosmic labyrinth.   Electric Caress:  at the base of a panel of little   for a U-shape it would be a rocking move-
                                                    light bulbs is a 'piano' or keyboard, every   ment, and for a cylinder rotation combined
          Nearly all these examples of research have   touch of which corresponds to one of the   with displacement. The more complicated
          been carried out as multiples. They are envis-  light bulbs. As the keyboard is caressed, the   the form or volume, the more complex the
          aged as integrated into the urban landscape,   corresponding bulbs are lit up. On the same   movement. The realization of these studies has
          or as elements of entertainment, with or with-  panel the opposite cycle can be obtained, so   thus to be done in successive stages, taking
          out the participation of the spectator. Above   that the illuminated bulbs can be extin-  into account all contingent possibilities that
          all my ambition is  to  help to improve the   guished by caressing the corresponding touch.   present themselves. Moreover, I feel that this
          human aesthetic condition visually and psy-  Dimension continues to be one of my main   way of conceiving research, in my own or
          chologically through invention, evasion and   obsessions. At the moment it is impossible to   anyone else's case, can lead to unexpected
          reality.                                  realize even one work. Each of my pieces is a   results which corroborate the lines on which
                                                    reduced scale model, and so logically the   one is working, or add new perspective to
          VARDANEGA                                 force of human penetration is diminished. I   them. This means of proceeding could pos-
          My interest in and observation of universal   would like them to be city-high and habitable.   sibly lead to the total destruction of so-called
          space led me to use it as a material for aes-  At the other extreme, when a work becomes a   `artistic style', which is often merely synony-
          thetic and educative ends.  In  fact my first   multiple it re-acquires a part, but never the   mous with repetition or mannerism.
          luminous sculpture of 1950 was an attempt to   total, of its lost potency (in the sense of force   The inclusion of movement, time and non-
          represent the universe, physically, psychically,   of penetration) .                 traditional materials compels a conception of
          and with a degree of hypnotism.           The relevant point is perhaps not so much to   the end product that prevents it being a
          The insertion of man into the space that exists   give back to people a sense of joy and dimen-  tributary of 'artistic styles' close to it in
          (and of which he has lost all concept of the   sion that they have lost, as to offer it to them   appearance. On the other hand, my use of
          proportion) to release his most inhibited   for the first time. By means of circles, balls,   materials evolved for industry permits me to
          feelings. Electric colours, transparent colours,   squares, lights, spirals, columns, cosmic   produce works in which the creative idea and
          coloured space, the diffraction of light, sonorous   principles, worlds in transparency, diffusions   experimentation comes from the 'artist', but
          light, projected light, diffused light, spectral   of colour, luminous fugues, prismatic diffrac-  their realization is carried out by technicians
          decomposition, the transmission of light into   tions; electric vortices, etc, etc. I seek not so   and craftsmen qualified in the manipulation
          solids, liquids and gases; all these are in-  much to create something as to bring it to the   of these materials. The result is the opposite of
          exhaustible sources for a new aesthetic and   notice of all those people who for one reason   traditional art, in which the personality of the
          education.                                or another have forgotten it, or perhaps have   `artist' played a unique and irreplaceable
          The aesthetic of movement and electronics,   never known it.                        role in the execution of the work. One aspect of
          the aesthetic of light and electric colour are   In 1963 I started researches to capture colour   contemporary research is based on the deper-
          elements of a new formal education. My    and light in spheres containing plastic   sonalization of the realization of the work,
          Electronic Universe of 1958 enabled the spectator   planes pierced by spirals enclosing a flow of   which permits limited or unlimited editions.
          to intervene directly to change the atmos-  colour in movement. At the same time I was   Such developments give rise to hopes in the
          phere by transforming the background colour.   working on the problem of the mobile, using   possibility of some sort of social function.  q
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