Page 66 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 66
Eduardo Paolozzi reckons that there is noth- It's time for a re-think, or a think. Everybody's at it. I think it's the thickness
ing new in the show, 'nothing that would William Turnbull is represented in the show: and naivety of some of these artists that really
open my eyes.' a piece entitled Angle 1967-68, steel painted gets me; they may be hoodwinking some, but
My eyes were certainly opened in absolute yellow, a fairly hackneyed and familiar sort not many.
amazement; I couldn't believe that that sort of thing. I'd like to see all this stuff, and other stuff
of stuff still goes on. He is also represented by Sextet 1966, a set of not in the show, made available to a larger
six lithographs (cannot be split up), £300 audience, people outside the tight art clique.
The show was organzied by Gene Baro. He framed, which have the imaginative titles of Let them look at it, if they could bring them-
has tried, he says, 'to put together some of the Grey and White, Ivory and White, mmmmmm! selves to. Let them assess and criticize the
sculptures that first moved [him] when [he] Yellow and White, Green and White, Blues and misery of it all and listen to the criticism; we
first came to London.' I wonder whether they Orange. might get some information. Things might
still move him? I doubt that he'll be organis- It all looks so serious, and is, I'm sure, as far move a bit faster and we wouldn't be dwel-
ing another show of Sculpture out of the as Mr Turnbull is concerned. ling on bad stuff from the sixties.
Seventies. David Hall has a work entitled Displacement David Annesley seems to be stuck; he is
Untitled Rug Piece, Space Frame; when will which is, he says, a sanded floor area. The exhibiting a very familiar piece, the one he
British sculptors get a few ideas; even the ICA went to great lengths to prevent Mr brings out now on every possible occasion,
titles are chestnuts. Hall from actually sanding the floor. He A 1968/7-1 1968, a cylinder of metal enclosed
I think they ought to sling the lot out of the sanded some hardboard which had been in a crinkle-cut equilateral triangle framed in
window, but not fall into the other trap of placed down first, presumably to protect the a cylinder. The size of the thing is elephantine,
calling that 'sculpture' either, or the mark floor. the colour meaningless, and it doesn't seem to
left on the pavement, or the absence of it He has also for sale some extremely boring be about anything.
after it's been cleared away, and not the photographs of pieces of stick lying around Clive Barker is interested in 'seizing the
clearing away of it either. Richmond Park. ephemeral and rendering it permanent,