Page 67 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 67
near crimble crumble. It's too easy for Mr
(p. 157)
Bruce McLean Caro; he can do this very well. I'd like to see
People who make Art in Glass-houses piece
him do as he did before : take a few more
2 chances, make a few more mistakes. Month of
Roland Brener
Weight, rod and wire sculpture with suspended objects May, which is illustrated in the catalogue,
(photographic equivalent) 1967-70
240 x 240/600 x 600 cm. which he made seven years ago, tremendous
then. I don't really think that he has gone on
Phillip King from there. I hope he does.
Reel 1969 Barry Flanagan: Man, myth and magic
Steel, aluminium, plastic
66 x 150 x 14 in. running out?
4 Why did Barry exhibit a piece from 1967,
Anthony Caro AL Casb 4? It's fairly familiar now, and I
Orangerie 1969
Steel painted rust red believe that he has been working since then.
884 x 64 x 91 in. I don't know; I think Barry Flanagan has lost
5 the tatt thing that he had; everything now is
Anthony Caro—the only artist in the catalogue
with a smile a bit poshed-up, almost slick. Disappointing.
Photo: Snowdon Gerard Hemsworth. Statement: 'London
6 S.W.17. 4.6.70. 00.23 hrs. The wind blew
Gerard Hemsworth
Untitled Rug piece 1969 S.E.-N.W.' Too late.
Cork and rug Untitled Rug Piece is the 'joke' of the show: a
6 x 60 x 90 in.
white rug is laid carefully on a pile of cork
David Tremlett pellets, a few of which are carefully scattered
I see a Lot of Grease in it 1969
Wood, steel and grease around.
96 x 48 x 72 in. Phillip King shows a disappointing piece
8 called Reel 1; a large flip flop; sort of thing
David Annesley that every sculpture student would have made
A 1968/7-1 1968
Painted aluminium a few years ago if they had the money for the
78 in. high materials. I found this piece terribly thin; all
I could see were the joints, screws, etc. I feel
if there had been any content the technical
faults wouldn't have figured.
Kim Lim is a sculptress I know little about.
She has a piece made up of six ugly wibble
wobbles titled Tregannu. Is this why Tucker
didn't show?
Roelof Louw. Untitled 1968; a large, square
barrier, space-filling thing, sand-blasted and
painted, which seems too big for itself—all
the long lengths of tubing are bending with
their own weight. I didn't like this piece.
Space Frame, Roland Piche, 1970, after 66, 67,
68, 69, etc! a putting-sculpture-back-on-the-
base piece.
I see a Lot of Grease in it, David Tremlett, 1969 :
a sort of grubby installation for a corner made
substituting the perpetuity of metal for the out of wood, steel and grease—that material
transcience of paint or the built-in obsoles- that Joseph Beuys made so fashionable.
cence of the consumer image.' Brian Wall's sculpture Cal IV 1970 is a heavy-
He has a piece called Van Gogh's Sunflowers weight steel construction, painted black,
which is a sort of bronze affair, quite the which is hardly noticeable in the gallery.
ugliest thing I've seen in a long time. Isaac Witkin is exhibiting a piece he showed
Roland Brener doesn't want his photograph at the Waddington Gallery a year or two ago.
in the catalogue. Instead he has the photo- I don't like it much, but I always get a feeling
graph illustrated here. with Witkin's work that he is moving, how-
He seems to have jumped on the photograph ever slowly, in some direction. I would have
bandwagon using the well-worn plaster duck preferred to have seen one of his more recent
`joke' of many years' usage, clever stuff may- pieces.
be. Weight rod and wire sculpture with suspended Four Cylinders with divided triangular Platform,
objects (plaster ducks) comprises 12 fishing 1968, a floor piece by Derek Woodham, is
rods, 4 weights, a few wires, a slight con- beautifully made and finished in, I suppose,
struction in the middle to hold up the three a matte emulsion.
plaster ducks, which are repainted by the It has been said that the show wasn't
artist himself for the occasion. What's this all representative of British sculpture out of the
about, Roland ? sixties, and that people weren't included who
Anthony Caro's piece Orangerie does have should have been. I think that it's a very fair
some style about it, and it does have some representation of what was going on, and it's
beauty—the only piece in the show which is not too good. q