Page 54 - Studio International - April 1971
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when the artist wanted to extend his residence simply to donate at least $7000 to the Museum; 2. A Sponsor Corporation is a manufacturer who
he was able to do so. Still there was an intrinsic and Contributing Sponsor Corporations, who arranges to have an artist work within its plant,
sense of limitation suggested to certain artists by would donate only services, or less than $7000. using specified personnel and materials, but makes
the expectation of a three-month project. Patron Sponsors had the 'option to receive one a smaller contribution to the Museum's special fund
Anticipating a restricted time span, some artists principal work of art resulting from the for the project.
undoubtedly inhibited the scope of their collaboration'; the other categories of 3. Contributing Sponsors donate materials and/or
aesthetic conceptions. corporations did not have this option. services to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Yet another factor needed clarification A brochure was drafted and printed at this for this project but do not take an artist into
before we could outline the terms of company time for corporation executives : residence.
obligations. Many executives wanted to know Art and Technology is the working title' of a 4. Service Corporations provide specialized
rather precisely how much financial support and major project now being planned at the Los services such as transporation, housing facilities for
staff time would be expected from them after an Angeles County Museum of Art. The purpose of visiting artists and technical consultation.
artist came to work. But it would have been this enterprise is to place approximately twenty 5. Benefactors are non-technical,
impossible to estimate budgets from companies important artists 'in residence' for up to a twelve- non-manufacturing firms who donate $7000 to the
as diverse as, for example, Rand and Lockheed week period within leading technological and Museum's special fund for 'Art and Technology'.
or JPL and Kaiser Steel. And it was imperative industrial corporations in California. Works of art Industries located primarily in Southern
to have identical contracts with each resulting from these co-operative endeavours will California are now being approached for their
participating company, as it was to have be exhibited at the Museum in the Spring of 197o. co-operation. By May 1968, a preliminary list of
identical contractual agreements with the International developments in art have ten corporations should be made public. Beginning
artists. We naturally wanted to avoid setting any provided the impetus for this project: much of the at this time and throughout 1968 and 1969,
advance financial limits on collaborations. most compelling art since 1910 has depended upon artists will be contacted by the Museum and asked
Obviously a key motive in the programme was the materials and processes of technology, and has to submit project proposals. Artists will be
to allow the chance of one or both parties being increasingly assimilated scientific and industrial approached largely on the basis of the quality of
stimulated to extend their commitment out of advances. Nevertheless, only in isolated their past work and expressed interest in specific
sheer enthusiasm. circumstances have artists been able to carry out technological processes. Projects to be implemented
Few companies questioned our total right to their ideas or even initiate projects due to the lack will be chosen by the Museum on the basis of both
select artists for them. It should be noted that of an operative relationship with corporate potential aesthetic stature and practical feasibility.
corporations had the option to 'approve' the facilities. Our objective now is to provide the Corporations will be presented with an appropriate
artist before he took up residence; such approval necessary meeting ground for some eminent work proposal for their approval in principle;
is of course implicit, but by making it explicit a contemporary artists with sophisticated scheduling will then be arranged by the corporation,
certain degree of company wariness was technological personnel and resources. Naturally the artist and the Museum. The initial proposal
eliminated. we hope that this endeavour will result not only in submitted to corporations will be sufficiently clear
In April 1968, I met with the Board of significant works of art but in an ongoing union to indicate the extent and nature of the
Trustees for the second time to deliver a between the two forces. It is our conviction that the corporation's involvement. It is understood that
progress report. I anticipated that we could need for this alliance is one of the most pressing this preliminary plan may change considerably
enlist the financial support of at least twenty aesthetic issues of our time. during the course of the collaboration between
corporations, to the amount of $140,000 as a During the past six months, we have made corporative personnel and artist.
straight donation to the Museum for use as numerous preliminary contacts with corporation Participating artists will sign a contract drawn
needed in operating the programme—to cover presidents in California. These discussions have up by the Museum setting forth rules and
artists' payments, transporation and installation served to corroborate our feeling that the conditions. Non-local artists receive round-trip
costs. According to my prospectus these twenty advantages to participating corporate concerns are economy air fare plus $20 per diem expenses and
companies additionally would each take an manifold. Since the project will be fully documented honorarium of $250 per week. Local artists
artist into residence. I requested $70,000 from by CBS television for a network special, as well as receive the same honorarium.
the Museum as its share in supporting Art and being systematically publicized through other Corporations will enter into a written agreement
Technology for the 1968-69 fiscal year. media, promotional benefits to industries can be with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in
(Perhaps unconsciously, I had adopted the considerable. It is expected that collaborating advance of the scheduled residence periods.
businessman's strategy—but in reverse ratio.) technical personnel may gain experience directly
The Board sanctioned the plan, provided that I valuable to the corporation, as indeed has already In May 1968, IBM and American Cement
obtain written agreements from ten occurred in the plastics industry. All expenses, Corporation signed Patron Sponsor contracts
corporations before announcing the programme including corporation staff time and materials, are and became the first contracted participants in
officially. I drew up a contract which took into tax deductible; in addition, Patron Sponsors will Art and Technology. In October we officially
account three different kinds of corporation have the option to receive a work of art issuing announced the programme. Press coverage in
participation. I knew that certain companies from this collaboration. In many cases, the art the New York Times and Los Angeles Times
would be eager to have an artist in residence, but works will exceed in value the total expense of the occasioned by this announcement were to help
for various reasons, often having to do with corporation's contribution. us in attracting most of the remaining corpora-
anticipated stockholder reaction, would not Corporations are asked to contribute in one of tions we required to make the programme work.
elect to write a cheque to the Museum. Other five categories: Two months later we listed the companies
companies would financially support the 1. A Patron Sponsor Corporation takes an artist contracted to date in the first of eleven monthly
programme and might desire collaboration, but into twelve-week residence within one of its reports :
an artistic use of their facilities was technically corporate facilities to work in a specific area with PATRON SPONSORS
unlikely. We established categories of corporate the corporation's personnel and materials. A 1. American Cement Corporation
involvement: Patron Sponsor Corporations, Patron Sponsor also contributes $7000 to the Los 2. Ampex Corporation
who would agree to take an artist into residence, Angeles County Museum of Art to help defray the 3. International Business Machines
and also donate $7000 to the Museum; Sponsor extraordinary expenses of the project. As noted Corporation
Corporations, who would take an artist into above, Patron Sponsor Corporations have the 4. Kaiser Steel Corporation
residence but who donate less than $7000 or option to receive a work of art issuing from the 5. Litton Industries
nothing at all; Benefactor Corporations, asked collaboration. 6. Lockheed Aircraft Corporation