Page 55 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 55

Rockne Krebs
                                                                                                                   Untitled 1970
                                                                                                                   Argon and helium-neon
                                                                                                                   lasers, mirrors, fog
                                                                                                                   Executed in collaboration
                                                                                                                   with Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
                                                                                                                   Courtesy: Los Angeles
                                                                                                                   County Museum of Art
                                                                                                                   Photo: Tami Komai
                                                                                                                   2 R. B. Kitaj
                                                                                                                   Component for Lives of the
                                                                                                                   Engineers 1969
                                                                                                                   Vacuum-formed plastic
                                                                                                                   48  X 120 X 48 in.
                                                                                                                   Executed in collaboration
                                                                                                                   with Lockheed Aircraft
                                                                                                                   Courtesy : Los Angeles
                                                                                                                   County Museum of Art
                                                                                                                   Photo: Malcolm Lubliner

            7. Teledyne, Inc.                         was made clear both in the corporation    research at the Garrett Corporation's Life
            8.  The Garrett Corporation               agreements and in the contract we were to make   Sciences Department. I firmly believed,
           9. Universal City Studios, Inc.            with artists.                             moreover, that to schedule an exhibition, and
           1o. Wyle Laboratories                        The issue of our intended exhibition of the   thus work toward consignment deadlines, would
            SPONSOR                                   works made through Art and Technology was   not only give us an advantageous psychological
           1. Eldon Industries, Inc.                  more complicated. My primary motive in    goal, but would prove helpful in eliciting co-
           2. Hall Inc. Surgical Systems              attempting to make the resources of industry   operation from industry. By gearing our efforts
            3. Hewlett-Packard                        available to artists was emphatically not simply   toward a culminative event, a quality of
           4. Norris Industries Inc.                  to mount an exhibition. I thought it would be   excitement and an increased dedication were
            5. Philco-Ford Corporation                fascinating to observe a potentially vital   brought to bear on our labours for this nebulous
            6. The Rand Corporation                   reciprocal process, and expected personal and   and prolonged endeavour. Art and Technology
            7. TRW Systems                            professional gratification from my role as   was an experiment—and it had to be made
           CONTRIBUTING SPONSOR                       catalyst in establishing the vehicle for such   coherent and explicit in order to be validated.
            I. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation   connections. I believed that it was the process   The question of selecting artists for
            BENEFACTORS                               of interchange between artist and company   participation and deciding which artist should
           1.  Bank of America                        that was most significant, rather than whatever   go where was a difficult one, and relates critically
           2. North American Rockwell Corporation     tangible results might quickly occur. Obviously   to the problem of making possible true
              Much of our energy now shifted from     the probability that works of art would be   `collaboration' as opposed to mere 'art-making'.
           negotiations with companies to the task of   created was not to be ignored—I knew that   We wanted viable, productive connections to
           selecting and touring artists. Our discussions   many artists would want nothing more than   come about, but it was important to us that
           with artists were often strangely intense, and   physically to realize aesthetic ideas that may   these reciprocal endeavours be challenging and
           there was more opposition on their part to the   have remained in their minds only because of   rewarding to both the artist and the scientist
           goals of Art and Technology than we had    the technical difficulty of executing them. In   or engineer, by provoking them to reach beyond
           expected to encounter. I had, for example, a   short, one could reasonably expect that from   habituated patterns. However, we did not
           particularly emotional conversation with   twenty artists, each working several months in   suppose that artists of character, accustomed to
           Robert Irwin, who told me that many artists   twenty corporations, some kinds of exhibitable   working with a particular vocabulary of forms,
           resented certain aspects of the programme as   things were likely to emerge. I did not regard   would be likely to abandon suddenly the
           they understood it: they felt that it was unfair   the 'success' or 'failure' of the project as resting   aesthetic means developed over a lifetime,
           for the Museum to take possession of the works   mainly with the quantity or even quality of the   merely because they were cast into an unfamiliar
           created; that the Museum was primarily     `results'. But I also tried to indicate to Irwin   situation by taking up residence in a company.
           interested in producing an exhibition, rather   that, given the rationale for such an experiment   It was our intention simply to offer uncommon
           than in arbitrating the process of interaction as   (which he admitted willingly), and given that we   opportunities for those artists inclined to
           an end in itself; that artists would be pressed   were an art museum of the county of Los Angeles,   exercise them. How these opportunities might
           by the Museum into making works for these   it was only reasonable that the institution would   be used was exclusively the artist's concern.
           reasons; and that they would not in fact be   attempt to show something to its audience for   Our intention from the outset of Art and
           given access to experimental situations within   its efforts. I did not feel that this would result   Technology was to pay artists for time spent
           companies which were not demonstrably     in undue pressure being placed on the artists to   on the project, while they were in corporate
           related to the materials or processes of their   produce certifiable art objects. Interestingly,   residence, and later when installing works at the
           past work. It was not difficult to disabuse Irwin   Irwin himself was to provide perhaps the   Museum if their presence was needed. Funds
           and others of their misconceptions about   outstandingly valuable example of a purely   raised from company donations allowed us to
           property rights to the works of art, since the   interactive situation, issuing in no exhibitable   remunerate artists at a considerably higher rate
           Museum, under the terms of the contracts, had   object, although he did seriously contemplate   than was conventionally allotted by non-profit
           no right whatever to receive works of art; this    making an environmental work based on his   institutions —international symposia, print
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