Page 62 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 62

emphasized, revealed, three quarters of a                                                               Questions raised
      century ago by Cezanne. One can also say as of                                                           Paul Cezanne Still Life
                                                                                                              With Water Jug
      now that they have all—with more or less                                                                Courtesy : The Tate
      brilliance and diverse talents—been resolved                                                            Gallery, London
      tens of times; i.e. in real terms, distorted, or,                                                       Solutions given
      better, censured [discredited].                                                                         2 Georges Braque
         In order to clarify our exposé, we will not                                                          Courtesy: The Tate
      deal here with the historic, the how and why                                                            Gallery, London
      reasons for the emergence of questions we call                                                          Questions ignored
      strong or essential points [key issues]. We will                                                        3 Marcel Duchamp
      limit ourselves to the recognition of their                                                             Bottle Rack 1914
      existence and to the examination of the outcome.
       In effect, Cezanne did not, miraculously, all
      alone, coincidentally, raise these problems, not                                     distortion may hold the stage at the expense of
      even the first of them, but let us say he posed                                      the question itself which is thereby prevented
      them best and most clearly, and in such a                                            from gaining prominence. At the same moment
      decisive way that even if we cannot consider his                                     as one thus camouflages the embarrassing
      work as representing a `rupture', it certainly set                                   question/questions, one pays homage to that
      in motion an irreversible process. These 'strong                                     work which raised them—overwhelms it with
      or essential points' [key issues], these realities,                                  praise—in order to naturalize them, so that the
      are as we said recognized by everyone and about                                      work is choked to death; and so that it can no
      everyone. Of these 'realities' two are essential,                                    longer deliver its message, its real meaning, it
      since they derive to a greater or less degree                                        is in turn hidden behind the image of its creator
      from all the others. Although they are                                               who becomes a 'genius', with all that that implies
       commonplaces—perhaps because they are                                               in terms of the irrational and inexpressible : a
      such —we won't hesitate to recall them.                                              myth whose essential role is to disarm, to turn
      A) TO QUESTION2   THE SUBJECT, that is                                               the 'CATALYST QUESTIONS' into
      the appearance of painting to the detriment of                                       `ETERNAL TRUTHS'; the inspired creator
       what is being painted.                                                              thus comes to overshadow his own product.
       B)  TO QUESTION PERSPECTIVE, that is                                                  This is so with Cezanne, real universal
      the appearance of and the regard to the support                                      monument difficult to rediscover, covered as he
      on which the 'message' is inscribed, i.e. a flat                                     is by successive layers of all kinds of alluvia.
      surface.                                                                             Nevertheless although it is necessary to
         In order to pinpoint ideas, we can define                                         `dismantle' what has been made of Cezanne's
      several strong points deriving from A and B:   every gesture is dictated by (or linked to) a   work, in order to rediscover it, to clarify the
                                                 precise social, historical situation, then art is a   questions raised—we hope this text will leave a
      A                    B                     fortiori ruled by these `truths'.3        trail—we do not believe more in Cezanne than in
      a)  Progressive      a)  Emphasis on the     So the problem is posed quite differently   Watteau, Pollock or Buffet. If we use Cezanne,
       disappearance of any   surface in its totality,   and if not more clearly then at least in a more   it is only as a reference point and to try to distil
       representation, even   i.e. no areas of greater   instructive and interesting fashion. This is not,   from his work the essential points it raised and
      an illusive one.     or less priority.     for us, a hypothesis, but a statement of the   which were carefully deflected, stifled,
       b)  Attempt to      b) Questioning of     obvious : what we call 'strong or essential   truncated or annulled.
       neutralize the painted   composition.     points' i.e. the problems examined are only   We consider the questions raised by
       `touch' mechanization                     attempts at discrediting or unmasking the   Cézanne—his work—to be essential, yet if they
       directed towards the                      existing system, i.e. the dominant ideology, i.e.   were so easily camouflaged, it is because at the
      end of appearance                          the bourgeoisie. It is for this reason that we   same time they carried within them the
      for its own sake.                          consider these `questions' not only as taken for   partiality that made it possible to ignore them.
      c)  Questioning the   c) Questioning of the   granted but also as issues to be restated or   This criticism of the theoretical weakness of
      tools of painting    `tableau' i.e. of the   redefined. Hence, of course, their freshness and   work which raises only empirically, and in a
      (brushes ) and their   support itself as an   appositeness. It is not surprising, then, to see   partial way, questions which are essential yet
      consequence;         object to be respected.   these commonplaces constantly reappearing,   does so in ignorance of the whole, holds good
      disappearance of the                       then being muzzled, extinguished until their   in our view in general up to the present day
      transmission (and the                      next appearance, and so on in this way, because   for the work of any artist whatsoever, including
      gesture it required)                       these `commonplaces' are in effect very   of course even those who asked the fundamental
      between the body and                       dangerous questions, in the final count, for the   questions which enable us today to suggest that
      the canvas.                                established order.                        a theoretization of art has become possible—
                                                   If social revolts against the established   has become the only possible path.
         One will note that these problems, already   order are generally repressed by violence—by   The task of recovery and examination of the
      raised by Cezanne— disavowed, camouflaged—  the police or by wars—it is not so in art. The   `essential points' raised by Cezanne's work was
      on the one hand reappeared as of constant   repression is much subtler and therefore even   carried out for the first time by the cubist
      necessity at the strong moments of artistic   more efficient because it is harder to expose.   movement as a whole.
      production since the beginning of the century,   Generally the method is this (we'll be   We have described diagrammatically, that is
      and on the other hand are now posed to us with   diagrammatic so that the differences in the   we have exposed in clinical fashion, the process
      remarkable acuteness, even freshness. As we   methods and their variations will emerge of   of camouflage and the motives, which we
      see it there is one fundamental reason for this;   their own accord): to the posing of a question   believe to be in essence political. Let us examine
      a political reason. If it is true, and we believe   one gives a formal, seductive response, with the   now how this happened practically/formally
      it to be so, that every act is a political act, that   least possible delay, so that the solution/   with Cubism.
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