Page 28 - Studio International - December 1971
P. 28

Populaire' marches in trompe-l'oeil circus-type   on the side directly facing us, but the block is   have discussed, it has its own kind of dignity.
     lettering a foot and a half high across the width   more pejoratively commercial than the other
     of a weather-grimed little store-front whose doors   one. The stories above the café are occupied by   VI
     and windows are covered by blank and equally   what looks like a cheap hotel; the side of the   This brings me finally to Atget's handling of
     grimy-looking shutters (A61). The lettering in   block that recedes from us along the cross-street   people. If I have lingered over the street-corner
     that picture is in fact attractive, as is a good deal   is occupied by two or three tiny one-story   picture, this is partly because in it a certain
     of the lettering that Atget shows.28      stores displaying goods indistinctly under   stiffness of line, sharpness of detail, and
     Furthermore, the enlivening of the façade   awnings; and rising up behind the stores is a   explicitness of form predominate in the buildings
     reminds one of the general enlivening and   high windowless wall. The roadway is cobbled   and are emphasized by the symmetrical
     opening up of metaphorical doors and      and glistening, with the tracks of vehicles   composition and the evenly distributed light
     windows that the newspaper can bring. And   curving around the corner. Because of the   from the grey sky. The picture, as I have said, is
     the same kind of affirmativeness characterizes   camera angle, the gap between the two blocks   replete with life, but it is obvious that this sort
     one of the best of the pictures in which Atget   is small—small enough, in fact, to be spanned   of urban scene, stripped of certain elements,
     confronts advertising head-on, namely the   by the cross-piece of a wrought-iron    could become oppressive and anti-human, and
     well-known one of those canopied,         lamp-standard standing against the corner of   a number of Atget's pictures of people or their
     advertisement-bearing pillars (`colonnes   the right-hand block. Below the lamp itself the   surrogates seem to touch on this possibility. It is
     d'affichage' is the technical term for them) that   baroque doorway of a church is visible in the   especially tempting to take a tip from those
     are as indigenous to the Paris sidewalks as the   distance; above the lamp the upper part of the   haunting images of store-mannequins that
     pissoirs (V41, A29). Though it is the pillar that   church fades away into the rain-whitened sky.   caught the eyes of the Surrealists and were
     catches one's eye most immediately, everything   Across the façade of the hotel on the left are the   among the earliest of Atget's works to be
     in the picture in fact interacts in Atget's   words 'de la Montagne'; below, the words   reproduced. There is, for instance, the famous
     customary way. The posing of the pillar against   `Liqueurs, Cafe, Bière' run the full width of the   single figure displaying work-clothes between
     a background of trees and a corner of a   cafe in elegant lettering; above the entrance of   cases of cheap shirts and dental items (A26)—
     decorously baroque church works the reverse   the café on the right are the words `Au   headless, handless, its sleeves hanging down
     of ironically. Sunlight falling through leafy   Champion du Cafe'. On the windowless wall,   limply, its feet mere shiny black wood and
     branches dapples the pillar in a fashion recalling   immediately above the little stores, is a large,   turned in upon each other in a slightly crippled-
     the naturally dappled trunks of sidewalk   clear, painted sign advertising a paint-and-  looking way, its waist cinched in tight by a very
     plane-trees; energized by lens distortion, the   interior-decoration shop; and above that the   wide leather and canvas belt faintly reminiscent
     mingled spots of shadow and sun on the    rest of the wall is covered by a farrago of   of strait-jackets, its neck circled incongruously
     sidewalk seem to be streaming forwards from a   disintegrated painted signs out of which one   by a stiff collar. Or there is the equally well-
     centre located a few yards behind it; the leafy   word stands out—' Argent' . The name on the   known one of the better-class store window in
     minglings of light and coolness rising up behind   street sign beside the lamp-post is Rue de l'Ecole   which three impeccably dressed male
     it seem to be in motion too; and even the church,   Polytechnique'.                 mannequins in the upper half of the picture
     tilted slightly inwards by camera distortion   Well, faced with the whole fascinating   have been dissolved among the reflections on the
     and counterbalancing the inward tilt of the   intermingling here of embodiments or reminders   window into little more than disturbingly
     trees on the other side of the picture, isn't   of rest, transportation, nourishment,   individual faces (hopeful, sly, pensive), while
     sharply separated from the general        technology, religion, art (of a sort), education,   below and in front of them bulk, successively, a
     harmoniousness and rather gay vitality. Hence   competition, money, and nature, one is tempted   much more solid headless figure and a row of
     the kinds of energies pointed to by the massed   to say that if there were only a tree there one   neatly draped and labelled striped trousers
     advertisements on the pillar for concerts, plays,   could ask for nothing more; yet that would be to   running the width of the picture (W14, A79,
     and the Folies Bergères emerge here as    miss the peculiar quality of the picture. The   C28). Or there are the slightly inane bewigged
     complementary, not antagonistic, to the   scene is wholly urban without a single organic   female faces lost among the shadows and
     mingled energies and calms of the trees, the   shape in it, yet it is eye-catchingly rich and   reflections in the window of a ladies' hairdresser,
     sunlight, and the church.29               varied in its textures and local forms, quite   (see fig. 9) or the menacing row of headless, white-
       Great literature has been described by   apart from its almost heartbreakingly    jacketed figures, with a headless waiter in the
     Ezra Pound as 'language charged with meaning   impeccable composition. And when one starts to   centre, massed against the spectator, or the rigidly
     to the utmost possible degree.'" Georges   analyse that immediate impact one realizes how   corsetted hour-glass-shaped busts in another
     Franju, talking about his own movies, has   indispensable to its pervasive air of aliveness are   well-known picture (respectively V27 and A77;
     remarked that a shot should have a content the   those least 'natural' of things, the letters on the   V49, A76, and C29). In other words, there
     way a glass does (`Il doit avoir un contenu comme   façades, alike as information-givers, as gracefully   would seem to be intimations enough in Atget's
     un verre').3' Let me close this section by   made shapes, and as almost wholly abstract   work of the fact that 'heroic' city formalism and
     examining one of Atget's greatest 'commercial'   patterns on the blank wall testifying, along with   artificiality, if they enlarge existence in some
     pictures, in which everything seems to be   the rain, to the operations of nature.   ways, can also lead to their own kinds of
    functioning to an unusually charged extent even   Furthermore, in their 'artificiality', which is at   entrapment, constriction, and dehumanization.
     for him (A6). I must apologize for the length   the same time replete with humanity, they link   And where photographs of actual people are
    of the analysis, but the picture, as well as being   up symbolically with the brilliantly placed   concerned, the ones of prostitutes would seem
    a complex one, is relevant to my next section too.   street-lamp dead in the centre of the picture.   to contain some especially sharp and ironical
       The picture is of part of an intersection in   Wholly modern in form, and wholly the product   juxtapositions. A gleaming handsome house-
    the rain. To the right, occupying almost the   of modern technology, there yet seems nothing   front, its lower-story windows all leaded stained-
    full height of the frame, are three stories of a   incongruous in its receiving equal prominence   glass squares, its street number enormous
    mildly elegant façade. The lower story is   both with the entrance to the church and with   between the two upper-story windows, runs the
    occupied by a small, gleaming café, its entrance   the cold, white, natural light of the sky. It is the   whole width of a frame, and it is only after a
    faced on either side with marble panels; the   product of a system as complex as the first and   minute or two that the mind registers that the
    windows of the stories above it are shut tight   it fills the same basic needs as the second. This is   small white figure in the doorway to the far left
    behind wrought-iron balustrades and covered   not to say that it and what it embodies are more   is wearing a thigh-high white dress and little-
    by neat lace curtains. On the left of the picture   important than they are. Simply, like the rest of   girl white socks, that she is in fact no little girl
    is the corner of another block, again with a café    the scene and like the other urban scenes that I    at all, and that another woman, who is probably
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