Page 54 - Studio International - February 1971
P. 54

If there was a reasonable source for the   (context for sound) and any combination of the   Qualifying these statements I will say that there
      alphabetical symbols used in English it was   three. These I call Sheets of Silence. The layout   is an acceptance of different values in different
      certainly lost a long time ago. The forms A, B,   is based on a rectangular grid, accuracy being   media but there always remains a rationale of
      C, etc., have abdicated their responsibilities :   essential; any error would cause a focus of   title/work, reciprocal and continuous. q
      the only relationships detectable are three   interest and disturb the silence. Only the
      straights, one straight and two curves, one   speaker/writer is allowed to break the silence   There is an inherent dilemma in all the articles
      curve, etc. All other relationships have now   with the sound/mouths. If these silence sheets   in this magazine.
      become unquestionable—unquestionable in   were mass-produced then the laborious business   The articles are presented on a different
      that there is no answer; learning English has   of description, i.e. what one is portraying rather   scale, i.e.: The text is of necessity restricted and
      become an act of faith : the alphabet refers to   than what one is saying, would be alleviated   loses the clarifying elaboration of a book. The
      nothing but itself.                       from the individual.                      photographs are in all cases smaller than that
        It is common knowledge that there are letter   A thorough transcription of English grammar   which is being photographed.
      symbols which become redundant in phonetic   using mouth alphabets was carried out.   The articles are presented in a different form,
      context—C, J, Q, W, X, Y. And yet they are   Numerals and Mathematical Grammar, Music   i.e.: Words are used to convey things other than
      retained. Why ? I suggest there is a dilemma. Is   and Musical Grammar underwent similar   words. Photography becomes a medium of
      English a written or spoken language ? It is   treatment.                           transformation : things are available only as
      because this question has not been attended to   The previous visual alphabet referred to a   photographs—not as things. There is an explicit
      that the redundant letter symbols remain.   visual origin outside itself. At this juncture an   order of attention dictated by the way we read
      Spoken they have equivalents, written they have   alternative model occurred to me—that of an   — left to right, top to bottom, beginning to end.
      not. With some chauvinism I cite Welsh as a   inter-original alphabet based on the circle.   This gives the text priority over the photographs
      language of decision—its priority is speech.   What was stated was : if one accepts the circle in   and the audience prior information about the
        But these are merely comparative        the forms ring for Hh (natural breath sound)   photograph of the art object. The audience is
      improvements : both languages collapse at the   and disc for Uh (voiced equivalent)—then all   placed in a very special role, exclusive either to
      alphabet stage. There can be no dodging the   other sounds are distortions of these two shapes.   the artist or to those in possession of his
      issue that the present systems of symbols are   The same twenty-five sounds were used as a   intentions, which is limited to his friends on the
      unintelligible and should be replaced, not   basis and speculation on their shapes took place.   one hand and magazine readers on the other.
      improved.                                 Types of distortion included lateral, vertical   It is the latter contention which is the critical
        With this premise in mind I decided to   and circumferential. Vertical distortion was   one. The spectator looks at actual art objects
      construct a language in which writing was based   doubly successful in that it alluded to mouth   back to front, i.e.: He sees the end product and
      on speaking. English became the vehicle for   articulation whilst at the same time retaining its   makes assumptions about the preceding stages.
      analysis, it being the only language in which I   inter-origin.                     Whether these assumptions are coincidental
      am fluent. Conversation involves two acts —  Again writing paper was re-designed: in this   with those of the artist is a superfluous issue
      listening and looking. From the former I   case circles in a variety of combinations replaced   here. What is to the point is that the sequence of
      derived twenty-five mouth sounds and from the   horizontal lines. These I called Sheets of   looking at actual art objects is the reverse of that
      latter seventeen mouth shapes; all sounds could   Breathing. For reasons of accuracy and facility   encountered in this magazine.
      be constructed from these. Focusing on the   the new writing paper is machine-produced,   It is to resume the actual act of attention that
      articulation of these sounds by the mouth, the   the sounds which are drawn being the circles.   this article is so presented. q
      question of how they could be written was also   After this time my familiarity with the
      solved.                                   language had reached a point where I could give
        Twenty-five mouth articulations were    more attention to its application. My response
      carefully observed and drawn. Front view was   was to 'translate' some poetry I had written—
      chosen because it showed the articulation most   not because of any evaluation of specific poems
      clearly. No attempt was made to distort what   but because in general poetry, unlike prose, can
      was seen for reasons of information about what   be non-sequential in concept, a spontaneous
      actually caused the sound. Rather the apparent   image; this is congruent with painting which
      cause was noted. It was with precision that I   can also say everything at the same time.
      called this new language Visible Speech.    The area in which the poems are visualized is
        The original drawings were analysed to   dark (I chose black paper) since light is not
      extract the relevant characteristics basic to the   necessary to see sound. Of course light exists
      formation of each sound and a wide variety   outside the paintings but it is not an integral
      of simplified mouth shapes were visualized.   factor, i.e. there is no modelling or spatializing
      About forty mouth alphabets were speculated   using light and shade. Most painting is addition
      but the principle is infinitely extensible. There   —paint on or in canvas; since sound is invisible
      can be no one answer to the visualization of   I decided to subtract the sound shapes from the
      sound. Success must inevitably and sensibly   paper, that is to say I cut away darkness. Then
      depend upon the perception and acceptance of   what one sees is what is not there. A recurring
      each observer/listener. Remember, when in   device in these works was parallel lines which
      doubt use your own mouth as reference.    represent for me a geometry of rhyme; the
        Of the alphabets drawn some were elaborate   same can be said for similar triangles.
      and suited to typography and printing, others   Art can exist without words, written or   Gareth Jones
      were more economic of style and emphasized   spoken, but it has not done so up until now and
      speed of execution. Unfortunately as one gains   I see no reason why this situation should change   Linguistics:
      speed one loses definition. To rectify this, new   in the future. At present all art has titles—the
      writing paper was envisaged. The ruled lines in   reasons for these are obscure in that they are
      present use were replaced by the repetition of   seldom discussed. What I have done is to make  an eye-witness
      (I) closed mouth (symbol of silence), (2) ear   a direct and essential relationship between title
      (symbol of listening), (3) face without mouth    and work inasmuch as the title is the work.    account

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