Page 17 - Studio International - July August 1971
P. 17
May bees relation with organization and institution—the that she prefers dead artists—that way one is so
Art for All? commercially evaluating world being the much freer.
How nice that Charles Harrison's article was particular target or complementary entity (2) Perhaps Mrs Waldman is worried about
clear, thought-through, and logical. (`Virgin adopted in the specific case of APG. temperamental artists wanting to change the
Soils and Old Land.') It can lead to (or betray ?) exhibits around, but what has this to do with our
The introduction piece by Charles Harrison
a good critical sensibility. Too bad that the ART carries the sentence: 'I would like (though I particular 'problem' ? It was in October 1970
he chose and more importantly, his cannot hope) to see a situation in which one that I explained how I wanted my work displayed
presentation of it (in the context of the pages of could supplant a notion like "post-object art" in the Museum; I changed nothing and nobody
a magazine, a context which he should be the with the notion of a "post-Marxist" art'. On the asked to use that same space.
first to realize as relevant) is so incredibly previous page he has 'summed up' modes of (3) What is all this about a drawing that I am
mediocre. Most of the works are baroque behaviour open to the artist when faced with the supposed to have been asked for and that I did
picturesque junk (indoor and outdoor, visual disaffiliation with the rest of society. For his not supply ? Ridiculous. Certainly I described
and literal). Only Gilbert and George's piece exemplary nominees of the analytical approach the work I anticipated, doing in sufficient detail
worked, and was probably designed totally by he instances the authors of the piece already to obtain the exact measurements of the interior
them, I would imagine. The few interesting referred to. It must be that he is either of the museum, unless they thought I needed
pieces are so badly presented that it seems to uncomprehending of, or for some reason the measurements in order to ascertain that
make a joke of Harrison's insistence on context indifferent to, the principles that underlie the there was room to play at yoyo! Mrs Waldman
and on 'How one does one's singling out APG's position. It is, even if not yet seen to be, even told me the maximum size of canvas I
determines what he singles out'. Even so, much well through these particular difficulties, which could use (35 feet). A size that I adhered to.
of what was presented is what is best in English amount to a reaction to (art) history. (4) And what is this about an advance project ?
art. Beggars, I guess, can't be choosers.
APG This was doubtless destined for the 'Censure
There'll always be an England ? London WII Committee'. I never do advance projects. The
Freak a little!
one I did do for the VI Guggenheim
PETER GIDAL Maurice de Sausmarez International is the exception that proves the
London W14
In your paragraph about the exhibition put on rule, and in any case being verbal as well as
Your May issue has certainly been effective as a as a tribute to Maurice de Sausmarez, who was written it was not adhered to.
provocation. The piece'concerning `Leges Principal of the Byam Shaw School before his (5) A petition calling for the reinstallation of my
Naturae' was read first as a satire on the death in 1969, the impression may painting in the Museum was signed by fourteen
proliferation of intellectual properties, then as inadvertently be given that the school was of people. I made no use of this whatsoever.
a hilarious invention in literary syntax. But then little consequence before de Sausmarez took it Consequently, those who are meant to have
it seemed to reinforce the property notion over. May I try to set the record straight over signed it under pressure from me (according to
without the satire, until it was realized that this, as a friend of de Sausmarez as well as Mrs Waldman) may easily go back on it. As for
given its inherent initial premise, i.e. that there is someone who has been connected with the those who signed willingly and in full knowledge
such a thing as an object, that there is such a school from considerably before the de of what they were doing, they now know that
thing as art, as ethics, and so on, this work does Sausmarez period right up to the present ? Mrs Waldman nevertheless considers them
achieve much. The question is : why is it still It is no disparagement of the tremendous weaklings and cowards. And Carl Andre should
thought necessary to become so heavily engaged contribution that he made to say that before he know that Mrs Waldman has discovered that he
on this particular set of ideas ? took the school over its record, and the quality withdrew his work because he was not satisfied
On a different basis, an analysis of the of the work it produced, were high. Charles with it. I wonder if Mrs Waldman realizes that
relation between the (apparent) object and Mahoney, who taught at the Byam Shaw for this is defamation ?
Time showed up an element very different from some years before he went on to the R.A. (6) Sol LeWitt has offered me a one-man show ?
naturalistic 'flow' as continuum, and it led to a Schools, saw to it that standards were kept high. Since when has he been either curator or
realization that 'object' is absolutely a function I would say from my own experience that the director of the Guggenheim ? It is you and Mr
of 'event' and time-base; and therefore that the standard of drawing there was a good deal better Messer who wanted the whole business
discussion of 'the object' was a discussion of an than it was in many more famous and larger art suppressed and I was very nearly taken in.
illusory effect and not worth further mental schools. Certainly the Byam Shaw had Luckily I soon saw what your game was and
gymnastics. The confident mention of part-time students —but the same could be said, shortly afterwards Hans Haacke found out what
`solipsism' at the beginning needs qualification at that period, of Chelsea or Camberwell equally. kind of liberty reigns in your noble
as do so many other assertive words. BERNARD DUNSTAN establishment.
Adoption of the term 'event' as a primitive Richmond, Surrey (7) Mrs Waldman, why do you not mention the
unit is not claimed as in any way original but its catalogue ? You were meant to explain the
purpose was that as such it may be thought of as The Guggenheim affair `incident' in it. Instead, no sooner had I left
structured in the four co-ordinates of sensory Reply to Diane Waldman New York, not content with excluding my
information. It is possible also to conceive of a Mrs Waldman, supposedly victimized, makes work from the exhibition you had the
minimal event whereas an 'object' could not be her own case worse [June issue, pp. 247-8]. spitefulness to leave me out of the catalogue,
minimal with respect to Time. (1) The responsibility of a curator is to choose with no explanation. Is that nice ?
The realisation has a dynamic effect on all the exhibitors, and to prepare his catalogue, his (8) Mrs Waldman, why do you not say that you
conceptual considerations, including language, advertising and his opening. The exhibitor is like to submit censored work to 'tests' ? This is
and leads naturally to a strategical position that responsible for his work, and the curator for its the explanation I was given when I saw, with
could be adopted by people as individuals presentation, according to Mrs Waldman. What stupefaction, my work on public view for two
(`artists' for the present convenience) when a profession of faith! Is it not possible that the whole days, a week after the opening, without
confronted with the mass habit which is the exhibitor might be responsible for his work and anyone asking my permission first. (The work
established world of 'everything', permanently also for its presentation ? Since when and by was put back at my request, during the time the
as a pole function. There was seen to be a role what right has the curator decided how the work Museum was closed, for photographing.) This
for the articulate individual as a kind of should be presented ? Of course he has to once no doubt in accordance with the profession of
representative, who had to be a good 'engineer' the artist is dead; in this way he can play at being faith of paragraph I ? Fortunately( !) Donald
of conceptual material, to take associative an artist. Mrs Waldman does not hide the fact Judd was passing, as you said, spoiled your test,