Page 62 - Studio International - June 1971
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unique'1 or not. This uniqueness, no longer   alone, without the thought, 'My God, this is the  Extending the
     indigenous with media itself (i.e. painting and   only one, and I have it !', distracting him from   print market
     certain forms of sculpture), should ideally be   clearly understanding and judging the artist's
     determined by the implication of content alone,   statement. And the artist, in turn, will be more   It has been obvious for years that the
     rather than being an economic ploy necessitated   acutely aware of his responsibility as a direct   commercial system for the distribution and sale
     by the sheer pragmatism of an artist's    communicator and 'explicator' to many—as a   of art is no longer relevant to the world in which
     productive survival. Hopefully, art patronage   true oracle.                        we live, or the kind of art most gifted artists
     of the future will take these factors into account,   As a benefactor of the traditional graphic arts   wish to produce. Just as galleries for old masters
     and artists will be supported through     and the ancient art of sculpture, the unlimited,   continue to thrive, so the Bond Street and
     sponsorship of projects or time periods by which   reproducible work of art will hopefully serve a   Madison Avenue galleries will remain emporia
     art is produced in high-yield multiples, and   primary, functional role in man's mental world,   for 20th-century masterpieces. The public
     modest royalties from these large or open-ended   along with the other humanities and sciences. q   involved in such enterprises remains minute,
     editions will sustain him, similar to the time-                                     whilst the numbers who flock to major
     honoured tradition of literary compensation.                                        institutional exhibitions and art events constantly
                                               1Donald H. Karshan, 'The Multiple is Unique: The
       The screen has become the canvas for many.   Lure of Print Collecting,' Winter Antique Show,   increase. The art world represents 'two
     Super-eight-millimetre, sixteen-millimetre and   Catalogue, 1968                    nations', the small coterie who visit and even
     even thirty-five-millimetre film-making has   2   US Customs still admit a model and only up to ten   buy from the commercial galleries, and those
     fast emerged during the last several years as a   casts, by a professional artist, as original art.   who seek art experience for its own sake. An
                                               'Although patented in 1798 by its inventor, Alois
     major multiple medium for artists. Several now   Senefelder, the process was not used by artists in any   increasing number of artists are reluctant to
     devote themselves solely to the utilization of   significant manner until the early nineteenth century.   co-operate with the commercial system, hence
                                               4   Most of the lithographic posters that were executed
     film and look upon television as an extraordinary   in the 188os and '9os by artists ranging from Chéret   their involvement with art forms which are
     carrier of their art, as well as the cinémathèque   to Toulouse-Lautrec were printed in very high   virtually unsaleable, often without permanent
     and general audience theatre. Problems of   editions (the number of impressions often being in   form or designed as temporary experiences.
     distribution and public accessibility are probably   the thousands) and in their commonness were   Another group of artists have sought a viable role
                                               described as the 'art of the streets'.
     in the process of being revolutionized by the   5   In the 'Graphics 70' programme presented by   in society through the concept of multiples, with
     introduction of the low-cost cassette system.   Donald Karshan in Art in America, an original offset   its promise of 'art for all' and the exploitation of
     Artists and their galleries (or a more apt term:   lithograph was bound into each of the six 1970 issues   our mass-produced, urbanized, technological
                                               of the magazine. These lithographs, by Richard
     their 'distributors') will offer, as they are now   Anuszkiewicz, Alexander Calder, Peter Dechar, Paul   civilization. Whilst an increasing number of
     beginning to do, film cassettes for home   Jenkins, Ray Parker and Robert Rauschenberg, were   artists, both famous and young, have turned to
                                               printed by a controlled offset process described in
     projection and university and college use. An   detail by Donald Karshan in the January—February   multiples, and some galleries have played
     art library of film multiples will in several years   1970 issue, and in editions ranging in size from   pioneering roles in the development, there has
     become as common a storage area of imagery as   5o,000 to 65,00o impressions.       been a reluctance to face up to deeper
                                               6In the cliché verre process of printmaking employed
     the bookshelf or picture cluster on the wall.                                       connotations. These imply the rejection of the
                                               in the nineteenth century, primarily by the artists
     Another medium of awesome 'informational'   of the Barbizon school, photosensitive paper was   present gallery system in order to achieve an
     potential is direct fascimile transmission and   printed by light transmitted through the areas on a   artistic and social appeal to a wide popular
                                               piece of glass not drawn upon by the artist—a process
     reception in the home. Not pure 'software' as is                                    audience. When Editions Alecto was founded in
                                               similar to the printing of a photographic negative.
     projected imagery, artists' statements will be   7   This technique, 'Light Graphics', utilizing the   1962 there were intimations of a search for a new
     printed on paper or plastic sheets by the little   collotype process to obtain printed images from   social role, but inevitably its products could
                                               images on transparent sheets (e.g. acetate) was
     `black box' in the home. These fixed images can                                     only be marketed within the existing set-up. The
                                               developed by Triton Press, New York, in 1970, in
     be retained for repeated study. News media and   collaboration with the American painter, Paul Jenkins,   emergence of Alecto International, which
     instructional material will also be produced in   and this writer. The artist executes directly on the   hopes to be operational within months, is a
                                               acetate sheets the separate images for each colour,
     this manner, and through micro-electronic                                           logical development of Alecto's original concept
                                               similar to image separations on the traditional blocks,
     computers for automatic language translation   plates or stones.                    and a recognition of the urgent need for change
     at central 'language depots' the multi-lingual   8   Because of the extreme hardness of the endgrain   felt throughout the art world. Despite its
                                               boxwood used, the wood-engraving process can yield
     barrier will undoubtedly be surmounted within                                       revolutionary nature, Alecto's purpose could
                                               a very large edition, e.g. Winslow Homer's many
     several years, making substantial cross-cultural   wood engravings for Harper's Weekly in the latter   not be simpler—to produce a large range of
     communications an everyday practice rather   half of the nineteenth century.        prints and objects by leading and talented
                                               9   A Currier and Ives lithograph—one of over a
     than a periodical event. The prospect of the   thousand impressions that sold for one dollar when   international artists, priced between three and
     artist actually 'publishing' his works right in the   issued in the 1850s —is worth over one thousand dollars   three thousand dollars, to be displayed and sold
     home is not a flimsy science-fiction dream. It   today.                             in special shops or departments of leading
     is the capability of present technology and   10By way of describing the same process employed to   international stores. The selection and stocking,
                                               produce Wart, an original offset lithograph by Robert
     awaits the administration of an enlightened   Rauschenberg, executed for the November—December   and the production, will be the responsibility of
     society.                                  1970 issue of Art in America. All collage elements are   Alecto, backed by the advice of an international
                                               reproduced and the process described in detail in the
       The insertion of more and more print,                                             panel who will choose and discover the artists
                                               accompanying article by Donald H. Karshan.
     sculpture and 'conceptual' multiples into the   "Multiples, Inc., a New York firm, can probably be   and their works. The essence of the scheme is to
     art market, with the consequent diminishing   credited with popularizing the term 'multiple' in the   create and make available forms of art for the
     output of unique'1 works, will only make past   United States, although it was coined in Europe in   widest audience, without lowering standards and
                                               the late 19505. The expression is still not in the
     unique'1 works of art even more scarce. Rare as   dictionary.                       without the exclusivity and sense of barrier
     the best of them are, by widespread museum   12Probably the leading theoretician of this multiple   inherent in the present gallery system. It is also
     acquisitiveness, the waning balance will be, as   concept (no less practitioner) as it applies to the broad   hoped that museums will incorporate multiples
                                               aspects of art, interior design, architecture, city
     one catalogue writer termed it, 'excruciatingly   planning and economics, is Victor Vasarely, whose   shops, thus serving a large interested public.
     rare'. With these reversed objects of the   profuse and often impassioned writings on this subject   One of the most interesting aspects of the plan is
     prolonged period of the cult of the unique'1   have been periodically published for decades.   the expansion of Alecto's London headquarters
                                               Is Organized by John Coplans for the Pasadena Art
     inevitably ensconced in the repositories of the   Museum, and circulated to London, Paris and New   into a fully-equipped creative centre. Expert
     past, the mystique of the unique'1 may no longer   York.                            technical staff will be available to encourage
     be the experience of the contemporary art   14Donald H. Karshan, 'The Seventies: Post-Object   visiting artists to investigate and experiment in
                                               Art', Studio International, Vol. 18o, No. 925
    collector. He will be able to examine  content    (September 1970), p. 69.           fields or media new to them. q
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