Page 77 - Studio International - June 1971
P. 77

Galleries                                  Latest editions: 4 silkscreens by Roy Lichenstein-  (Tel. o1-493 9014).
                                                      Untitled (2), Haystack, Landscape.
                                                                                                Prints from 1500 to present day. Prices £2.00-£400.00.
                                                      Colour Print, 2 Motcomb Street, SW1,      Forum, i6 Market Street, Brighton, Sussex
           dealing in                                 (Tel. 01-235 4567/8).                     (Tel. 0273-28578).
                                                      Lithographs by Braque, Marini, Miro. Large
                                                      editions of original graphics by Dufy, Moore,   Representative stock of twentieth-century graphics.
                                                                                                Furneaux, 23 Church Road, Wimbledon, SW19
           graphics                                   Picasso, Topolski, Tunnard etc. Prices £1.00-£700.00.   (Tel. 01-946 4114).
                                                      Compass, 178 West Regent Street, Glasgow C2
                                                      (Tel. o41-221 637o).                      Prints by contemporary artists. Prices £5.00-£30.00.
                                                                                                Gallery 1640-1445 Crescent Street, Montreal
                                                      Works by printmakers throughout UK. Stockists of
                                                      Scottish contemporary printmakers.        107, Canada (Tel. 849-2906).
           Albert White, 25 Prince Arthur Avenue,     Compendium, 2a Salisbury Road, Moseley,   Original Canadian and international prints.
                                                                                                Gemini G.E.L., 8365 Melrose Avenue, Los
           Toronto 5 (Tel. 923-8804).                 Birmingham 13 (Tel. 021-449 0811).        Angeles, California 90069 (Tel. 651-0516 and
           Canadian artists-Riopelle, Berkovitz, Harvey,   Screen, etching and lino prints by British artists.   651-0513).
           Watson. Also Alechinsky, Carzou, Chagall, Cocteau,   Compendium 2, 137 Fulham Road, SW3 (Tel.
           Gribaudo;   Kokoschka, Lam, Le Corbusier, Leger,   01-589 0646).                     Limited editions of original handprinted lithographs
           Miró, Moore, Poliakoff.                   Artists both established and new to the London scene.   and screens and sculpture multiples by artists
                                                                                                commissioned by the studio.
           André Emmerich, 41 East 57th Street, New   Court, Ostergada 24, Copenhagen K, Denmark   Godard Lefort, 1490 Sherbrooke Ouest,
           York 100022 (Tel. PLAZA 2-0124).          (Tel. 1120 50).
           Bush, Christensen, Frankenthaler and Hockney.   Retail outlet for Court Graphics. Artists include Balle,   Montreal 109, Canada (Tel. (514) 932-8620).
                                                                                                Specializes in the graphic work of international and
           Angela Flowers, 15 Lisle Street, WCI (Tel.734   Brands, Daskaloff, Rooskens, Vielfaure etc.   Canadian artists represented by the main gallery.
           0240).                                    Cross Keys, Wycombe End, Beaconsfield (Tel.   Gorner and Millard, 58/6o Kenway Road, SW5
           Richard Allen, Arakawa, Breakwell, Hughes,   049-46 4012).                           (Tel. 01-373 0652 or 7411).
           Neiland, Loker and Tom Phillips.          Prints available by the following: Alechinsky, Barker,   Wide selection of lithographs, etchings and screen-
           Annely Juda Fine Art, 11-12 Tottenham Mews,   Kelly, Koster, Sutton, Thomson, etc. Prices £5-40.   prints published by the gallery. Prices £10.00-£35.00.
           WI (Tel. 5807593).                        Crossley, 4 Crossley Street, Melbourne,    Grosvenor, 48-49 South Molton Street,
           Ayres, Butler, Campigli, Carter, Caulfield, Delvaux,   Australia (Tel. 662 1271).
           Friedlaender, Goldschmidt, Gramse, Green, Hadad,   Established in 1966, the only gallery in Australia   London WIY2 JU (Tel. 01-629 0891).
           Hamilton, Herscovitz, Hockney, Leger, Picasso, etc.   dealing exclusively in original prints. Publishers of   Art Nouveau lithographs and posters by Alphonse
                                                                                                Mucha, graphics of the twenties. Grosvenor Gallery
           Anschel, 33 Kings Rd, SW3 (Tel. 01-730 0444).   Edition Crossley, lithographs and original prints.   posters. By appointment only.
           Graphics by Hockney, Hamilton, Caulfield, A. Jones,   Curwen, i Colville Place, Whitfield Street, WI
           Sidney Nolan, Paolozzi, etc. £5.00-£200.00.   (Tel. 01-636 1459).                    Hansen-Fuller, 228 Grant Avenue, San
           Anthony Dawson, 12 Marlborough Court,     Lithographs from the Curwen Studio and prints in all   Francisco, California 94108 (Tel.(4-15) 982 4212)
           Pembroke Road, W8 (Tel. 01-602 6213).     media including Moore, Piper, Frink, Davie,   Handles graphics from Gemini G.E.L.
           British and international artists. View by appointment.   Hepworth and Gentleman.   Harcus-Krakow, 167 Newbury Street, Boston,
           Arnolfini, 45 Queen Square, Bristol BSI 4QP   DM Gallery, 72 Fulham Road, London SW3   Mass. 02116 (Tel. 617 262-4483).
           (Tel. 0272-20742).                        (Tel. 589 8208).                          Albers, Abrahams, Anuszkiewicz, Bush, Cage,
           Exhibitions of British printmakers. Unframed prices   Twombly, Ruscha, Hockney, Indiana, Dine, Adami.   Christo, Calder, D'Arcangelo, Denny, Dine, Frank-
           £6.00-£450.00.                            David Stuart, Contemporary Painting and    enthaler, Gottlieb, Hoyland, Indiana, Johns, Kelly,
                                                                                                Kitaj, Krushenick, Le Corbusier, Lichtenstein, Lukin.
           Ars Studeo, Frederiksberggade IA, 1459    Sculpture, Pre-Columbian and Primitive Arts,   Marca, Relli, Miró, Motherwell, Nevelson, Noland,
           Copenhagen K, Denmark                     807 N. La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, California   Oldenburg, Ortman, Paolozzi, Rauschenberg, Riley,
           Supported by wholesales to museums and libraries,   90069 (Tel. OL 2-7422).         Ruscha, Segal, Steinberg, Stella, Trova, Vasarely,
           and portfolios of international art. On permanent   Copley, Foulkes, Ramos, Voulkos, etc.   Warhol and Youngerman.
           show: graphics by Albers, Dine, Soto, Johns,   Denise René/Hans Mayer, Dusseldorf, 4,   Heiner Friedrich, Munich 22, Maximilian-
           Jones, Kelly, Krushenick, Kitaj, Lichtenstein,   Muhlenstrasse 1. (Tel. 32 10 86).
           Oldenburg, Hamilton, Rauschenberg, Trova,   Recent exhibition of Tomasello originals.   strasse 13 (Tel. o81129 5o 21).
           Vasarely, Warhol, Wesselman, Paolozzi, Stella,   Der Spiegel, 5 Cologne 1, Richartzstrasse 10   Editions by Judd, DM 11,000 (DM 90o each); LeWitt,
           sculptures by Tallon, kinetics by Carlos, Malina,                                   DM 2100; Palermo, DM 90-900; Richter, DM
           Schoeffer, Sobrino, Boto, Takis, Le Parc, etc.   (Tel. (0221) 21 56 77).             150-750.
           Art Intermedia, D 5000 Cologne, Domstrasse   Sets by Anuszkiewicz, Brecht, Christo, Fruhtrunk,   Howard Roberts, 49 Westgate Street, Cardiff
                                                     Geiger, Krieg, Morellet, Segal, Vasarely.
           (Tel. 72 8o 40).                                                                    (Tel.  0222 22938).
           H. P. Alverman, Notes on Culture-Political Considera-  Desmond Page, 2 Argyll Road, W8 (Tel. 01-   Main suppliers for lithographs, etchings, contempor-
           tions; Joseph Beuys, Portable case in polythene and   937 0804).                    ary prints etc., for this part of the UK since 1957.
           plastic felt.                             Pop artists, especially Richard Hamilton and David   Ikon Ltd., Swallow Street, Birmingham i (Tel.
           Bear Lane, 6 Bear Lane, Oxford OXI 4EJ    Hockney. Prices £25.00-£500.00.           021 643 0708).
           (Tel. 0865-49280).                        De Vorzon, 7441 N. La Cienega Boulevard, Los   Contemporary prints. Prices 30p to £3000.
           Over 700 prints in stock, of which up to 300 are now   Angeles, California 90069.   Hundred Acres, 45 West Broadway, New York
           displayed in a wall-hanging unit. Prices £2.00480.00.   Original graphics by the Masters.   10012 (Tel. 212 533-2250).
           Bertha Schaefer, 41 East 57th Street, New   Dickerson Larkin, 6 Queens Mansions, 23o   Pace Graphics, 32 East 57th Street, New York,
           York 10022. (Tel. 755 333o).              West End Lane, London NW6. (Tel. 01-242   N.Y. 10022.
           Painting and sculptures of the twentieth century.   5270, 01-435 8156).             Prints by Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Stella.
           Sole representative in North America for the etched   Private dealers in original prints (Dine, Hamilton,   Jack Glenn Gallery, 2831 East Coast Highway,
           Inguru series of the Spanish artist, Eduardo Chillida.   Hockney). £15.00-£650.00.   Corona Del Mar, Orange County, California,
                                                     Don Quixote, 4 Seymour Place, WI (Tel. 01-262
           Betty Parsons, 24 West 57th Street, New York,                                       92625.
           (Tel. CI 7480).                           9111).                                    Current stock includes: Robert Rauschenberg-Earth
           Prints by George Libermann, Porter, etc.   Spanish graphics, engravings and lithography.   Day 1970, lithograph with collage; Jasper Johns-
           Brusberg, 3000 Hannover, Friedrichswall 13 im   Dresdnère, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5,   Souvenir 1970; Andy Warhol, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy
           Kubus, Germany (Tel. 05 I I 23574).       Canada (Tel. (416) 923-4662).             Lichtenstein, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg etc.
           Gallery editions of Gerhard Altenbourg, Hartmut von   Braque, Chagall, Ciry, Clave, etc.   Jefferson Place, 2,44 P Street, NW, Washington,
           Altrock, Dieter Asmus, Werner Berges, Hans-Jurgen   Drian, 5-7 Porchester Place, W2 (Tel. 01-723   DC 20037 (Tel. 202 293-1655).
           Diehl, Winifred Gaul, Fritz Genkinger, Camille   9473).                             Involved with artists who live and work in Washington
           Graeser, Erich Hauser, Marvin Israel, Bernard Jager,   Twentieth-century artists in limited editions:   Kasmin, 118 New Bond Street, WIY ODQ (Tel.
           Alex Katz, Jens Lausen, Arnold Leissler, Werner   Alexanco, Bellany, Berlewi, Crozier, etc.   01-629 2821-2).
           Nöfer, Wolfgang Oppermann, Wolfgang Petrick, etc.   Dunkelman, 15 Bedford Road, Toronto 5,   Graphics by England and American artists. Prices
           Buchholz, 8 Munich 22, Maximilianstrasse 29   Ontario (Tel. 924-7339).              from £40.00.
           (Tel. (0811) 29 88 41).                   Distributors of Gemini and Abrams originals and   Kovler, 952 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
           Wide selection of graphics. Prices DM 40-2000.   full range of Picasso.             Illinois 60611 (Tel. 642-842o).
           Bykert, 24 East 8ist Street, New York (Tel. 988   Editions Alecto of America, 276 Park   Master prints from sixteenth to twentieth century.
           522o).                                    Avenue South, New York City mow (Tel. 533   Kümmel, 5 Cologne 41, Maarweg 15, Germany
           David Novros, Dorothea Rockburne, Ralph   449o).                                    (Tel. 49 45 43).
           Humphrey, Bill Bollinger, Deborah Remington,   Editions Alecto graphics and multiples.   Contemporary artists. Prices from DM 4.
          Brice Marden, Michael Snow, Jan Dibbets, Chuck   Everyman Cinema Foyer, Holly Bush Vale,   2 Lambolle Road, London NW3 (Tel. 01-794
          Close, Peter Gourfain, Bob Duran.          NW3 (Tel. 01-435 4071).                   4247).
          Colophon, Piazza Cavour 1, Milan 20121 (Tel.   Graphic artists mostly from Hampstead. 5-30 gns.   Kokoschka, Klimt, etc. reproductions of 1920
          65o 090).                                  Folio Fine Arts Ltd., 6 Stratford Place, WI   drawings by Klimt.
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