Page 78 - Studio International - June 1971
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Leicester,  22a Cork Street, WI (Tel. 01-4378995).   Motif Editions, 35 Connaught Street, W2 (Tel.   Redfern, 20 Cork Street, WI (Tel. 01-734 1732).
     Bonnard, Buhot, Craig, John, Maillol, Matisse,   01-734 0484).                      Large collection of original twentieth-century prints.
     Sicken, Tissot, Whistler, etc. Prices £10.00-£2,500.00   Gallery for Motif Editions of 58 Frith Street, Wi.   Reese Palley, 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco,
     Leslie Waddington Prints Ltd., 34 Cork    Lithographs/prints/posters by Aldridge, Braque,   California 941o8 (Tel. 433-0818).
     Street WI (Tel. 734 1719).                Caulfield, Chwast, English, Glaser, Harrison,   Now houses within the Frank Lloyd Wright Building
     Mostly sell prints edited by themselves. Includes   Hockney, Jones Lindner, Maddison, Miró, Phillips.   representative works by such artists as Avery, Chagall,
     prints by Annesley, Blake, Bush, Caulfield,   Neuendorf, 2 Hamburg 4, Feldstrasse, Hoch-  Ernst, Magritte, Paolozzi, Picasso and also a large
     Denny, Hodgkin, Hoyland, Lynn, Le Corbusier,   haus 1. (Tel. 43 59 66 and 43 59 68); also 5   selection of contemporary American artists.
     Leger, Monro, Nicholson, Ovenden, Scott, Richard   Köln 1, Lindenstrasse 20 (Tel. 21 93 3o).   Régence, rue de la Régence 13, Brussels moo
     Smith, Trevelyan, Tucker, Turnbull.       Prints by Arman, Abrahams, Bell, Bengston,   (Tel. 12 13 53).
     Lisson, 68 Bell Street, WI (Tel. 01-262 1539).   Goode, Graham, Davis, Dine, Lichtenstein, Jones,   Prints by Belgeonne, Braque, Chagall, etc.
     Lisson publications; Sol LeWitt screenprints,   Johns, Hamilton, Hockney, Holland, Kitaj, Olden-  René Block, D moo Berlin 16, Schaperstrasse II
     Don Judd screenprints and woodcuts, Palermo etch-  burg, Ruscha, Rauschenberg, Self, Sedgley, etc.   (Tel. 211 31 45 U. 24 64 10).
     ings, John Hilliard photographs-Red Coat/Blue Room   New Art Centre, 41 Sloane Street, SWI (Tel.   Lithographs, films by Beuys, Brehmet, Dietrich,
     series, and editions of black and white photographs;   01-235 5844).                Hodicke, Polek, etc. Prices of René Block Editions
     prints by Ian Hamilton Finlay and D.S.H.   Large selection of cheaper-priced lithographs and   DM 8-1200.
     London Arts, 22 New Bond Street, WI (Tel.   prints. Recently published lithographs by Sandra   Savage, 65 Old Brompton Road, SW7 (Tel. o1-
     01-493 0646).                             Blow and Kenneth Rowntree, and three by John   589 7495).
     Major works by leading graphic artists of the   Hubbard. Prices from £5-25.         Benjamin, Braque, Chagall, Clarke, Dabrowski, Dali,
     sixteenth-twentieth centuries. Provides an advisory   Nicholas Treadwell, 36 Chiltern Street, WI   Dufy, Leger, Markson, Miró, Picasso, Slater, etc.
     service to industry.                      (Tel. 01-486 1414).                       Prices £12-300.
     Lords, 26 Wellington Road, NW8 9SP (Tel. o1-  Prints by contemporary artists from Do.   Richard Demarco, 8 Melville Crescent, Edin-
     722   4444).                              Obelisk, 15 Crawford Street, WI (Tel. 01-486   burgh EH3 7NB (Tel. 031-226 6302).
     Specialize in original posters of the period 189o-1968:   9821). Graphics by Bellmer.   Extensive range of prints and lithographs by young
     Bonnard, Cheret, Ensor, Gesmar, Lautrec, Mucha.                                     Scottish printmakers and other artists.
     World War I and II, film, theatre, Art Nouveau, Art   Old Bakehouse, Six Bells Lane, Sevenoaks,   Rowan, 31a Bruton Place, Berkeley Square,
     Deco, etc. Also Meckseper prints.         Kent, (Tel. 0732-53502).                  London WI (Tel. 01-493 3727).
     Lumley Cazalet Ltd., 24 Davies Street, WI   Specialize in all forms of contemporary graphic arts.   Graphics by gallery artists.
     (Tel. 01-499 5058).                       Oxford, 23 High Street, Oxford OXI 4AH (Tel.
     Limited editions of signed, original lithographs,   0865-42731).                    RWS Royal Society of Painters-Etchers and
     etchings and woodcuts, of twentieth century. Prices   Wide range of new editioned graphics from   Engravers, 26 Condiut Street, WI (Tel. 01-493
     from £5.00.                               European, USA and Japanese sources. Specialised   5436).
     Maeght, 13 rue de Teheran, Paris 8e. (Tel. 387   exhibitions include The Mezzotint, Inkless Prints,   Living etchers and engravers. Prices £5-3o.
                                               Woodblocks.                               Sala Pelaires, Pelaires 63 -Palma de Mallorca
     Graphics from sixteenth to twentieth century.   Pace Editions, 115 East 23rd Street, New York   (Spain).
     Maltzahn Ltd., 3 Cork Street, WI (Tel. 01-437   City 10010 (Tel. (212) 673 6717.    Graphics by Mire', Dali, Picasso etc.
                                               The exclusive New York dealer in graphics published
     6851).                                    by Pace Editions. Monthly exhibits by Albers, Bell,   S. Ben Wargin, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 3o
     Original lithographs by Beer, Bicat, Dickson, Dos                                   Europea-Centre, Germany (Tel. 392 6049).
                                               Indiana, Kruchenick, Lukin, Nevelson, Oldenburg,
     Santos, Francis Kelly, Koster, P. Sutton, Trevelyan,   Olitski, Paolozzi, Samaras, Spalatin, Torva, Vasarely,   Graphics of Edition Hake and multiples.
     etc. Prices £9-30.                        Warhol, and Youngerman. List Art Posters. Catalogue   Schroll-Presse, 1051 Vienna, Spengerstrasse 37
     Mansard, Heal's, 196 Tottenham Court Road,   is available by mail for  $2.00.       (Tel. 57 65 22/3).
     WIA IBJ (Tel. 01-636 1666).               Park Square Gallery, 57 St. Paul's Street,   Contemporary graphics of Austrian artists.
     Aitchison, Armitage, Auerbach, Bayer, Bhaysar, Burn,                                Schwarz, Via Gesu 17, Milan 20121 (Tel.
     Capograssi, Chadwick, Clapham, B. Cohen.,   Leeds LSI 2TE (Tel. 0532-26421).        709-024).
     H. Cohen, Cosagra, d'Arcangelo, Dorazio, Evans,   A large selection of lithographs, prints and etchings.   Adami, Albers, Alechinsky, Alviani, Archipenko,
     Erni, Genovés, Gottlieb, Herman, House, Kitaj.   Pascal, 104 Yorkvill Avenue, Toronto 5,   Arman, etc. £50.00-£1800.00.
     Marlborough Graphics, 17/18 Old Bond street,   Canada (Tel. 922-7621).              Sears Vincent Price, 140 East Ontario Street,
     WI (Tel. 01-529 5161).                    Specializing in Canadian printmakers.     Chicago, Illinois 60611 (Tel. 265-6176).
     Mark, 9 Porchester Place, Marble Arch, W2.   Peter Deitsch, 24 East 81st Street, New York   Graphics from sixteenth to twentieh century.
     (Tel. 01-262 4906).                       10028 (Tel. (212) 737 8000).              Sheviock nr Torpoint, East Cornwall (Tel. 050
     Original colour lithographs and etchings, by Appel,   Major nineteenth- and twentieth-century original   33 264).
     Bellmer, Chagall, Calder, Dali, Lam, Max, Miró,   prints. World agent for the estate of George Grosz.   Selection of prints including Currell, Gray, Hepworth,
     Picasso, Verses, etc. From £15.00.        Peterloo, 33a Brown Street, Manchester M2   Lanyon, Nicholson, Nolan, Pasmore, Piper,
     M'Arte Gallery, Via G. Fara 4, Milan (Tel. 66   2JN (Tel. 061-834 7944).            Sutherland, Wood etc. Prices £10-110.
     97 26).                                   Contemporary lithographs, etchings and screenprints.   M. E. Thelen, 43 Essen, Saarbrücker Strasse 36,
     Prints by well-known Italian and international   by Frink, Sutton, Davie, Adams, Zadkine, Rowell, E.   (Tel. 248 44 53).
     artists: Alechinsky, Baj, Bellmer, Burri, Chaissac,   Bawden, Herman, Stapleton, Daniels, Hedegaad,   Graphics includes : Abrahams, Denny, Dine Fangor,
     Corneille, Dali, de Chirico, Delaunay.    Machin, Jaques, Trevelyan, Sprague, Hewinson,   Fontana, Geiger, Graham, Hamilton, Jacquet, Johns,
     Martha Jackson Graphics, 32 East 69th Street,   Koster, Hermes, Gable, David, Curwen prints, etc.   Judd, Kanovitz, Kitaj, Krushenik, Laing, Lichten-
     New York City 10021 (Tel. 212 YU 8 1800).   Phyllis King Gallery, 226 East Ontario,   stein, Morris, Morley, Nesbitt, Poons, Rauschenberg,
     Contemporary graphics by American and European   Chicago, Illinois 60611 (Tel. 312 642 63o2).   Rosenquist, Rot, Segal, Stella, Vasarely, Warhol,
     artists such as Tapies, Dine, Francis, Tobey,   Handles all prints from Gemini and Pace publishing   Wesselmann, d'Arcangelo, Indiana.
     Hundertwasser, Pomodoro.                  houses. Also sixties master graphics, drawings etc.   Tibor de Nagy Gallery Inc., 29 W 57 NYC
     Mayfair, 100 New Bond Street, London W1Y   Monthly shows by leading American artists, and real   10019 (Tel. 421-3780).
     9LF. (Tel. 01-629 5454).                  Chicago Art-Hairy Who.                    Published own editions of serigraphs by Walter
     Graphics by Boshier, Bengston, Dine, Goode, Denny,   Piccadilly, 61a Cork Street, WI (Tel. 01-629   Darby Bannard and Robert Goodnough. In stock, Ken
     Efrat, Graham, Hamilton, Johns, Milow, Lichenstein,   2875).                        Bowman, Rosemarie Castoro, Peter Reginato, the
     Oldenburg, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, Ruscha,Segal,   English and Continental artists. Prices from £10.   estate of John Altoon, Stanley Boxer and David Budd.
     Tremlett, Warhol, Vasarely, Youngerman.   Poster Originals Ltd., 16 East 78th Street, New   van Straaten, 235 East Ontario Street, Chicago,
     Michael Walls, 561 Clay Street, San Francisco   York City 10021 (Tel. (212) 861 0422).   Illinois 60611 (Tel. 312-642 2900).
     94111.                                    American and European art posters. Environmental   Contemporary graphics, and European and
     Prints by Darby Bannard, Jasper Johns, Donald   graphics by Rauschenberg and Richard Lindner.   American fine-art posters.
     Kaufman, and Gabor Peterdi; specializing in prints   Printmakers Workshop, 46 Victoria Street,   Walter Engel, 2100 Bathurst Street, Suite I 13,
     by the major Los Angeles artists, including Terry   Edinburgh EH1 2JW (Tel. 031-225 1098).   Toronto to, Ontario, Canada (Tel. (416) 781-
    Allen, John Altoon, Joe Goode, Kenneth Price, Ed   Print gallery and open workshop in lithography and
     Ruscha, and Stephan von Huene.            etching; editioning service available on request.   Specializes in European and Latin American (plus
     Mikro, I Berlin 12 Camerstrasse 1, Germany   exhibitions alternate with changing selection of   some USA) graphics: Apr, Calder, Chagall, Cuevas,
     (Tel. (0311) 315865).                     contemporary Scottish graphics in limited editions.   Matta, Mire', Moore, Ortega, Siqueiros, Tamayo etc.
     Akrithakis, Alt, Caulfield, Denny, Dine, Hockney, etc.   Printshop, Prinsengracht 845, Amsterdam (Tel.   William Weston, to Albermarle Street, WI
     Moos Ltd., 138 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto 5,   33 96 56).                            (Tel. 01-493 0722).
     Ontario Canada (Tel. (416) 922-0627).     Extensive collection of modern graphic art featuring   Specialist dealers in fine nineteenth- and twentieth-
    Original lithographs and serigraphs.       important Dutch graphic artists.          century collectors prints: Bonnard, Corot, Crome,
     Galeria Juana Mordó, Villanueva 7, Madrid I   Quay, 2 Jerome Alley, San Francisco, California   Delacroix, Matisse, Munch, Picasso, Renoir,
     (Tel. 225 1172).                          (Tel. (415) 392 5532).                    Whistler, etc. Monthly catalogues of new acquisitions
     Spanish modern art.                       Lithographs produced at the Collectors Press studios.   on subscription. Prices £5.00-£1,500.00.
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