Page 56 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 56

phrase 'building a bridge' also, in the final   accurately be described as being with the   form of writings, pictures, and buildings are
    analysis, functions ostensively if no other   examination and construction of formal   considered. Thus, the recognition depends upon
    information is supplied.                  systems independently of empirical references.   the manifestation and the documentation of the
       There is, then, a sense in which both abstract   The orthodox line of abstract art is to hold all   object in question."
    art and 'operationally ostensive' post-minimal   use of conventional signs to be 'literary'. It need   Meaning is not something which resides
    art place the percipient in almost identical   hardly be pointed out that the function of   within an object but is a function of the way in
    situations-he is simply presented with an object   common signs in academic painting is very   which that object fits into a particular context.
    upon which he may impose entirely his own   different from the use of those (schematized)   Any given context may 'activate' differently in
    interpretation.4  What is left to subjective   signs in Analytic Cubism, which was no more   regard to any number of different objects;
    interpretation in 'ostensive' art is what is being   `about' bottles than Impressionism was 'about'   conversely, it is literally as 'meaningful' to
    explicitly referred to in the percipient's   haystacks.                             change the context as it is to change the object.
    apprehension of the denoted object-the message   The concerns of Cubism were essentially the   In art, however, changes in the object have been
    is ambiguous. The situation may change when   phenomenological concerns more recently   more immediately effective than shifts in
    the work is not the only thing denoted but in turn   exhibited in some Minimal sculpture of the mid-  commentary.
    selectively denotes aspects of an object domain-  sixties. Sculpture of that period might appear   If we imagine, by way of analogy, an
    when it serves as a type of definite description.   more 'abstract' 7  than Cubism but it performed a   electronic circuit into which a component (X) is
       A definite description . . does not    similar didactic and demonstrative purpose-  plugged-we can change the state of that
    indicate all properties of the object, and thus   particular geometric solids, after all, are   system by a lengthy process of rewiring or we
    replace concrete perception; on the contrary, it   exemplifications of commonly held structural   can simply replace the component by (Y) which
    actually appeals to perception. Also, definite   concepts, familiar to us in diagrammatic form   has a different value. This analogy crudely
    descriptions do not even list all essential   and signified in language by equally familiar   illustrates two points : the advantage of
    characteristics, but only as many characterising   nouns. Both Minimal and Modernist sculpture   component replacement is in the speed of the
    properties as are required to recognise   are rooted in Cubism-but whereas Modernism   operation; also, this operation introduces
    unequivocally the object which is meant within   was content to elaborate the given sign system,   information from outside the system. (Superior
    the object domain under discussion.'5     with only the most residual regard for its (once)   speed is a characteristic advantage enjoyed by
    Obviously, a definite description must be framed   referential function, Minimal sculpture   intuitive, 'insight', modes of apprehension, over
    in a commonly understood system of signs. A   represents a continuity of focus on the referent   discursive modes-which would infer that art is
    look at the types of definite description which   with a consequent revision of the sign system in   exclamatory rather than declamatory. The
    can be transmitted by the sign systems used in   the interests of a more explicit denotation of   second point is made re 'significant' art.)
    art may help determine another issue, that of the   what is attended to in the given object domain.   If we expand the analogy and consider our
    type and degree of abstraction valid in art.   The accusation, 'literary', has again been   circuit as functioning within a complex of
       Carnap established a hierarchy of types of   levelled against that recent art in which the   discrete but mutually affective circuits, then we
    description in the ascending order, property   signs employed are those of natural language. It   have a picture of the cultural object 'are amongst
    description, relation description, structure   might help, here, to consider that the way in   other cultural objects within the overall
    description:                               which natural language is used in art is more   structure of culture-as-a-whole at any given
     `A property description indicates the properties   similar to the way it is used in science than to the   time and place.
    which the individual objects of a given    way it is used in literature. In the 'scientific   Levi-Strauss has distinguished between
    domain have, while a relation description   method', hypotheses are formed, observations   individual and collective creation. The former
    indicates the relations which hold between these   made, and conclusions reached from which   being the attempt in Western societies to form
    objects, but does not make any assertions about   further hypotheses may be extrapolated. Any   `private languages'  9  for the description of objects
    the objects as individuals'; (structure descriptions   part of this rationalist-empiricist spiral may be   in order that describing may become
    are a type of relation description but) . . unlike   linguistically communicated. Language here is   appropriating, and with the result that art
    relation descriptions, these not only leave the   seen as, ideally, an inert tool. In the case of   becomes at best hermetic and at worst academic.
     properties of the individual elements of the   natural language, what passive qualities it has   Collective creation, on the other hand, observed
     range unmentioned, they do not even specify the   are reinforced by the introduction of   in certain 'primitive' societies, involves the
     relations themselves which hold between these   unambiguous technical terms (metaphor may   formation of rule-governed semantic systems,
     elements. In a structure description, only the   intrude, as in 'wave' in physics, but semantic   commonly employed and understood, for the
     structure of the relation is indicated . . . They   drift is controlled by specific commonly   signification of objects accessible to the
     form the highest level of formalisation and   agreed technical applications, so it is not in   community as a whole.
     dematerialisation' .6                     doubt that there is a difference between what is   If we may take the word 'object' here to static
     At one level, the difference between      meant by 'wave' in 'sound-wave' and in 'light-  for anything about which a statement may be
     Impressionism and Analytic Cubism may be   wave'). Language to science, then, is purely   made, so that 'objects' are not only
     seen as a difference between a concern with   instrumental. This is much closer to current   substantial things but may be states-of-mind,
     property descriptions in the former case and   usage in art than are traditional literary concerns   mythical entities, properties and classes of
     relation descriptions in the latter. Implicit in the   with expressive ambiguities of language.   things, then we might in principle debate the
     claims which have been made for abstract art is   Some confusion has also arisen in regard to   extent to which generally accessible objects have
     the assumption that its concern is somehow with   what has been seen as a blurring of the   been, and are being, signified by Western art
     structure descriptions. However, art abdicated   distinction between 'are and 'criticism'. On one   in a more or less accessible manner.
     its candidacy for this sort of function when it   hand this, rather simple-mindedly, recognises   Predominently, though, studies in art tend to be
     ceased to use any commonly understood signs;   the fact that both work and comment use the   conducted along the historical axis rather than
     that is to say, when the marks it employed   same system of signs, and on the other hand   within the plane of simultaneous cultural events
     consistently lay outside any language, natural or   acknowledges the symbiotic nature of the two   contemporary with the study and 'pierced' by
     artificial. But if this type and degree of   activities.                            that axis. As a result, explanations of art are
     abstraction is really to be considered the highest   `We ascertain the religion of a given society   almost invariably historical and we therefore
     aspiration- of arti then our greatest artists are the   through representations, emotions, thoughts;   speak of art's evolution, anch of 'revolutions' in
     same individuals as our greatest mathematicians   volition of a religious sort which occur with the   art, when we might equally well describe art's
     and logicians, whose concerns may most    members of this society; also, documents in the    mutations, brought about by extra-disciplinary
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